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Snipers in Elektro.

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You are really good at this game aren't you, killing low geared players that don't pose a threat to you in any way possible.

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I bet you didn't expect a fresh spawn to sprint through Cherno hitting up every loot spot he could before stumbling upon your camping spot with a tent randomly placed in the doorway. I also bet you didn't expect for said fresh spawn to lean around the pillar, and shoot you in the face with the Winchester he just found. Thank you for the Coyote Backpack, NV Goggles, Rangefinder, GPS, and M4A1 CCO SD.

Always me,

Karhu. B)

See this guy? Yeah grow some balls and stop your crying. Any player is a threat if hes got a brain. I'm sorry that when I see you I cant instantly know you suck and are not a threat to me. My bad......

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See this guy? Yeah grow some balls and stop your crying. Any player is a threat if hes got a brain. I'm sorry that when I see you I cant instantly know you suck and are not a threat to me. My bad......

Crap logic. If you shoot an unarmed player, they simply respawn and you have done nothing other than encourage them to come after you. If you want to stay alive longer, then move away from Elektro, not draw attention to yourself by killing freshspawns and giving them a reason to kill you. This is douche reasoning used by people that like sniping players who can't fight back, and when someone finally does manage to kill you, you say "THIS IS WHY I WAS SNIPING DERRRRP."

Just man up and admit that you enjoy killing the defenseless, that's fine, this is a sandbox game. You're trying to use logic to defend an illogical action that puts your life in danger.

Edited by Angel_
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You mean the 2 guys under the spruce tree on the hill? A.K.A. easiest prey in the game?

Edited by Tigger
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Crap logic. If you shoot an unarmed player, they simply respawn and you have done nothing other than encourage them to come after you. If you want to stay alive longer, then move away from Elektro, not draw attention to yourself by killing freshspawns and giving them a reason to kill you.. This is douche reasoning used by people that like sniping players who can't fight back, and when someone finally does manage to kill you, you say "THIS IS WHY I WAS SNIPING DERRRRP."

Just man up and admit that you enjoy killing the defenseless, that's fine, this is a sandbox game. You're trying to use logic to defend an illogical action that puts your life in danger.

Right or we are hunting another clan and need to shoot anything because they could be tag-less scouts. But hey that never happens right? Try playing high population servers with clans for once.

Side note: Cherno is the closest town with a hospital in the area I operate. I act as over watch when my crew raids the town. Stop assuming all snipers camp that stupid town for days on end.

Edited by Col. Kurtz
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Right or we are hunting another clan and need to shoot anything because they could be tag-less scouts. But hey that never happens right? Try playing high population servers with clans for once.

Learn to read. This is a thread about snipers camping elektro killing low-geared freshspawned players. If you are talking about something unrelated (like a clan war) then you need to communicate that, not expect us to be mind readers.

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Honestly, when I die and get a fresh spawn in Cherno or Electro I LOVE it when the snipers shoot at me. I have nothing on me, so it doesn't matter if I die. If I die, I can generally nail down your rough location - sneak up to you and take a gun out of your pack. I'll shoot you, loot your body, go to a high population server and waste away the weapon until I die racking up as many kills as possible. Then I just respawn, find another sniper and repeat the process.

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Learn to read. This is a thread about snipers camping elektro killing low-geared freshspawned players. If you are talking about something unrelated (like a clan war) then you need to communicate that, not expect us to be mind readers.

This thread simply reads "Snipers in Elektro" I am at times a sniper, and I have been to Elektro. Your point = irrelevant. Not to mention a sniper doesn't move much or as most gamers call them "Campers" So my comment is 100% relevant

Edited by Col. Kurtz
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I'm going to say in Col Kurtz defense, I have seen them on our server, quite often to be honest, and they keep things interesting for us hehehe They are not always sniping, We have watched them cover each other and we report their possision to others in our clan. It keeps the game fun.

He is also 100% correct, we have tagless clan members that run scout for us, again, his statements are 100% relevant.

See you on the field [H4X] ;-)

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So snipers are killing you in Elektro, eh? And you're mad.

Tell me about your madness. How does it feel? Describe it in detail, please. I so love tears of anger!

Now, what can you do about your anger, that's constructive?

Where do you think most of those griefers are hiding? How easy do you think it is to go up there and sink a hatchet into their skulls? How rewarding do you think that will be?

Still feel angry? B)

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This thread simply reads "Snipers in Elektro" I am at times a sniper, and I have been to Elektro. Your point = irrelevant. Not to mention a sniper doesn't move much or as most gamers call them "Campers" So my comment is 100% relevant

Read the original post.

killing low geared players that don't pose a threat to you in any way possible.

You are wrong. If you are not literate enough to grasp this, there is nothing to discuss here.

Edited by Angel_

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Read the original post.

You are wrong. If you are not literate enough to grasp this, there is nothing to discuss here.

I replied to the OP saying "Any player is a threat if hes got a brain" You sir are mentally inept.

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I replied to the OP saying "Any player is a threat if hes got a brain" You sir are mentally inept.

An interesting debate strategy, but that doesn't address the fact that you brought up an unrelated point and expected us to interpret outside of the original context. You are not clear on your subject, and labeling other people with insulting titles due to your lack of communication skill will not improve your situation.

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If this is a popular topic then fair enough, I rarely use the forums, so I don't know. Anyway, I just want to question the reasoning behind it all, I mean really I have nothing against anyone this is DayZ and they are to play how they want, but I just don't see any valid reason for a player to start killing other players that have no gear. In my case, i was minding my own in one of the fire stations n Elektro looking for a weapon as I was planning on heading up north to Stary Sobor. But I get hit from a sniper from the hills, I could tell he was there because the first shot knocked me out then his follow up shots kept missing as they were coming through the window, I eventually got back to consciousness for them to finish me off. All that player gained was +1 murder and a hatchet. Just seems like a waste of ammo to me. Each to their own I guess.

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"I got someone, he's 900 meters away in the middle of the road and carrying a flashlight in the daytime. Man, he's got a whole town of zom--"


"Got him! Did you guys see that?? Did you see that PRO ass shot I made LOL Roflstomped BITCH YEAAAAAA!!!"

"Uh, dude, why did you kill him? He was armed with a flashlight."

player jimmy09 (friendly) has disconnected

"Oh HE MAD BRO lol!!!! and dude cmon, he was a tagless scout fer sure bro. Act like you've been in a clanwar before NOOB!"


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If this is a popular topic then fair enough, I rarely use the forums, so I don't know. Anyway, I just want to question the reasoning behind it all, I mean really I have nothing against anyone this is DayZ and they are to play how they want, but I just don't see any valid reason for a player to start killing other players that have no gear. In my case, i was minding my own in one of the fire stations n Elektro looking for a weapon as I was planning on heading up north to Stary Sobor. But I get hit from a sniper from the hills, I could tell he was there because the first shot knocked me out then his follow up shots kept missing as they were coming through the window, I eventually got back to consciousness for them to finish me off. All that player gained was +1 murder and a hatchet. Just seems like a waste of ammo to me. Each to their own I guess.

Where I do agree is, if you get hit from a 50 or 107 from the hills and he's going lone wolf....... yeah he's doing it for the lulz

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The best things being one of those snipers. But covering your friends in Elektro.

Only to see a fellow player setup on a hill near by. Also accompanied by a low geared friend of theirs.

They clash in the same firestation but only hear each other, one above, one below. No direct eye contact. The random makes a run for it... Towards his sniper friend. Of course he's been notified now. He crawls out of his bush to take aim.

And so do you.

Two headshots later and i can confirm i've been one of those snipers. And it was one of the most thrilling things i've done in the game. I need to use my friend as bait more often it seems.

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I tend to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but that doesn't mean I walk up to them with my gun lowered and say "Hi" while standing still. I will circle you constantly with my gun drawn while talking on the mic. If I don't get a response and you are the proud owner of a gun, you might just get shot if you look like you're aiming at me or trying to lead me. If I get a response and you act suspicious while we are moving around or I look behind when we part ways and you go prone in my direction, you might just get shot. If you are laying on one of the many sniper hills with a DMR or .50, you will get shot on sight and looted as quickly as possible (oh, and don't bother going back for your body... I hide them).

I can't count the number of people I've met, helped, shot at, and just ran by who didn't have any ulterior motives other than survival. Almost all of them are just like me and you, just trying to find a better weapon until they meet up with some friends or find that camp they've been looking for. Some of them are just there to rack up kills and will attack you on sight, even if you're carrying an AKM and they are mindlessly swinging a hatchet while screaming "im gunna keeel dis noooob!" over the mic.

Moral of the story? Act like a dick and you will get treated like one. Sniping just for kills is a dick move and trying to justify your actions is laughable.

Edited by Pony Vests

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