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Lingor zombie aggro levels seem high

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Been playing Lingor for a few days now and am enjoying it. The last three days however it seems the Z's have all turned into Superman.

I'm talking aggro from 70-100m while crouched in doorway and they are facing 90 degrees from me. Lying in the grass in a light rain, after crawling (so I know they weren't headed to my last known location) and the Z is walking away from me at an oblique angle and suddenly turns and attacks.

Much faster in the initial attacks too.

On the positive note, have you noticed the planks on top of the bldgs.? Im sure most know this but you can clamber from house to house in a lot of the towns. You can even leap the 2m gap on some of them if you get a head start and there is a ramp of planks. Not always though - ask me how I know :)

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, is the Zombie aggro level in Lingor tweaked from DayZ?

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I know what you mean, but i dunno if its a change.

It seems like the Z's in Lingor really wants to kill you more then in Chernarus :)

I find it quite exiting myself hehe.

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Dunno if this post is "legit" cause Team Rocket doesn't support lingor island. Is a non official feature. So... Don't know if they will care about your problem.

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Legit my ass.

This is off topic and we have the modarators word for it. ITS ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT LINGOR AND PRIVATE HIVE IN OFF TOPIC.

So find something constructive to write insted of flamming a guy for something thats allowed lol.

This is not a bug report, merely a discussion about lingor zombies.

Get your facts straight mate.

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I'm not asking for Hall to come and answer me directly. I was looking for others experiences or perhaps confirmation that the zombies use a different behavior model. I posted in the right forum.

I wouldn't call that flaming, Byrgesen. Perhaps a discarded heatpack at 10m on a warm summer day. I regularly argue with Tea Party idiots on motorcycle forums so I've got a pretty thick skin!

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I'm not asking for Hall to come and answer me directly. I was looking for others experiences or perhaps confirmation that the zombies use a different behavior model. I posted in the right forum.

I wouldn't call that flaming, Byrgesen. Perhaps a discarded heatpack at 10m on a warm summer day. I regularly argue with Tea Party idiots on motorcycle forums so I've got a pretty thick skin!

Good point mate, tbh i was pretty pissed yesterday about something else, so it migt have replected abit on the post :)

sry pasa :)

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