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Bandit morals

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Bandits! Would you act like this in real life? I mean, if society crumbled, would you really hamstring your fellow man for a steak or a few rounds of ammo? Would you kill them in cold blood for the sake of it?

No, seriously. I'm curious, from a sociological point of view.

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I would gut you and eat your spleen.

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so true, if you're killing for stuff.. then fair enough.. that is a bandit.. but not noobs who just spawned..

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The reason why I don't feel bad putting down a sniper that has no way to defend himself from me is that I know he will be back, with the exact same gear if not better.

In real life, I'd spare the people I see as long as there was not a drop of blood on them. And if they have just general injuries (limping, broken leg/arm, mental issues), I'd just put them out of their misery. Or leave them as a bait, if there were hundreds of zombies coming towards us. (Yes, I AM that horrible. Me dying because of them is not something on my to-do list during the apocalypse.)

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There's a massive difference between a video game and real life.

I play games for fun, killing other players (not on the coast) is the only real way to have fun late in the game when zombies aren't an issue. Therefore, I kill other players.

Simple as that.

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its bad just killing people, its killing noobs ( sniping in elecktro ) i love counter sniping until a hacker kills u !!

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If a real life apocalypse came about, I would at least try not to be a dick... But a man desperate for substance, desperate for life, is known to do some nasty fucking things...

Personally I wouldn't stick around populated areas for long. More human interaction means more chance of a psycho trying to kill me and cook me up. To be truthful, I have no fucking idea what I would do in a zombie apocalypse.

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I mean, if society crumbled, would you really hamstring your fellow man for a steak or a few rounds of ammo?


Would you kill them in cold blood for the sake of it?


I would also kill anyone who had a weapon on them.

This is all in theory though, I have never killed anyone IRL so until I do it's hard to say what I would do.

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Bandits! Would you act like this in real life? I mean, if society crumbled, would you really hamstring your fellow man for a steak or a few rounds of ammo? Would you kill them in cold blood for the sake of it?

No, seriously. I'm curious, from a sociological point of view.

My survival is more important to me than your survival.

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I'd resort to survivor rules, make sure they are friendly before i let them in. And even then i wont trust them for a year or more.

If someone takes a shot at us all bets are off (unless there are exceptional circumstances)

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In a few wars different armies had problems with their soldiers aiming over their enemies. They just didn't like the idea of killing somebody else. So they decied they'd have to change the way the trained their soldiers, getting more human targets, and giving brony points for killing. Oh sorry, I meant "brownie points". All that because it's not in most people's nature to outright kill their fellow human beings, even though it's the enemy.

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It's different in real life because it is easy to survive on your own in DayZ. It's realistic, sure, but it's not realistic enough to base your opinion of real life survival.

Let me reiterate - if you base your survival strategy in a real apocalypse off of DayZ, you are an idiot.

There aren't going to be designated loot spots that reset. There's no unlimited sprinting. There won't be any guarantees of anything that we know exists in DayZ, aside from that we need food and water. You can't log out whenever you feel like it, you can't fix bones with morphine, and every medical problem will not be solved with a bandage and a blood bag. Chances are you'll have a hard time finding a gun if you don't own one already and ammo for it would be even more of a challenge.

Guns are not simple to use. Let alone sniper rifles. Your average (I don't want any ex-military badasses telling me how they can use any weapon they see to kill me from a thousand yards) person in an apocalypse I guarantee could hardly use a handgun. In DayZ, every player is already a combat trained veteran and has perfectly and permanently repaired, zeroed, and cleaned weapons.

And if they are in a close-combat life or death situation? Forget about it. That gun might as well be a club to hit themselves in the head with because they'd probably miss if they tried to shoot themselves.

Could you carry around an As50? Hell no. No person in their right mind would carry around a gun that weighs up to 60 pounds. And if they did they wouldn't get anywhere and they would almost never be able to use it effectively. Even an assault rifle like an AK is going to be heavy if you carry it with you at all times.

If you are intelligent, you realize that you aren't going to live long on your own. You would also know that even if you get a partner or two, chances are they won't last long either and then you'll be back to square one with nobody else to help you. Do you have to get over loss of human life to survive an apocalypse? Yes. Does it help you to survive if it turns you in a sadistic sociopath? No.

Adding on to that is that fact that not everyone can do everything like you can in DayZ. Hey, who knows how to fix a car? Somebody have a toolbox and all purpose vehicle parts?

Was that guy a doctor? Aww shit, if would have been nice if I had known he could fix my leg before I shot him.

So you have to realize in a real apocalypse your chance of survival if your are alone is extremely low, and you would go insane without socialization with other people for such a long period of time. You'd lose your mind and that would be the point when you starting killing people on site because you are not longer rational and who knows what the hell else is wrong with you. Surviving with a group is the only real and logical way to do it in a real life apocalypse, so theoretically people would be much more willing to work as a group. Maybe not with strangers, but if you are alone a few potential friends will be a sight for sore eyes.

However, people will lose their minds in an apocalypse, and hopefully those people do not find guns.

I also think if you saw a survivor colony with a good amount of people in it your first instinct wouldn't be to grenade it.

Tl;DR "If you base your survival strategy in a real apocalypse off of DayZ, you are an idiot."

Edited by Dutch Miller
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I like to kill bambi in kamenka and komarovo because nobody wants to spawn there anyway.

In real life, that doesn't work at all.

I don't think anybody is prepared to say they're ready to face any sort of apocalypse, let alone one infested with the walking dead.

I don't doubt that most people would rather end it themselves then try and scrape together a life amongst the ashes of a collapsed society.


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I will defend whats mine and the people I love but in dayz fuck all of you :] (no hard feelings fellas)

I also think if you saw a survivor colony with a good amount of people in it your first instinct wouldn't be to grenade it.


Edited by JarethJams

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I would most likely be a loner sniper in real life, think Eli from the Book of Eli.

It's easier to avoid people and kill when necessary than trudge around with others.

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Would I be able to find an as50? And then whack a tent down that I've got in my attic and dupe it for all my friends or not?

That would probably work

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Bandits! Would you act like this in real life? I mean, if society crumbled, would you really hamstring your fellow man for a steak or a few rounds of ammo? Would you kill them in cold blood for the sake of it?

No, seriously. I'm curious, from a sociological point of view.

Yes. If he or she is not part of my pack I would KOS

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I'd be nice and give everyone beans. Soon I'll be known as Master Bean throughout the apocalypse. People will flock to me. I will build a town and then a city and name it Beantopia. Eventually, we will rid the world of zombies and I will become Emperor Bean of the New World Order. I will demand daily bean offerings In return for my help during the apocalypse. My empire will last 1000 years. All hail Emperor Bean.

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I'd be nice and give everyone beans. Soon I'll be known as Master Bean throughout the apocalypse. People will flock to me. I will build a town and then a city and name it Beantopia. Eventually, we will rid the world of zombies and I will become Emperor Bean of the New World Order. I will demand daily bean offerings In return for my help during the apocalypse. My empire will last 1000 years. All hail Emperor Bean.

Beantopia? Damn I cannot imagine the smell...

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Out there in Pandora everything you see wants to kill you and eat your brains out for juju bees, so yeah I would shoot on site ;)

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Last time a white man came to a tribe that hadn't ever seen white people, they sure were cautious, but after the first shock, they let them in and treated them like guests.

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No ofc they wouldn't, they'd have to watch thier friends and family get eaten and would be a screwed up mess and would crawl blubbering to the first survivor they saw.

Not an insult, pretty sure we would all be something similiar to that, but there will always be killing nutters, these people where killing people BEFORE it all kicked off so.... Yea.

Edited by Axz

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