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How long will my loot stay on the ground?

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Two questions I haven't been able to find an answer to after searching:

If I drop my backpack, how long will it stay there before it disappears?

If I hit respawn (while still alive), do I still leave a corpse?

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although a somewhat viable question, it smells of exploit...

my first post!

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Maybe. But sometimes I had to decide on a M1911 or a Revolver and I want to give the other to my buddy, but I lack the space. If I dropped it someplace for him, I'm curious how long he has to reach my location before it despawns.

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Firstly I am usually quick to the pull the trigger on a stranger, I have died too many times trying to declare that I am friendly before getting shot, I decided to turn to being the one doing the shooting without even flinching, I feel bad but hey, you do what ya gotta do to survive in this game right?

Well I can tell you that a nice guy (whom i'm now friends with ingame) once left me 5 cooked meats in a backpack in the middle of a road, after of course I had asked if anyone could help me out as I was passing out every 10 or so meters with loss of blood, as you know this game involves a hell of a lot of trust if you are to meet up with a fellow player you have never met before so this way seemed mutually the best thing he could do to help me.

I was understandably cautions approaching the bag incase he maybe took me out from a distance but after almost a hour an half making my way to the coordinates where he left me the bag it was there.. along with 5 cooked meats :) he was nowhere to be seen.

After this help, we forged a trust so uncommon to DayZ we met up and he even gave me a ride in his car to fill up my water bottles, such a friendly player and showed me that not everyone deserves a bullet on sight, but to trust those who have some trust in you, if its a false trust (on their part) and you have been strung along at least you can hold your head up high and say your a good player.

To cut a long story short.. I have witnessed items last at least an hour and a half :)

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Thanks for that info.

Your story gives me some hope. I've been playing for a week now and every time I've died has been to another player whom I've spooted first. BUT, I always try to communicate with them, and it ALWAYS ends up in me getting shot. I'm really shocked by how much PK there is in this game. People just don't seem to copperate at ALL, unless they know each other already. It makes this game really freakin' lonely. =\

Also, if the server restarts for any reason (i.e. Server is changing from Day/Night) any loot on the ground gets reset, right?

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If I drop my backpack' date=' how long will it stay there before it disappears?


I've wondered this, too-- because I've wanted to stash my pack somewhere out of sight while I infil a location for two reasons:

1: to keep my profile extremely slim

2: to troll bandits who shoot me just to find out... no beans! Screw you bandit! :D

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If I drop my backpack' date=' how long will it stay there before it disappears?


Natural loot piles spawn in when a player is nearby, then subsequently despawn when all players have left the area after a set period of time. I'm not sure if player dropped loot follows this mechanic, but I wouldn't chance it for long periods of time.

Your best bet is to find a tent and place it in a low traffic area that's relatively hidden away. Tents persist through server resets, hold up to 10 weapons/tools, 75 general items, and 5 backpacks, and exist until two days after the character that places them dies.

If I hit respawn (while still alive)' date=' do I still leave a corpse?



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1. I left my ALICE pack on the shore and swam out to Skalisty Island, roamed the whole island, climbed the radio tower and lighthouse there, killed zombies, butchered and cooked and ate a goat, swam back to shore and my backpack was still there. So quite a while.

2. If you respawn you do leave a corpse, and yes you can loot your own dead body.

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As of a patch or two ago, I know that bodies are supposed to stick around for about 15 minutes. Could be the same for loot piles

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Thanks for that info.

Your story gives me some hope. I've been playing for a week now and every time I've died has been to another player whom I've spooted first. BUT' date=' I always try to communicate with them, and it ALWAYS ends up in me getting shot. I'm really shocked by how much PK there is in this game. People just don't seem to copperate at ALL, unless they know each other already. It makes this game really freakin' lonely. =\

Also, if the server restarts for any reason (i.e. Server is changing from Day/Night) any loot on the ground gets reset, right?


I know that feel. Spot them first, communicate, they still want to kill you. When you could've easily killed them...That's the way of DayZ. It's better to try to find a group on side channel, because chances are, the guy thats closest to you is an asshole. I mean bandit.

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...tents... exist until two days after the character that places them dies.

Oh lordy, is this true? What if you 'save' them after you've died and resupplied at them? If saving doesn't work then all of my things will have disappeared in the last hour or so.

Nooooooo!!! My 20 various AK models that I never use! My antibiotics that I'll never use! My beans! OH GOD MY BEANS!

Edit: To answer OP's question, I believe there was a bug in 1.6 that made backpacks never disappear until the server was reset. But be careful where you put them, I lost my 24 slot bag when I dropped it in a bush. After 1.7 update I'm not sure, I heard reports that they disappear immediately.

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