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Voice chat channels?

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I've been playing for a while. My friends told me that to talk to folks nearby I should hold Caps Lock which I believe has me talking in the "Group Channel" and that's what is on my screen while the button is pressed. I've never had to talk to anyone in-game though so it's never really come up.

Tonight I've been watching guide videos to pick up things I may not know though and

states that the Group Channel is for the lobby and that to talk to people nearby I should use the direct channel. Which is correct?

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Hi Rixen, he's correct the CAPS LOCK button as default does open your mic to ingame chat. Personally I don't know what the group channel is or does but I know vehicle chat chats to anyone in a vehicle you are riding or driving. However direct chat speaks out loud to any players close by to a certain distance, the further away you are from someone the quieter you sound.

I changed my button due to using caps lock for Teamspeak so I changed mine to LEFT TAB I find this much better, don't want to be giving your position away by accidentally communicating to a bandit ;)

Hope I helped.

Edited by Secrets

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I was in a server, An i found this guy who talked to me . I asked something in the ''Group channel'' But he couldn't hear me so i tried the ''Direct channel'' thats when he heard me, So to talk to members closeby, use the "Direct Channel"

I hope it helped you out.

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