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DPO - Dayz Public Ban Organization - Public Cheat Ban System - Read here before posting

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Dayz Public Ban Organization - Public Cheat Ban System

Hi All,

After being hacked. I am about to purchase my own server. I would like this to be a public ban system. Since we can not trust battleeye or dayz staff at the moment for stopping hackers lets do it ourselves. Lets make a public ban system. I will create a text file attached to the OP which server admins can download and add the contents of it to .

I would like to start a body of cheat administrators which monitor and review hacking claims. This list will be imported by server admins into their ban list group. If people want to get off the ban list they have to first bring it up with the owner of the server. Then get the server admin to add the details of the banned player to this post. Screenshots and video footage will provide more reason to ban someone. So I will detail the steps now.

Step 1: Obtain information about the hacker

What IP

What Server

What time (including your own timezone and if possible the time in the game)

Where you saw a hacker or were killed by one.

Note: The organisation will not ban people just because they got killed or they think they were killed by a hacker. Unless you can prove or have other people that were playing with you that can vouch for your request to ban, a ban will not be placed.

Step 2: Contact the server admin and refer them to this post. Give them the details from Step 1 and tell them to post the details here

Step 3: DPO review the claims and if sufficient evidence is provided the name and IP is added to the ban list.

Hopefully other server admins will add look at this post so the community can stamp out hackers. It seems to be the only way at the moment. I am a fair person so if you believe you have been unlawfully blocked then send me a pm and I will distribute amongst other members in the DPO and if found wrongly blocked the ban will be lifted and server admins contacted to . Please place these links on forums and anywhere to get good publicity.

If you are a server admin check here every monday for updates to the ban list.

I have no file to upload at the moment as I am only taking new bans from now on.

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Its good to see things like this. There is a community ban list also. It has a few dayz staff that run it and server admins.

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Thread reported. Why are you posting I.P.'s of players on this forum? Did you read the first thread about what you can and can not post on these forums? You do know they specifically say - DON'T POST I.P. ADDRESSES ON THIS FORUM - right?

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Hi guy's. I like your project and wish you luck, please remember not to post IP's on a public forum.

Edited by Fraggle

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No ip's, would you like me to post your ip all over the forums ?

I doubt it very much.

If someone is caught hacking in stuff the guid will do the trick.

Problem :: PM

EDIT : Beaten by a Fraggle.

Edited by Boneboys

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Naysayer alert.

We have the cheat reporting forum on this website, the community ban list and DayZ AdminZ started a ban list - but it has been disabled now. Adding another ban list is muddying the water and the reason the DayZ AdminZ one was discontinued, aside from the fact it was a nightmare to administer, is that BE doesn't support remote repositories, therefore if you're not verifying your contributors, how can you assure the veracity of your bans?

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Gonna remove this, not getting sucked in.

Edited by Tandwan

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