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FLMedic Doc

Best/worst death?

What kind of death? (multiple choice)  

  1. 1. You dead, reaction?

    • FUUUUUUUU *flips desk*
    • ... awww dang, oh well
    • YAY, now i can start a new life again
    • that S.O.B...going to come on again just to kill him...must kill him....
  2. 2. How you died? (multi check)

    • Falling
    • mauled by zombies
    • killed by bandit
    • killed by survivor
    • starved/dehydrated
    • bled to death
    • explosive(s)
    • roadkill/heliblade kill
    • nuked
    • teleported by hackers: I BELIEVE I CAN FL*~ SPLAT X_x
    • turned into animals
    • Awkward Green Mountain encounter
    • Played too much DayZ and died
    • Random death at spawn/start
    • Death by someone spawning on top of you
    • hacked to death
    • The evil leg-breaking stairs
    • The evil leg-breaking/shocking outhouses
    • killed by spawned npc survivors/bandits
    • Friendly fire

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Survivors and bandits: put down your arms, stop the intense killing and looting. It's time to rest and brag/share about how your adventure ended

harvest some wood, make some fire, and tell us your story

Best: Last stand at farm near electro, 27 zombie kills and bled to death

Worst: spawned on top of a bandit (sorry man), attempted to climb the ladder but glitched and fell into the building(glitched again) , broken legs, shock, bleeding. Logged back in again, my head was stuck in the building and when i moved it broke my legs....again. bled to death

Edited by FLM Doc
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me & friend found an atv, went searching for camps, and found a HUGE camp. like massive amounts of weapons and stuff. even the chopper and about 12 other vehicles were there. i saw a guy, and killed him with my mk48 mod0. i thought it was clear and got sniped down. the friend of mine managed to escape. i regeared and went to their camp, got myself an as50 and all the good stuff, and began to blow up every single vehilce of theirs. only one missing was the chopper. i saw it flying on top of me about an hour later, shot it down, and of cource the off chance happened and it camp down on my head. probably the best death ever.

worst was most likely me being unexperieced, and going to the tower at the eletro firestation (the one near dobryy) and lying down. as most of u will know, i just fell to death, when i tried to stand up.

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Well my story might shock all of you. You see, I was running through Elektro singing at the top of my lungs over Direct Chat and got shot!! I mean who shoots a person doing that!? Pure bull shrimp...

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Best Death - Aborted after 6 hrs of playing and trying to keep my eyes open on a mountain in trees between 2 tree stands (100m away and between them) and the next day spawned to a German Shepard looking at me wagging its tail (Thinking this is cool) Then after - mins it time to hit the tree stands and the mut follows me, I could not elude it and it was still wagging its tail, I laid down after hearing foot steps with my Turtle Beach and the f'ing dog would not leave, I spin to a player and he shots at me and I roll as I am in shock and bleeding and now staring at the dog as it turned to a military zombie and ate my azz (WTF) -

Worst Death - Fell from a tree stand outside Berez, broke leg, crawled through hundreds of Zombies in pitch black using my map as Navigation to final make it to the hospital, (Didn't know I could climb ladder with broken legs But I Am A Beast) after getting to the top of the ladder my player decides to lay down on the no roof part of the ladder for a long scary ride down on belly ( It hurt) now I am unconscious and waiting the long timer to run out to climb again and repeat step one right into a players arms who wakes me with effi, gives me morphine and blood trans to turn around and Boom head-shot to the noggins for my M4A3 CCO and MP5SD6.

Thanks for reading

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step one right into a players arms who wakes me with effi, gives me morphine and blood trans to turn around and Boom head-shot to the noggins

that sucks D: was it the player that tended your wound or was it some jerky bandit?

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  On 9/1/2012 at 4:17 PM, FLM Doc said:

that sucks D: was it the player that tended your wound or was it some jerky bandit?

LOL - It was pitch black and I had not seen his head - I didn't realize someone was there until my leg was fixed and then my blood went from 8000 to 12000 - I was thanking him through direct and then just a big flash and death screen- Thank you

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  On 9/1/2012 at 4:51 PM, Wabid Wabit said:

LOL - It was pitch black and I had not seen his head - I didn't realize someone was there until my leg was fixed and then my blood went from 8000 to 12000 - I was thanking him through direct and then just a big flash and death screen- Thank you

It would be funny if someone was helping you and then another player ran in and killed both of you.

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I get into fire fights with 5 different people in span of like 10mins, by some miracle i survive crawling away bleeding with broken leg... Fortunately i was able to bandage and morphine my self, now with very low health i am in search of animals or stash of beans to recover. Suddenly i hear gun shots very close so, climb the nearby ladder to avoid being seen/get high ground whatever, glitch at top of ladder fall break my leg again, unconcious and bleeding.... and death. /sigh Welcome to DayZ.

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  On 9/2/2012 at 12:04 AM, Skat3rat said:

It would be funny if someone was helping you and then another player ran in and killed both of you.

It may have been another player - But only 1 death message appeared so I assumed it was him - Thank you

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Best - In a massive firefight with an unkown number of hostiles at the North East airfield, 4 friendly squad mates and 2 snipers under heavy fire from hangars. After 9 kills between us we got hit by a rocket launcher, I did not die though, seconds later I caught a M16 to the head.

Worst - Just found my first car, TPed to thunderdome and then killed.

