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i was so close to report this as a bug

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It is really a bug in my opinion. OFC i'm talking about the USELESS crossbow. Now i really dont know much about compound crossbows, but i dont think they are ten times worse than what i can make from nothing but wood, a 5cm knife, and a plie string. Including the bolts, and they still get 30/20% stuck inside trees. When fine tuned, my home made crossbow hit a bulls eye at 20m EVERY time. If i'm not majorly exhausted so that i have probelms holding it. Wich rarely happens. The dammage is fine but you realy underesatmate the abillity of middle age weapons. Like most pepole do. But if the compound crossbow is this horrible in real life i just found a new profession. Ps. I onely ever made one crossbow. Other than that it would be awsome if players Bled more since a steel bolt just went right thru them(i would think). Remember a middle age crossbow was made to pierce 3mm armour at great distance.

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I expect it will be improved at some point in standalone, I know Rocket specifically mentioned a quiver is planned.

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I have a crossbow, its fun to use - hard to reload o.O

Then try a real british long bow(Realy hard to come by). It's about 180 pounds to push(Yes push not pull).

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Um, yeah, very few people are effective longbowmen, but the weapon is exponentially better than a crossbow, same with most other bow types. Crossbow's just real simple, same advantage muskets had over bows, along with the power.

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But a middle age weapon would be very hard pushed to penetrate the many, many layers of material used in modern day armour.

Even the ancient Japanese worked out that you could massively reduce the damage, and chance of infection from a shit covered arrow head, by simply wearing a silk shirt under you armour.

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The only problem I got with it is that we lack quivers.

Two bolts do not take up as much space as a box of M240 rounds.

I'd take a ten/fifteen bolt quiver taking three spaces.

Otherwise, it works splendidly as is.

For hunting a bolt can often not be used more than once as they are relatively fragile. Meant to penetrate flesh to a point and stay there. They'll often be kinked beyond use.

As for bleeding, unless you play with the bolt, you wouldnt bleed that much. The arrow is still there clogging its own hole.

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It is really a bug in my opinion. OFC i'm talking about the USELESS crossbow. Now i really dont know much about compound crossbows, but i dont think they are ten times worse than what i can make from nothing but wood, a 5cm knife, and a plie string. Including the bolts, and they still get 30/20% stuck inside trees. When fine tuned, my home made crossbow hit a bulls eye at 20m EVERY time. If i'm not majorly exhausted so that i have probelms holding it. Wich rarely happens. The dammage is fine but you realy underesatmate the abillity of middle age weapons. Like most pepole do. But if the compound crossbow is this horrible in real life i just found a new profession. Ps. I onely ever made one crossbow. Other than that it would be awsome if players Bled more since a steel bolt just went right thru them(i would think). Remember a middle age crossbow was made to pierce 3mm armour at great distance.

I agree that the compound bow should be more accurate. IRL they are accurate enough to have a sight and can be zeroed, so the predictability of where your shot hits is pretty consistent.



Edited by Bukethead

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