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To the homosexual Brazilians on us 1088

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Hello, i was just banned from this server by some little girl rage kickers. Except they banned me, so they are rage banners. Reason of banning, defeating and destroying there entirely hacked base. They wired off the factory east of polana and had about 50 tents filled with hacked gear, sd pdws, 50 nato rounds, MANY SATCHEL CHARGES. and hacked weapons as such. as me and a lot of my team were killed after attempting to land our chopper in there, i was angry that hackers get to ruin the fun of others so i went rage mode, snuck into their camp and of course found 10 satchel charges which i proceeded to place around the campsite and factory. after touching off their HACKED/DUPED satchels. i destroyed there base and felt happy that i could avenge my fallen comrades. 1 minute later (i have friends on the server) i fall over without a hourglass and lay bleeding on the floor after not getting hit and not losing blood...ok... 1 minute later i decide to log off as i assume it is a glitch that i had befallen and on relog of course a friend tells me i got banned for "nuking" and a friend who also got killed, banannas, was banned for "nuking" even though he never touched one satchel charge. Now to wrap this up, i destroyed you with your own hacked weapons so you ban me? really. how low can you get, crying to your admin because i destroyed your precious base that you will just get back at server restart. this game is becoming unbearable thanks to cry babies like you all. clan, [ZH] on us 1088. also i forgot to mention, you guys restart your server 5 minutes later so your precious hacked goods dont get destroyed :*( Tell me your teamspeak, or unban us as we didn't hack in any way. So next time, lets handle this like adults and not "rage ban" when losing a base you will get back in 5 minutes. have a terrible day, [ZH].

(p.s. if only i had fraps installed on my new computer then i could get your server shut down. :( dont worry though, its downloading as i type this)

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Do you have proof of hacked weapons? Do you have proof of any of this? Videos, pictures, anything? Also why would land the helicopter right next to their base and not expect to be killed? You do realize restarts bring the buildings back right?

Quit crying, there are 4000 other servers and you complain about one? DayZ staff won't do anything, they are busy working on their standalone game, why would they give a shit?

Edited by PolarBearJ

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polar bear read the fucking topic god dam he didn't say shit about anything you said, fucking read!!!!!! Read! Read! Read! Read! All of your shit questions were answered plus he crashed the helipcopter, and you wine like a litt biatch

Edited by Duuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddeeee
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polar bear read the fucking topic god dam he didn't say shit about anything you said, fucking read!!!!!! Read! Read! Read! Read! All of your shit questions were answered plus he crashed, and you wine like a litt biatch

actually i didnt crash, i noticed zombies were spawned and escaped with the chopper then got my engine shot about 1.5 km away... also to you who knows nothing about dayz and the hive system,

Do you have proof of hacked weapons? Do you have proof of any of this? Videos, pictures, anything? Also why would land the helicopter right next to their base and not expect to be killed? You do realize restarts bring the buildings back right?

Quit crying, there are 4000 other servers and you complain about one? DayZ staff won't do anything, they are busy working on their standalone game, why would they give a shit?

Duping is allowed, otherwise they would have took it out of the game.

duping is not allowed yet there is no way to police it, also they CANNOT remove it at the current state due to lag time from the server to the hive meaning when you use a dupe technique the hive does not upload in time therefore the item is back on your character. but hey, nice attempt at acting like you know what your talking about. (also they have made it obvious through patches by stopping duping techniques that they clearly do not want duping yet they cannot police it)

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Duping is allowed, otherwise they would have took it out of the game.

Your preeeeeeetty fucking stupid aren't you?

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I don't see how duping is so bad. Who cares, we don't have hacked weapons, if we did, we don't dupe them. We have told members that join our clan that we don't allow hacked weapons. I have found hacked weapons in tents near electro, but nothing I can do about that since tents come back after restarts. So don't blame us for hacked weapons, blame the hackers like everyone else. Also I was listening to Raidcall to your "assualt on the base." Also your friends combat logged, which is against rules. So technically you guys deserved the ban. :)

Edited by PolarBearJ

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Do you have proof of hacked weapons? Do you have proof of any of this? Videos, pictures, anything? Also why would land the helicopter right next to their base and not expect to be killed? You do realize restarts bring the buildings back right?

Quit crying, there are 4000 other servers and you complain about one? DayZ staff won't do anything, they are busy working on their standalone game, why would they give a shit?

Duping is allowed, otherwise they would have took it out of the game.

You're a fucking moron. Duping is allowed? You are seriously deluded if you think that.

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I don't see how duping is so bad. Who cares, we don't have hacked weapons, if we did, we don't dupe them. We have told members that join our clan that we don't allow hacked weapons. I have found hacked weapons in tents near electro, but nothing I can do about that since tents come back after restarts. So don't blame us for hacked weapons, blame the hackers like everyone else. Also I was listening to Raidcall to your "assualt on the base." Also your friends combat logged, which is against rules. So technically you guys deserved the ban. :)

i really wish i would have screenied that silenced pdw.. out of all 4 tents i searched, first one had a pdw. even so, a picture can be framed, i can just put a hacked weapon in there and point a finger. word of mouth will have to do for now and by that i say. you have obtained and duped hacked weapons. nice.

