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Hiding bodies a Dick move?

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Realism, schmealism.

If I could put the body in a pile of garbage, I would. If I could chop up the body and feed it to zeds, I would. If I could throw the body into a lake without triggering a swim animation, I would (and then you'd all get zombie blood poisoning, so that'd be gross). If I could set the body on fire, I would. If I could cover the body with leaves, I would.

Instead, all I can do is click "hide dead body." Oh well, work with what you got.

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No. Perfectly legit I think. I would do the exact same. The less weapons you have, the less of a threat you are to me.


No. Perfectly legit I think. I would do the exact same. The less weapons you have, the less of a threat you are to me.

Well if you found 3 players died would you hide thier bodies and wait for them to come? just to kill them? cuz the idiot that looted and killed me was if you didn't yell out FRIENDLY! FRIENDLY he killed you i just got shot the first time he saw me plus he had terrible aim out of 40 shots he hit me once i was in the open btw.

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How is it a dick move preventing high tier dupers from getting their gear right back? Go to your dupe tents and gear back up like everyone else who's been playing for more than a month.

who said we were dupers? we didn't even have a camp set up..... we found it in cherno fixed it than headed north east just because a group of players has a vehicle doesn't mean they have a camp

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I wouldn't care as long as the buzzing wasn't there. Currently it is there so i do think its a dick move.

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depends on the situation.

but i do think it should be removed from the game. or rather, i think you should need an entrenching tool and 5 minutes to dig a bloody grave.

I don't mind hiding bodies, I just wish hiding a corpse meant dragging it off somewhere secluded rather than just magically making it sink into the ground.

Have my beans

But yeah I think a combination of the two would be more appropriate, even with an entrenching tool you shouldn't be able to simply hide a corpse anywhere. Say in addition to requiring a tool you needed to drag the body to soft ground, because I'd love to see someone dig through concrete/asphalt with only a shovel.

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So, the reasoning why it's a dick move is because you want your pixels back? The ones you couldn't hold onto in the first place?

As if, there won't possibly be an overwatch of your body for that exact same reason?

I look at hiding bodies as a service. Not only for myself, but for you, the victim.

Look at it this way, when you don't see your body mass in the distance. But, you were sure that was the spot. I just did you a service. I am probably on the other side in a relatively new and secure position waiting to jack yet another player. You are safe. You should honestly consider yourself lucky.

In turn, I too am safer because I eliminated any possible threat you posed to me.

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"Hide body" needs to be taken out of this game.

Think about it in real life terms. What are you going to do, just make a peson's body disappear? Are you going to melt down his gear so nobody else can take it?

It makes no sense. This game is supposed to be realistic. You can't just make bodies disappear in real life.

realistically you would try and hide a body in what ever mean you can if you think it will alert others to your position. true you can make someone body just sink into the ground in real life. but do you really think game devs are going to go to the trouble of putting in and animating every possible way to hide a body in real life? sink body into ground is as close as you'll get to burying a person or hiding them in a suitcase.

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I always hide the bodies if they have high tier gear. Once I'm done with them I figure I'll do my bit to get rid of those weapons out of the game...

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If I'm moving from the area immediately, I leave the body. If I'm sticking around, I hide every body and despawn every weapon I come across. Or leave them out in the open as bait, depending on the circumstance.

Edited by xFortune

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For the people saying its unrealistic, would you prefer we have the option to burn your rotten meat if we have a Box of Matches ? You died, your shit is gone, deal with it.

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They should have bodies slowly disappear as zombies eat them. Want to dispose of a body? Just drag it into the street and lure some zombies to it, magic burials are lame.

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So, the reasoning why it's a dick move is because you want your pixels back? The ones you couldn't hold onto in the first place?

As if, there won't possibly be an overwatch of your body for that exact same reason?

I look at hiding bodies as a service. Not only for myself, but for you, the victim.

