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John Spectre

Too many sniper rifles

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Fuck fucking with the sniper spawn chances! make heli crashes almost nonexistent I like the idea of roveing bandits that employ tactic, wit, and guile, not bandits of now that will stay laying on a hill giggling as they shoot ther 1000th kill with a as50 and a guillie suit. I love my m107 but I hate what it does to the game! or they could add more factors in, such as wind and rain affecting view distances and such to make snipers harder to use and only a truly skilled sniper can achieve a 500+ meter shot just my point of view

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I get what you are coming from, I agree that too many people snipe just for pvp. The devs should change it to that snipers are harder to use, such as in the ACE mod in Arma 2. To get kills with a sniper you have to give in time and training into it. This would make only good people use snipers since they would be hard to use. Unlike now where if u set ur range and shoot, you'd get the kill. Either this, or take away the range by using mousewheel or pressing shift+click on the map, so that finding range finders would enable you to be able to snipe at long ranges.

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Even taking into account the possibility that the military force dispatched to deal with the infected threat knew about what they where going up against, the ratio of sniper teams to regular infantry type soldiers is not as high what is represented by the amount of snipers in play in DayZ.

I'll make this short and to the point, not taking into account the fact that running thru the bush and being battered by zombies isn't the best way to keep an incredibly precise weapon... well precise... The point is, its not the Bandits, its the snipers.

Roving bands of bandits with assault rifles, shot guns etc are cool, lets face it, they add a lot to the excitement of the game. Lone snipers on every hilltop, and every high building and tower picking off anything and everything in sight, not even bothering to loot, adds very, very little to the game.

Cut back the spawn chance of Sniper rifles for the stand alone! They should be exceedingly rare, finnicky to maintain, and sought after by other PvPers.

any thoughts?

I think right now because of duping and server hopping snipers are very common. Remember that we are testing for bugs in alpha stage and this isn't the finished game. Many people argue that it is ghillie sniper wars out there and very little else...they may be right...for now. But, keep on keeping on and try not to let it frustrate you too much.

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OP all your points are invalid because sniper rifles are very rare.

Theres too many sniper rifles because of script kiddies giving everybody and their granny an AS50 TWS or whatever.

The bugs need to be fixed not the game changed to suit your style of gameplay.

And a big lolz to all the bf/cod kiddies calling for them to be removed, go back to bf3 where there's no 50cals and all the guns are the same!

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theb guys who play dayZ just to kill people are the guys wanting to turn the game in to COD. COD is all about PVP. dayZ is not.

now me and my mates started a new server. within the first night we had 2 range finders, everyone had an M4A3 CCO. 4 GPS, 5 night visions. 3 50 cals, 4 DMR's, 2 M24's

this is after 1 night. Thats plenty of sniper rifles

Edited by spawn
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Imo all sniper rifles should be taken out of the game apart from the hunting rifles and the odd SVD anything else is just unrealistic

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One good way to solve the problem of ridiculous cheap pvp would be to make high precision rifles as realist as possible (as hard as possible in the same way).

Altough long range combat and unconventional warfare is the way to go in real life future, as many people in the game should be able to use correctly the sniper as how many people in society would be able to grab one and use it correctly in a real zombie apocalypse.

Good ideas were brought up :

1 - Adding wind factor ;

2 - Jamming when untended and not used correctly ;

3 - More precision when pointing at a precise target area over time (right now:starts at 100% stability unless you've moved earlier).

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Good idea, but it would remove much of the intensity of moving through a large city like electro or cherno, I love always having to be careful of which positions you are facing, which you are not, not running out in the field but sticking to densly bushed or urban areas. I think the high threat of snipers just adds to the intensity of the game and removing it might also remove a bit of the skill it takes to maneuvre through a city and collect loot.

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All the snipers make looting cherno almost impossible, and i for one love that, dayz is designed to be brutal,and hey, the harder you make my life on dayz the better, i dont play it for it to be a cakewalk, so you get sniped every now and then? so what? i still love rocking my lee enfield, chances are if you miss your first shot ol' betsy will take you down ;)

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Or just remove the silly zeroing and implement MOA/Mil rad adjustements, even with rangefinders you'll still need to know the ballistics of the ammo you're using. Also, add different ammo (regular fmj, armor piercing, etc) that has different ballistic properties.

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Remove one of the most important parts of the game? You're kidding right? Do you know how many players would just stop playing if snipers were removed?

Player vs Player is a HUGE part (at the moment really the only part) of this game and snipers play a key role in this.

You really need to stop complaining about snipers and start learning how to deal with them. Check key sniper points, stick to walls, move randomly not in a straight line.

Sniping is not PVP. Sniping is Player vs a bullet out of nowhere. Dont pretend you can be cautious enough to be safe from every possible sniper point in cherno or elektro. I once was in Elktro where a group of snipers were spread all over the city, north of the NE firestation, on Dobry, and on a roof in the south of the city. It was impossible to do anything without a counter sniper.

Adapt to the game... its survival ... real sim.

Thats what it should be. Do you think in a real world zombie scenario people would grab a ghillie, lie in a bush with an AS50 and snipe people from hundreds of metres away without even looting them?

There would be bandits, there would be lonely scavengers, maybe there would even be groups of maniacs driving though the towns to kill people for fun by shooting them face to face. But really, people with high powered sniper rifles to wipe out the rest of civilization? I doubt it.

I had a lot of stuff now ingame but the one time i found an AS50 i just let it there because its just a pussy style to play this game.

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The main problem doesn't seem to be the high spawn rate. I have so far in all my weeks long dayZ career found only ONE AS50, ONE M107, 1 CZ550, and 3 DMRs...plus a fuckton of fn Fal anpvs, which isn't useful that much in daylight. The problem is the players effectively representing a "gear-filter". The best stuff is picked up, the common stuff tossed away. When a player gets killed, the best gear, which sometimes is a AS50, gets grabbed and survives. This way, weapons like the AS50 or DMR aggregate on players. They DO already spawn really rare. If you want them out of the game, just loot the tents they are in, throw them out and save dat thing afterwards. Have cleared half a server from duped satchels and nades plus tons of duped weaponry this way...sounds bad, but is necessary. I end up with a AS50 almost every time...my mate killed a ghillie guy running after me (I had an axe and the hero skin ^^)...I went to grab some of his gear...strapped his backpack to my back...guess what was in there people? An AS50, thats right, nice guess. I have not fired a shot from it...and I probably never will. Maybe I should toss it in the bushes, too! ;-)

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Even taking into account the possibility that the military force dispatched to deal with the infected threat knew about what they where going up against, the ratio of sniper teams to regular infantry type soldiers is not as high what is represented by the amount of snipers in play in DayZ.

I'll make this short and to the point, not taking into account the fact that running thru the bush and being battered by zombies isn't the best way to keep an incredibly precise weapon... well precise... The point is, its not the Bandits, its the snipers.

Roving bands of bandits with assault rifles, shot guns etc are cool, lets face it, they add a lot to the excitement of the game. Lone snipers on every hilltop, and every high building and tower picking off anything and everything in sight, not even bothering to loot, adds very, very little to the game.

Cut back the spawn chance of Sniper rifles for the stand alone! They should be exceedingly rare, finnicky to maintain, and sought after by other PvPers.

any thoughts?

I agree, i also think there are generally to many military weapons, you should be able to craft bows and arrows and that kind of shit to defend yourself at the beginning and hunt for military loot further on in the game. It's stupid that a newly spawned character can find military weapons almst just as easily as backpacks and basic survival gear.

You have my beans!

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