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Derp Dayz (Private, - 96548, Whitelist)

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Guidez' Derp DayZ Server

'Cause every DayZ server needs some derp

Name: Derp Dayz


Port: 2302

Password: none (Whitelist)

Slots: 50

Map: Chernarus

3DP: On

Crosshair: On

Voice: On


ARMA Beta: 96584

Vehicle Count: 75

Server Location: GMT -7

Day/Night Cycle: Night once a day for ~4 hours, otherwise Day-time


Derp DayZ is run by Guidez, the down and dirty guide maker of DayZ Guidez (youtube). I've put a ton of work into the server, and so far it has payed off. The players on the server have been loving the login speed, and even high ping users have been having a great time on the server. We currently have players ranging from Australia to US to Western Europe, and all have been having great connection speeds.

Server Features:

4GB Ram

100Mbit Up/Down Un-throttled Connection

Unlimited Bandwidth

Custom Whitelist Application

Server Highlights:

Working vehicles

Working Tents

Up 24x7 except for scheduled maintenance and restarts

No hoarding off-map (Cleaned every restart)

Side Channel Chat Enabled

Database backups every 15 mintues. Widespread hack occurred? We will restore


- No ALT+F4'ing

- No Hacking or Glitch/Bug Exploiting

- No voice chatting in Side Channel

- No clan hopping (see clans below)

- Additional rules in our forums, but essentially everything else goes


We have a fully functional whitelist application. There is no password protection because of it, and it has so far been super effective in blocking unwanted attempts to gain access to the server.

Clans, Events, and Extras:

We have a fully functional forums area on the server website. Users can create their own clans, and once your clan has 4 or more members, you can have your own protected area of the forum to schedule raids, list camp sites, etc. (Note you can only be part of one clan at a time). Additionally, each clan will have their own password-protected Teamspeak channel.

We have NO hueys on this server: They have been replaced with two armored humvee's. Believe us: It has worked wonders and has added a cool goal to the server. Out of the two, only one has been found so far, as they are unmarked on the map!

A "Huey Training" instance is run as well. Once you have connected to the server, created a character, then waited for the hourly restart, your character will be in the Huey Training zone where there are around 30+ hueys. Grab one, learn to fly, have fun. Other vehicles are there for fun as well. We also plan to have a DayZ Death Match server for when you get bored.


Click the link below to get started!

Edited by Guidez
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Why would someone pay to go on you're crap server that probably has a huge ping when they could go on a free non-laggy server

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Why would someone pay to go on you're crap server that probably has a huge ping when they could go on a free non-laggy server

The only advantage might be the lack of scrippters and fresh vehicle spawns.

Which might actually make me wonder if it wouldnt be a good deal...

5 doosh is almost enough to make me consider it.

I want a fresh start on a map not emptied of vehicles and filled with cheaters.

OP, provide more info, will you?

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Sooo. you are gonna pay for a guy to give you a false sense of protetion on a free mod?

way to throw away money, as he cant promise any kind of security. He can merely do hes best to try and stop it like everyone else, and then take your money while doing it lol.

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People play on the server from Australia to western Europe and have 150 ping and no lag in game. US players get 30 to 80 ping.

The server runs Bliss, crashed vehicles are spawned every server restart, and the server is restarted every six hours. Additionally, the database is backed up every hour, so if we DID have a hacker outbreak, we can (and have) restored the database with only an hour progress lost for users.

Additionally, the server is "not like all the others" in the case of hacker mitigation. We have a custom application for whitelisting users.

Again, I'm not doing this for money. I have chip in links below the whitelist payment option, but the whitelist option goes straight to supporting te exact monthly cost of the server. A 7 day refund process is in place should the player not be satisfied with the server, granted they have no rule breaking strikes on them.

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Muduux (spell?) on the server is having 200-300 ping and saying he's not getting yellow/red link at all and no rubber-banding. Still need more concurrent users for load testing though: more worried about the cpu usage then bandwidth, but we'll just have to see!

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Why would someone pay to go on you're crap server that probably has a huge ping when they could go on a free non-laggy server

Someone is full of assumptions, aren't they. This is an excellent server, with no lag at all. Tents work, vehicles spawn and aren't hoarded off map.

