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About pox11223

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  1. pox11223

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    a couple of these things ( in my opinion) are good ideas but everyone will have their issue on certain changes and suggestions from other video games. Out of the other zombie games out there, still dayz seems to be different than the others. plus if you really think about it every game out there has its differences and its flaws. obviously when dayz started it was definitely not as it is now. once the SA comes out it will definitely not be as glitchy as it was in the beginning as well as now. however, there will always be some games out there that will pick some ideas that dayz has and dayz will pick right back. All im saying is that there are certain boundaries that should not be crossed in video games that make that game unique. if the Resident evil series had some sort of weight indicator (combining the inventory space you can hold your items in), everyone would be pissed about not carrying their infinite rocket launchers with their favorite smg. say Doom 3 had a reflection for when you took out the flashlight, i think literally everything would shine back at you ( this is aiming towards being blinded when you walk into a house that reflects the light back at you, not a good idea/ in RL if light bounces a certain way you cant partially see :P) literally what im saying is lets not suggest anything that we may regret latter on. make believe its the three wishes from a genie that is a con artist. wish the genie away and to never use the last 2 wishes for anything
  2. pox11223

    Looking for team/group +3 GMT

    hey if you dont mind me asking, would you guys be interested on playing on a private hive server? me and a bunch of my friends back on survival union are looking for some new guys to play with as well as active players who wont mind playing in teams we have a ts 3 server as well as a forum at http://www.survivalunion.com/ w/ rules and etiquette. we also have random events occuring like the xmas giveaway where random tents are on the map and a general location is given for you to find it! as of right now i think the server does not have a lock so you can join away but making a forum name will keep you updated on everything we do especially if we decide to lock the server for a few. i dont think timezone will exactly effect who you will see on the server, theres usually at least 4 other players on whenever im on as well as 5 other people on the dayz ts. If you decide to join i hope to see you guys soon for i may join your group :) if not GL surviving
  3. hey if you dont mind me asking, would you guys be interested on playing on a private hive server? me and a bunch of my friends back on survival union are looking for some new guys and i was thinking small gathering like you guys wouldnt mind playing w/ us. we have a ts 3 server as well as a forum at http://www.survivalunion.com/ w/ rules and etiquette. we also have random events occuring like the xmas giveaway where random tents are on the map and a general location is given for you to find it! as of right now i think the server does not have a lock so you can join away but making a forum name will keep you updated on everything we do especially if we decide to lock the server for a few. also, i have some tricks up my sleeve that i can show you guys where players are :P the hint is something always is around your character. GL all surviving :)
  4. :) gotta love the random things you guys say on TS/ random events that occur on the server
  5. pox11223

    Standalone: Ammo crafting tables

    sounds like something that came out of fallout new vegas where you need a perk to make ammo w/ tin cans xD but ya in a real life survival situation i dont think ill be finding good casings anywhere or gun powder just lying around unless they invent in-game a gun store that has these things. btw also you do realize youll need to find the bullet top itself to put in the casing which will probably require going into the zombie you shot and somehow pulling out the bullets to make a new bullet. this also requires you to find a primer (the thing the gun hits to make the fuse go off) if the shell doesnt have one :/ the whole thing would be too complicated in my opinon
  6. i dont even know how to make a app and so far you made one thats pretty good on no budget and no knowledge of the coding you have my beans and my vote for anything ^_^
  7. ok i will when they do. im not sure if the topic will be the same or if it will be there but hopefully itll be up somewhere. also if you do that idea your gonna need it to be in cyrllic or w/e the language is in the map too. it would make finding towns much easier for people who dont have a map in dayz and with the app all you have to do is type a few of the letters to see a list of what towns/citys are called where you can pick the right choice and itll show you in any way you choose from like a yellow line around what the town is or something like that :) it will probably be hard doing the coding but i know for sure it will be the first map to have a search on towns and not typical items you can find
  8. i hear it from a forum on gamingexp.com as of right now they are down and searching for a new domain but the topic they were covering was the best way to get a map while still in game where ingame you dont have a map but you have the town name. think that was the topic if im correct
  9. the idea for it to be one death and kicked like a minecraft hardcore map sounds a bit over the top. if you really want to experience the 1 life thing literally imagine it like i do, count the hours, how much items you get and how long your able to control a area. once thats over you repeat and try to beat your record unless hackers come on to spawn a car and rush at you... overall, it sounds like a good idea but should be implemented by the player not the server. also the one week tournament play would be a good idea but what about a 1 day tournament where you literally have to come into the server at 12:00am and stay on one straight day. if its not a DM you estimate how much "money" they made in terms of value of anything they were able to hoard including where ever they placed their hoarded items such as a big industrial house or a stockade of tents in the woods. if its a DM you have that one day to kill whoever else is on the map. once there are 4 hours left of the day to insure a winner, everyone must go to the smallest town on the map and pit war against each other with the weapons they found. before anyone comments on my tournament idea please go make a different thread and somehow invite the people already talking about it to go on to & talk about their ideas.. it was a pain in the but to read 2/3 different conversations without being overwhelmed to comment on another idea different than the OP
  10. so just wondering.. can any of you lift a engine or a rotor and actually lug it for 5 miles and then somehow put the dam thing on where the car/heli will work? no? ya i cant either, think the game has enough realism in terms of what the player can hold and what knowledge the player magically has. Never heard of a bag that carries three jerry cans and a AS50 that looks like a Alice bag either <_<
  11. pox11223

