OutLord 7 Posted September 4, 2012 (edited) The lack of feedback and not dealing with issues,including not replying to server admins has, in the long run been a good thing in my opinion. It has motivated people to make their own hives and branch out with new ideas and improve the Hive concept.For that I thank the Dayz team. Edited September 4, 2012 by Slyder Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordopeth 274 Posted September 4, 2012 Thanks for the update Rocket.I actually prefer you hold off on any more patches, the tears on these forums lately have been delicious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2ugly 12 Posted September 4, 2012 Well there IS some truth to the concerns, my intention here is to outline that we did consider the impact this would have - and we made the call that the benefit from doing this was more than the loss. Time will tell if this is a good or bad decision. The opportunity to discuss DayZ with pretty much the entire "who's who" of the video gaming industry over the last month, from my perspective, is valuable beyond measure from a design standpoint.Valuable in what way? How not to dev a game.... hopefully. So DayZ doesn't wind up like all the other games on the market. If they tell you, "You need to think about the console market"..... slap them. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GeordieMarv 293 Posted September 4, 2012 Thanks for the info Rocket, greatly appreciated.Looking forward to the patch, when ever that may be.Also can't wait for stand alone, stick to your dream/vision...we all have faith in you! :beans: 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Securion 9 Posted September 4, 2012 I dont really care if you fix things for the Mod or not; All i want is a good standalone game. Focus on that and DayZ will have a future. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 4 Posted September 4, 2012 My main effort now is "listening", which I have been carefully reading and collating the suggestion threads both here and on Reddit, as well as snooping on other sites.Pity your main effort isn't working on some of the bugs and glitches you seem to add as a "bonus" with your content patches. Your aim is to release a standalone version before the end of the year but are we going to have to wait 5+ weeks (massive artifacting appeared in on july 24th) for bug fixes? Maybe you should try giving people some incentive to pay for your upcoming standalone release by showing you can actually deal with problems quickly when they arise rather than your apparent, it's a mod standalone will be different attitude.Yes before everyone starts bashing their keyboards it is in alpha, it is a mod but if he can't take the time to fix bugs and glitches now what makes you think it will be different in standalone just because you gave him money? and remember a lot of the bugs and glitches come from him screwing things up adding "content" in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marvel (DayZ) 18 Posted September 4, 2012 Thanks for the update Rocket.I actually prefer you hold off on any more patches, the tears on these forums lately have been delicious.I prefer that as well, because any new patch will probably only break stuff again and not fix anything like the last two patches.So good for Rocket that he had a good time at PAX while we server admins try to deal with all this. Probs to the DayZ staff who try to help you but simply can't because Rocket screws up with every patch and can't fix anything he broke and simply gives up on it, like the glitches which make the game almost unplayable. It seems really easy to remove the dead bodies from the map with a small hotfix, but I guess that's really hard so either Rocket is just a noob or he doesn't care.Anyway, good luck with your patch rocket, I hope it will be there before September 2014 but hey, it won't work anyway that I'm sure of. Meanwhile The War Z has a gameplay video and I'm glad there's more competition because as of right now DayZ is dead. Servers are getting empty, players are leaving and Rocket is still walking next to his shoes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bobcomss 189 Posted September 4, 2012 Can't wait for what is coming next for this game! doing a great job! never has a game [MOD] had me so engrossed!Also is the Oculus good? :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedijeff1993 12 Posted September 4, 2012 (edited) I know you're busy. And I see the point that you keep dealing with the media.It's important to tell the world what you and us have achieved together, like just accomplished a myracle.1 millium unique CDKEY.. with so many new buyers.And I know you still remember that you still have a lot of work to do, since I rememberd that you said the Standalone Alpha would be released at the end of this year. And 1.7.3 patch and so on for the MOD.Take your time... and we are waiting. Edited September 4, 2012 by jedijeff1993 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 22 Posted September 4, 2012 I am off work for the next 3 days due to Wisdom tooth removal so its DayZ 3 days straight for me.IGN Interview was informative, that Helicopter crushing was awesome! haha Allah Akbar! haha.. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steffeh 5 Posted September 4, 2012 so can we finally expect a proper ETA on the fix?I want to play without getting my ass kicked thanks to graphic naab actions O_o. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim Bean 157 Posted September 4, 2012 Waiting is not a problem. All the people that choose to complain have no idea of the workload involved.I just beg that you stick to your guns and strengthen the core values on which you based the game. The experience is key. I'm just scared that all of the crying bitchy players will get the better of the development team and the game could end up becoming easier to accommodate all of the COD players that are drooling over how easy WarZ looks. I hate to quote myself but I think it holds some truth:"WarZ is to DayZ what COD is to Battlefield 3; nothing more than a fast paced, half assed alternative for impatient, incompetent brats." 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grinke 1 Posted September 4, 2012 I expect DayZ to continue being the worlds hardest and harshest game to play. An anti-game as you so nicely put it.I want to sit silently while everyone describe how fucking hard and deadly their games are and then just finish the whole conversation up with "I play DayZ" and have everyone go silent for 15 minutes staring at me, and then say "R..r....r..r..really...?!?" with terror in their faces, the women starting to cry and all children running out of the room. I wanna feel like a complete masochist. I want to feel ive just wasted four days of my life as i get sniped in Electro. I want to cry myself to sleep at night.The deadliest, hardest, most terrifying, ultra realistic and fucking awesome game in the history of mankind please.DELIVER! ;)PS. Without the fucking script kids. DS.dat epic comment+1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 4 Posted September 4, 2012 Hasn't the delay in the current patch been mainly due to dogs being included in it and they require a lot of testing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RVizzle 3 Posted September 4, 2012 Hasn't the delay in the current patch been mainly due to dogs being included in it and they require a lot of testing?I think I read somewhere here in the forums that they were still getting graphic glitches with .3 also, so that needed to be worked out as well. Not sure on the dog progress. Can't wait to have this new feature. