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How many of you are actually prepared for a real zombie outbreak???

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meh..if it comes to it i am just going to find a hill outside of town and axe a sniper..he should have everything i will ever need.

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So like are you in the T.V. show and stuff?

No that T.V show is dumb because I would never want folks to know EXACTLY what I have and am capable of.

All that stupid show did was make most of us preppers look bad, in addition to giving me scavenging spots when the world goes to shit.

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I have a composite bow and train on a weekly basis at a club nearby, also i have a battle axe as several smaler ones. Havent had any training with the axes.

Any ideas on training myself with them, except on the annoying neighbors dog

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Jesus christ, I'm actually suprised at how many gamers own firearms (if they aren't bullshitting). I mean, it's not like you're ever going to use them properly, so why even purchase them?

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You do know it's simple to get guns legally in America, right?

Read the post I was quoting.

I am very aware of how easy it is to get a gun. I Only have one though. I'd take what I needed from the dumasses who think they can shoot cuz they play games.

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meh..if it comes to it i am just going to find a hill outside of town and axe a sniper..he should have everything i will ever need.

I don't really think it works that way.

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Read the post I was quoting.

I am very aware of how easy it is to get a gun. I Only have one though. I'd take what I needed from the @#!*% who think they can shoot cuz they play games.

Okay, there you go. Your last post wasn't very clear. I know what you mean though. I've gone over the safety tests and gotten my (temporary, until I get my permanent one) hunting license. Unfortunately, not everyone does this. I consider shooting more of a hobby.

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I have a composite bow and train on a weekly basis at a club nearby, also i have a battle axe as several smaler ones. Havent had any training with the axes.

Any ideas on training myself with them, except on the annoying neighbors dog

I suggest ( and i might be going out on a limb here ) splitting wood. What you really want though is the ability to be able to throw them accurately..check this dude out :D

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Jesus christ, I'm actually suprised at how many gamers own firearms (if they aren't bullshitting). I mean, it's not like you're ever going to use them properly, so why even purchase them?

Games such as Day Z attract Military/Law Enforcement.

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I don't really think it works that way.

Lol..yeah, well we are talking about a zombie apocalypse.. I would probably just cancel my pay tv subscription and catch up on some old dvds. ;)

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Jesus christ, I'm actually suprised at how many gamers own firearms (if they aren't @#!*% ). I mean, it's not like you're ever going to use them properly, so why even purchase them?

Some people use them for target shooting, skeet shooting, competitions, and many consider collecting guns a hobby.

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How on earth pple don't see that guns are not important against z's. you need an armored shield wielding wall that can contain physically z's while they are put down by a squad of skilled brainers.

guns and shit can help but for z's the more pple that can sustain a rush and the more pple that can get rid of z's quickly the better. Gunners will be better against bandits and so. But for zeds gimme melee all the way.

A roman phalanx would work wonders in this case.

(thumbs up for americans who know what a phalanx is!)

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I want to have an apocalypse safe-room, filled with weapons, ammo, medical supplies, non-perishable food, water, clothes, etc etc.

Obviously, this is very expensive to make....

...hopefully the apocalypse has the decency to come AFTER I've saved up enough money...

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Okay, there you go. Your last post wasn't very clear. I know what you mean though. I've gone over the safety tests and gotten my (temporary, until I get my permanent one) hunting license. Unfortunately, not everyone does this. I consider shooting more of a hobby.

Good on you there. It is surprising how many folks get a gun and never take a saffty course, let alone a training course for their weapon.

Though it is funny as hell to watch someone at the range who has never shot their weapon before attempt it for the first time.

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I have food and supplies, basically because I'm ready for a hurricane, so I could be ready for an apocalypse, though I am lacking weapons right now, since the guns I own are currently on the other side of the country lol So I'm partially ready for the survival aspect, though I am lacking in the defensive department lol

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Good on you there. It is surprising how many folks get a gun and never take a saffty course, let alone a training course for their weapon.

Though it is funny as @#!*% to watch someone at the range who has never shot their weapon before attempt it for the first time.

Yes. Yes it is.

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No, getting guns is simple.

My State


Man I love Texas. California Laws are a bitch. Hell they just tried to ban the bullet button by attaching it to an agriculture bill. Friggen commies!!

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any more preppers here? love to here what you got to say about this.

Its the end of the world damit!! financial breakdown, oil prices, pole shifting, solar flares, dirty bombs, alien invasion, super flu, and not forgetting zombies (or soon to be, cause i believe this mod standing up to the hype)

Just please be prepared.

Graphical glitches and all.

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I guess I am a prepper if you read my post on page one of this thread but again, we dont really call ourselves that.

any more preppers here? love to here what you got to say about this.

Its the end of the world damit!! financial breakdown, oil prices, pole shifting, solar flares, dirty bombs, alien invasion, super flu, and not forgetting zombies (or soon to be, cause i believe this mod standing up to the hype)

Just please be prepared.

Graphical glitches and all.

Well, assuming you read my post on page one, I guess I consider myself a prepper.

Also, to the person who said they were suprised people owned guns and assumed that nobody ever uses them properly.

I spent 12 years in the military and did 2 tours in Iraq during the worst times of the war. I am also an avid hunter/outdoors-men.

Ive killed many animals for food. And I have also shot and killed people in the defense of myself and others.

The reason I have so MANY firearms is because I have a select group of people I would like to have with me in an emergency and I can provide them with firearms.

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Man I love Texas. California Laws are a bitch. Hell they just tried to ban the bullet button by attaching it to an agriculture bill. Friggen commies!!

I am a Democrat and Love my Gun. Not all of us want to take guns away!

Guns and other issues should never be attached to more important issues when it comes to passing bills. Bad Politics.

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I own several weapons, melee and ranged. I have a quality backpack with food, water, medical supplies and clothing ready to go. I have outdoors experience and the will and means to hunt for food. However, if the impossible situation occurred and there was a real zombie outbreak, I'd rather be dead. I'm more prepared for an earthquake/civil unrest scenario. The dead or infected taking over the planet? I'm checking out.

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I own several weapons, melee and ranged. I have a quality backpack with food, water, medical supplies and clothing ready to go. I have outdoors experience and the will and means to hunt for food. However, if the impossible situation occurred and there was a real zombie outbreak, I'd rather be dead. I'm more prepared for an earthquake/civil unrest scenario. The dead or infected taking over the planet? I'm checking out.

srry for namecallin, butt,.............. puss

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