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Bruin (DayZ)

Seperate slot for melee weapon

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Had a thought whilst hatcheting up a zombie, there really should be an extra slot available for melee weapons, you could maybe have it on a belt or something or on your back because there's not always a need to use your gun, sometimes you want to keep it quiet to not attract other zombies, also I'd like to see more of a range of weapons rather than just a hatchet, maybe add in sledge hammers found at building sites or factories, the odd rare samurai sword and baseball bats found in houses or a shop.

Thoughts and opinions from anyone's welcome.

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Had a thought whilst hatcheting up a zombie, there really should be an extra slot available for melee weapons, you could maybe have it on a belt or something or on your back because there's not always a need to use your gun, sometimes you want to keep it quiet to not attract other zombies, also I'd like to see more of a range of weapons rather than just a hatchet, maybe add in sledge hammers found at building sites or factories, the odd rare samurai sword and baseball bats found in houses or a shop.

Thoughts and opinions from anyone's welcome.

No on the samurai sword as that's a little too fantasy, but I just don't understand why I can't fling out my hatchet when it's already on my tool belt. I think that needs to be addressed and if we're going to have melee weapons, common items like baseball bats, pipes, shovels, and things of that nature should be available to use.

Edited by Marshmallow

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Me wanting a samurai sword is purely from this tbh:


Pet zombies with no arms FTW B)

It was more a suggestion about the seperate slot though to be honest, so as you can just have the axe or bat on your belt as a 3rd weapon separate from your primary and secondary.

Edited by Bruin

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"extra large tool belt" found in industrial places. Lets you have a extra weapon slot.

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Hell yes please! Why should I have to throw away the gun on my back for a hatchet that sits on my hip?! :huh: :D

100% agree.. this would be a big releif! : D

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I agree that a melee slot is needed. Too many times I've had to throw my rifle on the ground to pull out my hatchet, instead of just slinging it on my shoulder like I should be able to.

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Every useable item in your inventory should be accessible by scrolling with the F button, including hatchets and guns.

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Wow never really thought about it that much but that would be sick and you should be able to use the knife as a melle

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I've thought about this a lot too. And i honestly think it's a great idea. Another idea would be possibly attatching a knife to your weapon, almost as if a bayonet; then there won't be any need for weapon switching :)

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