    Oh now this is a zombie survival game!

    well this is a mod for amra which is a "military survival simulator" so it would make sense if its called a ZSS, Zombie Survival Simulator
  12. pox11223

    How seasons would help DayZ Game.

    true, but then again its just a idea & its pretty hard to do but it has a huge outcome to how players look at the game
  13. pox11223

    heat stroke!

    from what you described that would be either a heat cramp or heat exhaustion. a heat stroke is literally a threat to ones life which would literally sound like in this game what happens when you out of resources or your surrounded by zombies. the difference between a heat cramp and heat stroke is that your muscles will hurt (not being able to sprint) where as the stroke will over heat your body, make you pass out and with enough time to go by, death. from what i recall from my first aid/cpr class the symptoms of a heat stroke and how you would get one are the same as a heat cramp or heat exhaustion. it would sound better if the idea is implemented in stages similar to how you get a sickness in this game. first you get cold and then you get sick. With the heat stroke/cramp it would make sense if it goes through stages like so: 1. your body starts losing more water than usual. 2. at a certain point where the water is not blinking but it is red, your characters body should start breathing more heavily and start slowing down. 3. eventually your character because of how thirsty and fatigued you are will pass out. 4. if you dont find medical attention after a few moments of getting up your character will fall over again and eventually die. In my honest opinon i dont like the idea because out of the many ways i travel the main way is by walking/running. unless it is possible for the desert maps or chernarus to gain more ponds or places to refill water, you will find a lot more people dying but then again this is a simulator of real life. in real life there are more than just the few ways to die in this game especially if in real life a door opening will not break your legs and eventually make you bleed to death :)
  14. pox11223

    How seasons would help DayZ Game.

    sounds like a pretty good idea and like you said it would take a pretty long time till this idea could be implemented to the game. however everyone has their own preference to the game such as a winter map or a spring map. with the new standalone coming out it would seem fair to have three or four different main maps that all have 4 different settings on them in terms of seasons, 1. no season 2. season changing every week 3. season changing every 2/3 weeks and 4. seasons changing every month. reason why 4 is a month long is because it seems to fly by in my opinion pretty quick especially when your still in school (college for me). the extreme for this though would literally be one full cycle of the year season where it can go into more detail as to having the same features that the server area is having. So lets say for example there is a NY server and a Michigan server. NY just got hit with snow during the winter time where as Michigan never got hit with snow. The servers would literally mirror what ever time zone/ area it is in indicating that when its dark and there are thunderstorms going on in the area, the server will be dark and have thunderstorms as long as your on a server that is reflected by your area. At the same time community's within states or country's will want to band together to buy servers that reflect their time zone so they can witness a "life like simulator" as to surviving in the same conditions they see right outside their door frame. The only way this could work though is if the servers go to a "hive" similar to how our characters are saved but those hives are seperated because each one follows the news in that area indicating how the servers will be able to change.
  15. Just downloaded the app after reading on a different forum about it and then came here to tell you from just about 2 min looking into the database i already learned something new about dayz. thanks for making this app again, no more studying a map before i set out near the NW for a secure path