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Ive been playing on a private hive where players are banned for duping. The admin clearly states that duping = ban. It can be policed in private hives, just not public ones.

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I don't see how duping is so bad. Who cares, we don't have hacked weapons, if we did, we don't dupe them. We have told members that join our clan that we don't allow hacked weapons. I have found hacked weapons in tents near electro, but nothing I can do about that since tents come back after restarts. So don't blame us for hacked weapons, blame the hackers like everyone else. Also I was listening to Raidcall to your "assualt on the base." Also your friends combat logged, which is against rules. So technically you guys deserved the ban. :)

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? THEY COMBAT LOGGED? CHECK THE SCRIPTS HE GOT KICKED FOR HIGH PING LIKE 3 TIMES omg your so deluded. oh and your reasoning for duping hacked weapons is that everyone else does it.... please... just stop talking before you embarass yourself further with madeup facts that do not support your supposed cause whatsoever

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You're a fucking moron. Duping is allowed? You are seriously deluded if you think that.

Problem? Please tell me whats wrong with duping? Please explain.

I don't see any server rules. Please show me this. :)

Edited by PolarBearJ

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Problem? Please tell me whats wrong with duping? Please explain.

I don't see any server rules. Please show me this. :)





Rocket has stated that duping is an exploit, and he plans to fix it in the Standalone. However because of Arma 2's engine, fixing duping is impossible at this time.

Stupid fuck. ;)

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Rocket has stated that duping is an exploit, and he plans to fix it in the Standalone. However because of Arma 2's engine, fixing duping is impossible at this time.

Stupid fuck. ;)

So? If there is no way to fix it, then you WILL NEVER GET RID OF IT. Captain Obvious here :D


Also notice that none of the DayZ staff started the threads. :D

Edited by PolarBearJ
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Duping is allowed, otherwise they would have took it out of the game.

Are you fucking mentally challenged? I just won the internet argument you dipshit. Fucking morons man.

Edited by Sammy101

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So? If there is no way to fix it, then you WILL NEVER GET RID OF IT. Captain Obvious here :D


Also notice that none of the DayZ staff started the threads. :D

Congratulations, your stupidity is the reason I made a DayZ Forum account. I can't believe how someone like you can reproduce.

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Are you fucking mentally challenged? I just won the internet argument you dipshit. Fucking morons man.

How did you win with no proof? :)

Congratulations, your stupidity is the reason I made a DayZ Forum account. I can't believe how someone like you can reproduce.

I can't believe that I am running this server on my own money, if I put money into a server, don't you think I should put my rules into it? I don't see DayZ paying for my server. Also you view this thread for more trolls like you guys: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/80842-csa-murders-zh-clanadmins-angry-video/page__hl__1669#entry765656

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Hello, i was just banned from this server by some little girl rage kickers. Except they banned me, so they are rage banners. Reason of banning, defeating and destroying there entirely hacked base. They wired off the factory east of polana and had about 50 tents filled with hacked gear, sd pdws, 50 nato rounds, MANY SATCHEL CHARGES. and hacked weapons as such. as me and a lot of my team were killed after attempting to land our chopper in there, i was angry that hackers get to ruin the fun of others so i went rage mode, snuck into their camp and of course found 10 satchel charges which i proceeded to place around the campsite and factory. after touching off their HACKED/DUPED satchels. i destroyed there base and felt happy that i could avenge my fallen comrades. 1 minute later (i have friends on the server) i fall over without a hourglass and lay bleeding on the floor after not getting hit and not losing blood...ok... 1 minute later i decide to log off as i assume it is a glitch that i had befallen and on relog of course a friend tells me i got banned for "nuking" and a friend who also got killed, banannas, was banned for "nuking" even though he never touched one satchel charge. Now to wrap this up, i destroyed you with your own hacked weapons so you ban me? really. how low can you get, crying to your admin because i destroyed your precious base that you will just get back at server restart. this game is becoming unbearable thanks to cry babies like you all. clan, [ZH] on us 1088. also i forgot to mention, you guys restart your server 5 minutes later so your precious hacked goods dont get destroyed :*( Tell me your teamspeak, or unban us as we didn't hack in any way. So next time, lets handle this like adults and not "rage ban" when losing a base you will get back in 5 minutes. have a terrible day, [ZH].

(p.s. if only i had fraps installed on my new computer then i could get your server shut down. :( dont worry though, its downloading as i type this)

They just banned me because my clan killed 6 of them, picked up hacked in weapons that were ON the ZH members, M40A3/PDW SD/ AS50 TWS, And now polar is pulling shit from his ass.

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How did you win with no proof? :)

I can't believe that I am running this server on my own money, if I put money into a server, don't you think I should put my rules into it? I don't see DayZ paying for my server. Also you view this thread for more trolls like you guys: http://dayzmod.com/f...669#entry765656

There are only two rules you are supposed to enforce, racism and hacking. Also exploits are allowed as long as you show proof. I'm not even a server owner and I know more about the topic than you. Also, Rocket has specifically stated that duping is an exploit. I'm going to take a poop on you now.

(poops on BR)

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