If you prefer the normal lesser servers that sometimes go down permanently in a week or so, then be my guest. Enjoy very rarely seeing or obtaining vehicles, not having a properly functioning tent, not being able to shoot zombies or players due to lag, and don't forget about the hackers.

But I see your point, if I was a hacker, I would not want to have to pay for a server, then be banned too.

This is an excellent server, if you don't wish to pay for it, then simply don't. No need to be threatened by a server.

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Yeah, this is an awesome server and totally worth 5 dollars. I played with my friend the other day on this server and we found 2 crash sites in a row, it was also the first time that we've found one ;) but still, the server gotta have something to do with it :D. The lag is nonexistent I live in Sweden and have no problems even with 200 ping. So far I have not been disappointed.

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Post edited, If you choose to charge to join your server advertise else where.

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Post edited, If you choose to charge to join your server advertise else where.

Why? This is a great server with no hackers and a budding community. $5 is cheap and perfectly acceptable for a hacker free environment. Considering the rampant hacking in pub servers I think this should have your support.

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Post edited, If you choose to charge to join your server advertise else where.

I am not going to argue with them. If they don't like it, I won't have it in the post, so removed all the fundage info from the post. I've already PM'ed asking to get some rules up in a sticky, but pay-to-play DayZ servers are going to become a regular thing in the future. I've played many games that required pay-to-play, from minecraft to Left4Dead2, and what did I get from them? Awesome support, speed, and reliability.

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Could we have a sticky on Private Server rules then?

It's in the main rules, they have been updated due to the number of people selling in game items.

Why? This is a great server with no hackers and a budding community. $5 is cheap and perfectly acceptable for a hacker free environment. Considering the rampant hacking in pub servers I think this should have your support.

That's irrelevant he can sell access to anyone he wants but not here, if a player is scammed who are they going to cry to? We can't guarantee all the people who post are going to come through on their end of the deal, so if anything happens we are not to blame.

Edited by LVG

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That's irrelevant he can sell access to anyone he wants but not here, if a player is scammed who are they going to cry to? We can't guarantee all the people who post are going to come through on their end of the deal, so if anything happens we are not to blame.

I thought technically the Private Server section was classified as "Unsupported by DayZ Development Team" in the first place? Technically that should already imply that there is no support of any kind for any one thing. Disregarding, does my redo of the topic suffice or do you want me to delete this altogher?

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Just because it's unsupported doesn't mean people won't hold us responsible if they're scammed, this isn't a market place.

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Looks fun il definately have to try this out! I have to ask, what is the player count at peak times and are there many people on the teamspeak?

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Not too many people are using the Teamspeak at this time and since the whitelist has been implemented (and we are re-building the user base), we are currently having on average 8-10 players on. I am hoping for at least 20-30, but if we ever get to 50's we'll test out increasing the max count past 50.

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This is the only server I will play on. Excellent load times(15-30 seconds maximum) As a US user I usually range from 20-70 ping, with never having ever seen a yellow or red chain. Full daylight so I can play whenever I want, and great spawn times on vehicles. I am so sold.

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Just had our first livestream on the server with the whitelist application, and we didn't get hacked once despite not hiding the server info or password protecting! I'll be releasing the whitelist application early next week.

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Hi all, i joined this server, and thought wow!! this is great, but now after an incident of mistrust between the admin and my bro, its time to move house.

oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

good luck to all the players,have fun.

Edited by Smee2
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Loved this server. Untill about 20 minutes before I write this. If you want to die a very wierd and unexplainable death when loading into your camp and then have the Admin telling everyone else on the server via the side channel what you've been up to and that certain things (notebly YOUR things) will be availiable, then by all means give them your money.

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Loved this server. Untill about 20 minutes before I write this. If you want to die a very wierd and unexplainable death when loading into your camp and then have the Admin telling everyone else on the server via the side channel what you've been up to and that certain things (notebly YOUR things) will be availiable, then by all means give them your money.

Thought you might post here. Your friend has also requested a refund, with which we will shortly be processing a refund. We have included the email below.