Look at it this way, when you don't see your body mass in the distance. But, you were sure that was the spot. I just did you a service. I am probably on the other side in a relatively new and secure position waiting to jack yet another player. You are safe. You should honestly consider yourself lucky.

In turn, I too am safer because I eliminated any possible threat you posed to me.

Why the meed to justify hiding the body or trying to make it sound nice in the first place? You killed the person no need to be nice after the fact. I just own the act and say I not only killed you but I then hid your body. I expect the same treatment on death and only look for my body if it is not out of the way.

Edited by Zombie Jesus

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It makes no sense. This game is supposed to be realistic. You can't just make bodies disappear in real life.

Says a guy who can sprint with a rotor assembly and an engine block in his backpack (at the same time)...if realism is what you are after, you are playing the wrong game. Not to mention being able to loot your own body, now THAT'S some realistic shit right there...

Edited by SystemiK

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Quit bitching. Dead bodies are noticable and I don't want to be noticed...there's a reason I steer clear of towns if I see any of them.

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Hiding bodies is a waste of time.. By the time someone stumbles across it.. I'd be long gone or even logged off by the end of the day.

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I always bury the bodies, mostly out of my own delusional respect for the fallen. I like to immerse myself that way, makes me feel good.

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Usually i hide em.. when i don't, it's because i use em as bait to camp-snipe the curious ppl (or to kill the same guy multiple time coz he wants to loot his body.. until he figures that's a very bad idea).

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"Hide body" needs to be taken out of this game.

Think about it in real life terms. What are you going to do, just make a peson's body disappear? Are you going to melt down his gear so nobody else can take it?

It makes no sense. This game is supposed to be realistic. You can't just make bodies disappear in real life.

Or find hundreds of incredibly powerful weapons lying around, or repair helicopters, or run for miles without a break in full gear(ok I could - but I bet you couldn't), or hide from a zombie inside a fir tree, or.........

Let us just say that hide body involves dragging it away from the area of death and camouflaging it within a shell scrape.

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I hate the "you cant vanish a body in real life so remove it for realism" arguement as you also cant respawn and loot your dead corpse in reality either.

I hide bodies most of the time for this very reason, die and work for your kit (or find a tent to rob) not just blindly dash to the spot you died.

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I hate the "you cant vanish a body in real life so remove it for realism" arguement.

It is an excuse used to get rid of the things they deem unfit. I am guilty of using this tactic myself. Watch whenever someone wants something in game removed they'll use that or some other lame excuse.

It's those who have valid complaints that don't rely on those tactics. Just a thought!

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At the moment, there is no weapon depreciation in the game. The better weapons will be kept in circulation and become more common, regardless of duping and being scripted in.

Hiding bodies is one of the few legitimate ways to remove weapons from the game. If I'm already geared and have taken what I need, I'll usually hide the body, heck, I even hide bodies I stumble across and haven't killed. I also use my backpack to "eat" weapons I've found to deny them to others. You just need to tell an unarmed survivor that there's an AK in the firehouse, and have them find you a few minutes later and kill you with it, to start doing this.

I've no problem with the current game mechanic of sinking into the floor. If a player "dies" and respawns knowing exactly where to run to, in order to gear up again, that's just as unrealistic. By leaving the body intact, I'm also denying them the fun and adventures of having to scavenge, avoid zombies, and gearing up again, and am thus destroying their gaming experience in DayZ. So hiding the body is really doing them a favor in the long run. ;)

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Hiding bodies would be better if after you hit it the files would go away. I usually hide bodies just to cover my tracks so no one knows I was there. I wouldn't say it is a dick move either. If I kill someone then i am going to take all I can off their body and then hide it. Why would I leave some gear on a body so someone else could come grab it and possibly kill me with what I left.

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I hide bodies if they have good things on them, so I don't fully gear up some wanna-be bandit. Although, rarely do I have to kill anyone, there's a lot of nice people in DayZ, you just have to be smart with interacting with them.

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