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I would love to be able to kidnap people, perhaps tie them up and drag them with a bag on their head so they can't see where you are taking them, i know it would be used to grief many players but i long to be able to drag would-be bandits back to my lair.

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make them drop their weapon and shoot their legs.. i thing when they are prone the drag function is available

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As everyone said, shoot in the legs, fix 'em up, repeat.

But the difficult thing is finding someone who won't log off.

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As everyone said, shoot in the legs, fix 'em up, repeat.

But the difficult thing is finding someone who won't log off.

Ah you're right.

Never though of that in this instance, since I've heard a few stories where the player just stayed there talking, or yelling in the mic to please stop, or something along those lines. Slipped my mind!

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You should be able to knock people unconscious by whacking them with the butt of your rifle. I would love to sneak up on some snipers, give em a whacking and then load their unconscious bodies into my truck and head for the hills. ALSO, on a COMPLETELY UNRELATED NOTE, you should be able to light people on fire.

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haha, i didn't think about just making them drop their weapon and drag them away, im going to have to add that to my list of tortures to use on bandits

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I would love to be able to kidnap people, perhaps tie them up and drag them with a bag on their head so they can't see where you are taking them, i know it would be used to grief many players but i long to be able to drag would-be bandits back to my lair.

and do what with them! :o

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As everyone said, shoot in the legs, fix 'em up, repeat.

But the difficult thing is finding someone who won't log off.


I got knocked out by a hacker one time, when I woke I tried having a conversation with him, he just teleported me to the water. :(

Edited by Beanus

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I actualy got kidnaped in dayz about a week ago^^ they where hackers with chopper ofcourse. First they found me one time. I logged out and waited awhile. Then loged back in. They where gone, so i started to move again. 2min later they found me again and killed me. I loged out, changed my nick and logged back inn. 3min later i herd the chopper again. It bearly tuched the ground 150m infront of me before 3 guys had surrounded me screaming get down on the ground. I thought about logging out again, but since i had just spawned, i said to myself that ididnt have anything to loose. They forced me into the chopper and flew me up to stary sabor and showed me a tent with some gear. Never seen them again after that. Was great fun:)

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its a good idea. but the thing with this idea is that people are not interested in that type of play. they prefer to just kill people and get their kill count up thinking they are playing COD in a survival game in a zombie appocolyps

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It would be cool to be able to take people with out having to shoot them.

That way i can put people in a house and put zombies in there.

Me gusta this idea.


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