Hello *****,

I am the only admin on the server. I have no idea why your friend logged into the server dying/unconscious, or why the huey was on fire. No actions are taken by me, the only admin, if someone sets up a camp or has a helicopter/vehicle/etc. In fact, making camp is ENCOURAGED on the server. I find it offensive when admins abuse their powers by kicking or killing players, and play the game as a regular player myself. As to the server being friendly, it's only that way due to the low player count. I expect clans and banditry to ramp up as more and more players/clans begin to play.

That all being said, I have listed the particular chat transcript below. I have changed nothing except for removing the "user connected/disconnected" lines. It was my poor judgement to announce to the server that someone (in particular Bad Boy Scout) had blown up his helicopter (according to the logs), all in good humor, but I promptly apologized once I realized that he did not find it funny.

I have already refunded the **** for the particular paypal transaction associated to his name.

12:55:33 : (Side) uQ Klipixism: Hey scout, did you die again?

12:55:46 : (Side) Bad Boy Scout: yep

12:55:57 : (Side) uQ Klipixism: HOw did you die this time? xD

12:56:10 : RCon admin #3: (Global) tut tut bad boy scout

12:56:13 : RCon admin #3: (Global) he blew up the huey

12:56:15 : RCon admin #3: (Global) XD

12:56:22 : (Side) Bad Boy Scout: spawned in unconcious and bleeding

12:56:31 : (Direct) KookosPahkina: store

12:56:34 : RCon admin #3: (Global) 05.09.2012 12:45:22: Bad Boy Scout- #0 "HelicopterExploSmall"

12:56:35 : (Side) Bad Boy Scout: wft

12:56:47 : (Side) uQ Klipixism: Awh....

12:56:50 : (Side) Dan Gleeballs: a

12:56:56 : (Side) Dan Gleeballs: he has been rumbled lol

12:57:28 : RCon admin #3: (Global) which means

12:57:33 : RCon admin #3: (Global) a new huey will spawn next restart

12:57:40 : RCon admin #3: (Global) which is 5 hours away ;)

12:57:46 : (Side) Bad Boy Scout: which means why the fuck are u telling everyobne what im up to?

12:57:48 : (Side) HiddenFang: Mine!

12:57:48 : (Direct) KookosPahkina: yess

12:57:57 : (Side) HiddenFang: DIBS

12:58:01 : RCon admin #3: (Global) hee hee, sorry bad boy scout ;)

12:58:06 : RCon admin #3: (Global) wont do again

12:58:08 : (Side) HiddenFang: It shall be mine!!!

12:58:10 : RCon admin #3: (Global) i just thought it was funny

12:58:12 : (Side) Bad Boy Scout: yeah fuck sorry

12:58:22 : (Side) Dan Gleeballs: we will fight for it lol

12:58:23 : (Side) KookosPahkina: why to fix more helis

12:58:24 : (Side) Bad Boy Scout: i wanna refund

12:58:25 : (Side) KookosPahkina: u cant flyw

12:58:30 : (Side) KookosPahkina: it seems like that

12:58:31 : RCon admin #3: (Global) NOOO!!!

12:58:32 : RCon admin #3: (Global) :(

12:58:38 : RCon admin #3: (Global) :'(

12:58:38 : (Side) HiddenFang: XD

12:58:43 : (Side) Bad Boy Scout: this is bulshit

12:58:49 : (Side) Dan Gleeballs: calm down pal

12:58:55 : (Side) HiddenFang: Relax man.

12:59:01 : (Side) Bad Boy Scout: i paid to get on here and ADMIN are telling everyone what im up to?

12:59:04 : RCon admin #3: (Global) ...

12:59:16 : (Side) Dan Gleeballs: who cares, nobody gives ashit if you blew it up

12:59:16 : Player #4 Bad Boy Scout disconnected

It is unfortunate that you believe that the server would stoop down to the level of killing for kicks or for owning certain vehicles, but as anyone currently playing on the server, subscribed on YouTube, or watching me on Twitch TV, I have little to no care about gear or vehicles in DayZ and they will attest to my character. I play for the fun of it, and play as any other normal character would.

Edited by Guidez

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So what, this isn't Admin abuse? I've suffered alot of admin abuse on DayZ, but I've never payed for it before. You apologized? Well done you.

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