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flamestar221 2 Posted September 4, 2012 You're doing well rocket ,ignore the trolls because they don't know how hard you are trying to reach your life goals, so whoever is getting annoyed by hackers seriously just change servers, you can't just over react because of one dumb kid scripting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raoul05 7 Posted September 4, 2012 (edited) if there was just a tiny little hotfix to fix tents and vehicles... i guess there would be a lot less anger on these forums.fuck the gfx glitches, ppl have learnt to deal with those (restart, various other 'fixes', or simply avoid those areas)however w/o tents and vehicles there really isn't much to do but rage on the forums :)i say release a hotfix and take as long as you need for 1.7.3:editoor roll back six updater to Edited September 4, 2012 by raoul05 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
turbodog 5 Posted September 4, 2012 Our server provider, Host Altitude, has provided us with a "Vehicle/Tent" fix for server side The warning on the fix was that it had been reported that the helicopter does not spawn.However, after a few days of testing, I can tell you that all the vehicle DO SAVE now. The tents are still a bit glitchy and we are trying to determine what exactly must be done to save ALL the tents. I believe that whoever pitches the tents, MUST save the tents. But at least the vehicles are saving and they are NOT turning into something else (i.e. Ural was turning into a bus) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raoul05 7 Posted September 4, 2012 then you're lucky.. i mean i know sth. like a fix for the problem exists (there's some dev-heaven link floating around) but our provider (gamed!.de) sticks to the policy that they won't edit any server files nor apply any fixes that aren't official :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamesButlin 108 Posted September 4, 2012 Also, I got to see and try out the Occulus Rift.Bricks were shatPlease, oh god please try and give the standalone support for one of these? Would be fantastic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 28 Posted September 4, 2012 Our server provider, Host Altitude, has provided us with a "Vehicle/Tent" fix for server side The warning on the fix was that it had been reported that the helicopter does not spawn.However, after a few days of testing, I can tell you that all the vehicle DO SAVE now. The tents are still a bit glitchy and we are trying to determine what exactly must be done to save ALL the tents. I believe that whoever pitches the tents, MUST save the tents. But at least the vehicles are saving and they are NOT turning into something else (i.e. Ural was turning into a bus)DayZ Staff have already stated to NOT to this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EduardBezer 11 Posted September 4, 2012 Thanks to you Rocket Deen Hall!This is the game we (atleast I) always wanna play, its just no one give us before.Of course it was been other good games - CS, BF2. and so on, but this game the real mindblowing and heartshaking.Just keep going forward.Do you think that the game needs more details that increase the challenge of surviving - be hunting or be hunted by other players?I mean craft some camouflage, craft self cover, craft hole in a ground, and all that stuff?This is another PERFECT idea - just imagine guys - you fight with your squad - one of you was hit by zombie - and with time this player will be zombie too! BUT! This zombie will be smart as Human and acting like a zombie.Sound not so perfect but its perfect! =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
n4ndoz 20 Posted September 4, 2012 Also, I got to see and try out the Occulus Rift.Bricks were shatSend one of these to me. loooooooolIts like FPV but playing!! Nice gadget! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
n4ndoz 20 Posted September 4, 2012 This game has only 3 problems, and, if you find your way to outcome them, you can play it nicely:1- The players;2- Hacks;3- Saves not working(I mean, you can loot the same tent for days, and it wont be empty);My solution is:Avoid player contact, loot every tent I can and never stabilish a camp. This way I can walk through all the map without hiting a single major city! =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gumpnstein 133 Posted September 4, 2012 Obviously some people aren't too thrilled that not much information has come out, and also that instead of that I've been travelling around visiting media and going to conferences. It's a fair point, we're trying to develop a game here not win an election. But there is some real value to the staging efforts that have been going on, an example being PAX where I am now. Initially, we weren't going to go. But when we looked at it, we realized the tremendous networking opportunity and a chance to discuss DayZ with some of the best and brightest minds in gaming. Already the trip has paid dividends.The media stuff is also really important, they're a vessel to other areas of the industry. Yes, I end up saying the same thing again and again. That is just how it works. I cowboy up and deal with it. The apparent radio silence is more about me not really having anything to say, rather than ignoring things. My main effort now is "listening", which I have been carefully reading and collating the suggestion threads both here and on Reddit, as well as snooping on other sites.Like someone put in another thread, what we are all more interested in now is what I actually DO not what I SAY. But, that doesn't remove the value in discussing the implications of what happened with DayZ, just maybe some developers/publishers will start putting more modding in games - and look at WHY DayZ was successful. I think that is more important even than the DayZ project itself.So stay tuned, when I have finished collating the suggestion details and we have the backlog listed, I'll post more information.Regarding patch 1.7.3, I'm not going to make the mistake of releasing a patch before it is ready. 1.7.3 just isnt ready yet.Sounds great man. Everyone understands that you guys have a lot on your plates with the stand alone and we want the stand alone to be a success. You guys said you wanted to continue support for the mod and it looks like you are going to continue that. The chatter has been that people just wanted a one sentence line that let them have a round about idea of what is going on with the mod. I think you guys may find it pretty impressive how far a simple post like this will go with the mod community. Thanks and good luck with the patch and the development of the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites