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I'd like to suggest the ability to harvest some of the items in game that are curently just for looks. You guys have all been hungry alone on the outskirts of some sleepy looking town looking at zombies and decided to crawl to find a can of sardines...

On the way to some of the buildings that look like they might yeild a food item you are literally crawling through farmland or in yard that have gardens... I've seen pumpkins and all sorts of other things "growing" that in a real world situation I would just eat and say bump the sardines...

It would be awesome to one day be able to plant or maintain a food production source... It should be low yeild and having alot to do with the weather cycle... should be fully exploitable by other players that happen upon it. Definatly shouldn't be able to be grown anywhere..

Maybe I'm being crazy but for the stand alone this would be cool. I would protect my little garden patch.

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i agree with you being able to dig crops would only be good if you hade a hideout or digging wells could give you water

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I would think you could utilize the stuff already in game.. but it could also be another feature to the game.. farmind... not just harvesting..

I would think that you could get water bottles to help your plant grow or just plant in an area that is more likely to get rain.. or near a lake or something like that.

I think some areas should be more fapt to produce something and other places that are rocky or something not grow anything at all. I think growing something should not be a click this click that and you get this situation...While I think some of that is good.. I don't want the outcome to always be the same.

I think harvesting from the wild should be much eaiser but it would cuase you to have to go out and about looking for things to harvest... pros and cons to each method... stay in and grow your own with mixed luck and low production or move all over making your more volunerable but more apt to find a good big crop that you can exploit and take back to your tent or campsite area.

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So long as growth is not faster than the game's time cycle I'm on board with farming/growing food. I'm also a fan of foraging, I've made a post about it before. I think it would be kind of pointless unless you had a long term plan and a very secure area to farm, but I think even having the option to farm could entice players to try and set up such a scenario.

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