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About Pasadenasman

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Rain doesn't affect gameplay anymore... beans does. On a side note, maybe you can drag his body at the entrance of your home "to warn" survivors that THIS IS YOUR HOME !
  2. 3- Put 4x Double Barrelled shotgun rounds in his spine and watch that turkey gobble as I take my beans back No other way to keep your beans safe
  3. Pasadenasman

    GDC Online Awards

    I voted for DayZ, maybe you want to know why? 1) Even with bugs, hackers, glitches, etc : The game's core is amazing. Even if broken this mod still on top of the hill compared to other online games. Voted. 2) I much like the dev working on the standalone to release it in a few weeks than working on the mod. This way they can design what WE ALL WANT and not just WHAT THE CORE ENGIN CAN DO. I support you guys (dev) for this ! Voted. 3) DayZ is a new kind of gaming. Like rocket said : a frustrated game. An original idea with a milsim apocalypse. Voted. Don't give time to some kind of post : your game is broken blabla... none on the forum blabla... butthurt teenagers are always frustrated. PS : lock all official thread. :)
  4. Pasadenasman

    Lingor zombie aggro levels seem high

    Hi, Dunno if this post is "legit" cause Team Rocket doesn't support lingor island. Is a non official feature. So... Don't know if they will care about your problem.
  5. Pasadenasman

    Cheater on FI21 server

    Hi, Was playing on the same server at the same time and my buddy and i got shooted by a guy with an arbalet. We checked the area and a few second later i was shooted in the back with an arbalet. Got a short coma and broken bones. During this time my buddy spotted him and shot him a point blank (+-5m) with a DMR. He unloaded a full mag of the DMR on his body when the guy seems to look at me. Then the cheater open fire on my buddy and killed him. At this point my coma was over and just had the time to throw a M24 bullet in his head (+-15m). The guy was showing is back to me and when i shooted, he slowly turned himself to me. He normally had been touch the floor at this time but he was still on his feet. Got shooted back and down. I have personnaly no idea of this cheater's name. This bitch killed two 23 days old char.
  6. Pasadenasman

    Every single server lagging out?

    Same here since this morning. Can't play more than 15 minuts. Have the same issue on every server i ve tried so far since morning. BTW i have a very few servers running the same version of arma II than me (aka the last one : 95724). So its very hard to find one i can play on. I can see others players on the servers having connnection issues too : "player xxx has lost connection". Everytimes i can also see "myname has lost connection" bewtween other connection lost. It is very very annoying and this is just ruinning the game (no respond but got hit by a door, bone broken -> no blood -> dead / no loot cause logged in barracks just after got disconnected in this 'racks / ... ) Hope this will be fixed soon.
  7. Hi, Here some minds to help you in your path to understand the mechanic of sandbox game and players interactions, especially with sniper rifles. (hope you can read this cause english isn't my native language...) 1) You did commit a major failure even before playing this game : you tought it can be possible to be safe somewhere. The fact that's it's totally false. And that's the point of all the game's mechanic and realism. IRL no one can be totally safe. You can be safer than other ppl, but not totally safe. I ve been playing Eve Online for years (and other pvp games) and i can ensure you that the only solution to be safe is in fact to be logged off... and even in some games, that does prevent nothing. That's in relation with your "nametag" : this will not prevent anything in the way you think. If you can't see a sniper without it, you will not see with. This "feature" will not prevent you to die. You know that and that's maybe you suggest to lower the efficiency of these guns, to take a hit and still can take cover, bandage, then gtfo or DC. Set up this feature will kill the mid/close range game, even more. And to close this point, in reality you don't have "nametags"; if you want to recognise a friend, wears can do it. Just look at your friend and keep this picture in your mind. That's all you have in real life too; if you trust ppl you barely meet/know; you are doing it wrong, also IRL. This will fuck up your friend group ability, but guess what... that's the fact in real life or zombie apoc scenario: i will not team up with guys in the street, just because they are wearing a cap and pretty cool bag. 2) You got killed by sniper because you are doing it wrong : Not wanting to hurt you, but you have to wake up. This game is built on a military simulator in a pvp way. If you just don't want to learn and do some tactics in this way to keep you alive, you are doing it wrong. Plus, you said you will not adapt to this... One more time, this is a military simulator pvp game, accept it or uninstall. In real life, if you know you can encounter some snipers, do you really run in open field, wondering what kind of sauce you will find to eat your beans? Now, you more talk about cities situations. That's even more the point you don't understand. You are alone, no team up to cover you and you go in town such elektro and cherno : So you are doing it wrong. In real life, if you are alone i suggest you to go for a farm or something like that. I'm pretty sure you play during the day, maybe at more popular hours, you see videos of guys in cherno during day time having fun etc. False, just False. If you are alone, avoid cities, avoid day time, avoid public area such hospitals and stores. If you keep doing this with no learning the sniper's tactics, you are doing hardly wrong. If you really want to go in town, just go ahead. Take cover, watch for one to two hours in a popular server. i'm sure you will die many times, but in the end that will be the last time you got killed by snipers. More like something camping behind a door with shotguns (do you will cry to nerf shotguns? xD) 3) Ppl before me were saying you did wrong were completly true and thus the reasons why were good to. i will not take there reasons back here. Enought said. 4) what you suggest is nothing more to do a COD/BF like than an arma game. This will break entirely the game, the friend request, the identification, the damage reduction etc. This will turn the game in a peace fest "com'on guys, let's build a farm and farm beans, this survivor game is too easy, i ve to leave it" -_- Hopefully this game is not based on preincurgited fun. The fact is that you are playing a PVP game, If you want to survive, you will not just deal with zombies, but much more with players, like in every fucking realistic scenario. I did not talk on the balance of weapons and stuff like that and about the exact points you ve talk about, cause in fact, it's all about the pvp stuff and your refuse/fail ability to adapt/live with. PS : THIS MOD IS JUST WELL BALANCED ON PVP WAY JUST FIND BRAIN /// SPOIL///--> YOU CAN LOOT IT IN ZOMBIES' MOUNTH !!!