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FLMedic Doc

Best/worst death?

What kind of death? (multiple choice)  

  1. 1. You dead, reaction?

    • FUUUUUUUU *flips desk*
    • ... awww dang, oh well
    • YAY, now i can start a new life again
    • that S.O.B...going to come on again just to kill him...must kill him....
  2. 2. How you died? (multi check)

    • Falling
    • mauled by zombies
    • killed by bandit
    • killed by survivor
    • starved/dehydrated
    • bled to death
    • explosive(s)
    • roadkill/heliblade kill
    • nuked
    • teleported by hackers: I BELIEVE I CAN FL*~ SPLAT X_x
    • turned into animals
    • Awkward Green Mountain encounter
    • Played too much DayZ and died
    • Random death at spawn/start
    • Death by someone spawning on top of you
    • hacked to death
    • The evil leg-breaking stairs
    • The evil leg-breaking/shocking outhouses
    • killed by spawned npc survivors/bandits
    • Friendly fire

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Best: Hillarious hatchet vs. M1014 duel with a bandit at Balota airfield. Killed him and then bled to death while bandaging myself. Definitely the most I've ever laughed while playing a game in the past year.

Worst: Catapulted over the railings of a catwalk by a zombie while trying to hatchet him. Instant death.

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Best: On my way to sniperhill (elektro), finally on the top... ran over by a ural truck.

Worst: Punched through a wall in the firestation tower by a zombie, break my legs and got eaten by zombies.

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Best: On my third or fourth life, I had been running around Mysta and that area doing loot circles on the deer stands and Factory. One day I want into town to find food/water at night. I was playing with headphones on as it was a low pop server, <5 people at the time and didnt expect to run into anyone. Anyvay...I was coming out of a little shop house, and I see gunfire. I immediately have my legd nroken by a bandit and go prone. I then lay into him with my full-auto AKM. He was close enough, <10 meters, to me that Im pretty sure I hit him with just about every round. Anyway. I sas soon knocked unconscious from his attack. I died bleeding out, but not before I saw his name popup that he had died too.

I decided not to go back and loot my Coyote Pack and extras. I started fresh.

Worst: I was sitting on top of a building with four friends in Cherno. Just picking fights with people. WE didnt shoot at.anyone unarmed and we did loot their bodies. Anyway. Low and behold, suddenly all four of us die in quick succession. Fast enough in that nobody had time to figure out where the shooter was. I was last to die, and noticed that the shots came from extremely close. It was almost.certainly an AS50 of sorts, as we all died with like -150k blood. When I died, I saw what looked likw the smoke blasts of a shot fifed from right infront of me. I promptly died after. Damn invisible hacker.

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Best: I was trying to protect my new friend who was trying to repair the van he had wrecked.

2nd best: I died trying to protect 2 beach noobs from bandits and zombies... it was an epic fight.

Worst: Sniped by a hacker (I know it was a hacker because everyone had been mass-killed 5 min. ago)

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