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Best Death: Going down like a hero letting my clan get out of a sticky situation during a fire fight, we were pinned down north of Starry by 6 bandits... i took up position just behind a Deer stand and fought all 6 while they got each other out of there and back to base... i took down 4 before i finally succumbed to my wounds... best fight and death ever. My clan came back and recovered everything from my body for me coming back, good lads that they are.

Worst: Just minding my own business powersliding the pickup as i do having a ball then a hack spawns a hangar in front of me... Boom!! "You are Dead".... God dammit!

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Best Death:

Found a bike in Elektro. Was riding it up and down the main road, picked up alot of zombies, and I mean ALOT of zombies.

Rode back to the school. There was 3 guys in side. They complimented me on my awesome bike.

I then turn around to see the biggest zombie train in my DayZ life.

Shit just got real.

I casually step off my bike and equip my hatchet, all at the same time saying to the guys "don't worry I got this!"

I start hacking away. One by one they start falling, I agilely manoeuvre my way around the writhing mass of zombies, so as not to get struck down.

But it was no use. There were too many. I hear from the school. "Wow this guys a beast!".

I look at my zombie kill count. It's up to 20. There was still an uncountable amount left. I realise I wouldn't get out of this alive.

So in my last burst of strength I yell "FREEEEEDOOMMM!" and start hacking away with all I have left.

I took a few more down before I succumbed to the frenzied horde. I fell unconscious as they began to eat me alive.

My screams still to this day Echo through out Elektro.

Worst Death:

Found my first ever chopper sitting in a field. Get in. To my surprise it was in top condition. Look up how to fly a chopper.

With my newly acquired knowledge I get in and burl it up. Not 10 metres off the ground I clip some power lines I didn't realise were there.

Chopper blows up. I die. Just like that.

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Best: Freshly spawned, and started to loot a barn near by. While picking up a canteen in the barn, the game decided to spawn a zombie right in my face and hit me. This was when the game was just giving a flashlight and backpack (no bandages) so I let him kill me so I could start over.

Worst: Around 3000 meters outside of the nw airfield and I'm fully decked out from finding all of my items on my own or looting the other dead players (my player was alive for 4 days at this time), and a script kiddie just walks right in front of me. I unloaded a full 1911 clip in his head then I registered what was going on and I go for the alt+f4 but was too slow and he unloaded his face into me.

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Best: freshly spawned, killed 9 zombies running after me with just a hatchet. Then I stupidly dropped the hatchet for a CZ550 with one mag I found in a barn, and took out 5 more with headshots. Ran outta ammo and re-equipped the hatchet, took out three more in the barn then broke a leg and passed out.

Worst: Shot a sniper above Elektro with my AK74, he alt-f4'ed, then when I went to investigate where he was, he re logged behind me and killed me. What an asshole.

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Best death: Running through Electro with a bandit skin, yelling 'You never catch me!'

Worst death: AS50 sniper

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Best: close range firefight vs an AK guy when I had an Enfield. We both died.

Worst: get picked up in chopper. Head to electro. See two hacked choppers. Dogfight ensues. Catch a stray and die.

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Best: Killed by hacker teleporting next to me and shooting me and 3 friends while invisible.

Worst: Insta-killed by hacker.

I think I've died once in this game legitimately out of 10 or 15 deaths...

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My most remarkable death is this one: Back when it happened, I was a new player. I had just found a CZ 550 in a barn, but as I left a zombie started chasing me. I ran with that zombie following me all the way up to Mogilevka. I then ran into one of those black wooden houses with only one entry point. That one zombie followed me inside. I then did an unthinkable thing.

I shot the zombie with the CZ550.

Instantly every single zombie in the entire freaking town ran towards the house I was trapped in. I stupidly continued shooting the incoming zeds with the sniper, hoping that eventually they would all be dead.

I used all 20 bullets I had, then got hit.

I killed the zed that hit me with my Makarov. After that I was bleeding, but every time I tried to bandage myself, another zed came into the house. I gave up on trying to use a bandage, pulled out my AKM, and started shooting zeds again. After killing a total of 53 zombies, I escaped from the house with 600 blood and a single zombie chasing me. Just as I left the town, I fell unconscious. That one lone zombie then casually walked over to me, and ate my face off.

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Worst death was to a lurkin seaweedmonster... was looking around black lake or what ever, went behind a tree on a rocky side and noticed that the lurker was prone under the tree, ofc he turned around and started spamming his dmr at me... I think the last 2 bullets that killed me lol. I was on the damn rocky side buggy jumpin/clitching and couldnt lower my crosshair for some buggy reason and died. I dont mind dying in fair battle but the game made it so easy for the guy.

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worst death:

waddling my way to the barracks from the fire station at the NWAF, find a tent outside. I'm thinking to myself, "sweet, some nice gear!". Unfortunately there wasn't much in the way of weaponry, so I went around to the barracks, opened the door, got on the floor and everybody walked the dinosaur

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...what the hell happen to the How You Died poll i made?


Edited by FLM Doc

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Worst death:

I was somewhere south of Stary, when i saw a crashed helicopter right next to a road, not far from the woods.

I started crawling towards it and when i was maybe 50m away another player showed up at the heli, armed with a hatchet, a bunch of zombies chasing him.

I typed "friendly" into direct chat several times and went ahead and shot the zombies behind him with my akm, carefully aiming to not hit him by accident.

After the zombies were all dead i paused next to him to ask if he needed any help. At that moment i noticed another guy in a ghillie suit with a sniper rifle to my right, maybe 3m away, taking aim.

Needless to say, i got shot in the head and dropped with -4000ish blood. I don't know if they were friends or if he shot both of us to loot the chopper.

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