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To all the topics about adding dephication, rape, torture and such.

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Seriously....i get the topic creators are probably trolls but then the amount of hypocracy i see when reading the replies....is staggering....here are a few examples

"EW POOPING IN A GAME!!! thats gross and unrealistic"


"Rape is a horrible act and evil and has no place in video games"

.....right and axeing someone to death is like giving them candy....

(NOTE: just cause it does not show dismemberment does not mean jack. If graphic violence is what has peoeple whining then they could just add simple animations for things without causing them to be too graphic i.e having a simple standing or sitting nature for going to the bathroom....)

"Torture is just messed up man, slavery too who the hell would do that"

....People, people would do that in a shit world with no law...people ya dumb ass

And most recently i saw a topic about pregnancy.....well that was just...silly but still entertaining none the less. Was obvious troll though lol

Im just saying ya all of these things are bad and wrong but holy jesus....to be like "ya i just KILLED so many people....feels good man" and " I JUST CHOPPED THAT BITCH UP"....and then immediately say how all these NON LETHAL acts are worse...the headache i get from the hypocracy is painful.

I would just prefer people accept that all the acts listed above AS WELL AS KILLING are all bad and killing should be the worst since THERE IS NO RECOVERY FROM THAT SHIT. Instead of people speak as the killing is the least worst thing you can do....it isn't, and to all those people who say so are obviously just jaded by all the current kiling gaming has in it already...which is sad TBH.

P.S For some reason spell check ain't working so if some troll grammer nazi feels up to it..go ahead...i won't listen.

(NOTE: I do want to say i would like to see the option of going to the bathroom being an option....for those who have seen zombie land and jurrasic park...you know the entertainment that can be gained plus um...HELLO...the book everybody poops...should not exclude fictional characters....because we all know books don't lie....EVER....im still waiting for hogwarts letter)

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the pregnancy topic was wrote by me and it was a reasonable suggestion not meant to be a troll joke bbeans_03.pngut you have my beans yours sincerely an irish kidbeans_03.pngthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifbeans_03.pngbeans_04.png

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Hey according to Todd Akin a legitimate rape cant result in a pregnancy ^_^

Edited by Nisseboy
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agreed. Just cant figure out what purpose those acts would serve gamewise. Just stick with your usual teabagging. Cannibalism could work though.

Edited by ukko

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Well, technically, the guy killed wouldn't be around to suffer, so in my world, the other stuff i far worse. I mean, how do you end the suffering of a horse that has broken his leg? Yep, that's right!

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I don't think anyone has EVER said pooping would be unrealistic. It's just pointless and would add little to the game.

The other suggestions would just make the game notorious - probably get it banned and also add little in the way of actual gameplay.

As sad as it may seem, killing people in video games is kind of acceptable as it's seen as comic book and unrealistic. Rape and torture would be highly controversial and I'm pretty sure it's just flat-out not allowed.

You've pretty much just invented something, just to rant at it.

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they call games like these "shooters" for a reason. To test hand-eye-coordination and skills. I don't see any skills that would be involved with any of the mentioned subjects in the game. Besides, DayZ is shooting for authenticity- not realism.

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I know its just my opinion but rape is alot worse then just killing someone ok you killed someone that's horrible but it over for the victim now rape mentally destroys people for the rest of their lives. from my time in prison(not proud of it) in the criminal community rapist get an extra "special" kind of treatment because even amongst hardend killers and life time criminals rapists are the absolute scum of the planet and are dealt with as such

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I'd like to request addition of slavery and human trafficking. Just imagine kidnapping/purchasing some slaves and forcing them to work on your underground structure while you are enjoying sniping in Cherno!

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I poo'ed in the Sims why not DayZ?!

Maxis didn't work in rape or slavery, but I'm pretty sure the latter could be acceptable/quite workable in a survival setting.

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Yeah, let's worry about this shit AFTER the zombies are functional, 'kay?

Way too early to be thinking about big, risky changes here.

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No point in adding rape, but I think dismemberment would be cool. You can break bones and such, well why not dismemberment? It should only happen with an axe if hit in a certain area, or a .50cal which would make the most sense due to the caliber size.

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Your right they are all "bad" acts of an imaginative varying degree. And yes they are all realistic element of what goes on in the world right now and even in a apocalypse scenario, but would I contemplate playing a game that gives you an option to rape another character?.... FUCK NO!

I can't honestly say I would feel comfortable playing a game that has that as an option as it serves no purpose in any game as it does in real life.

Yes it hypocritical but killing in a video game is widely accepted as entertainment as it generally fits in with the narrative of a game and is justified.

Raping someone can never really be justified in a video game as entertainment.

There are certain boundarys that should never be crossed if you value the medium of entertainment that your creating.

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Your right they are all "bad" acts of an imaginative varying degree. And yes they are all realistic element of what goes on in the world right now and even in a apocalypse scenario, but would I contemplate playing a game that gives you an option to rape another character?.... FUCK NO!

I can't honestly say I would feel comfortable playing a game that has that as an option as it serves no purpose in any game as it does in real life.

Yes it hypocritical but killing in a video game is widely accepted as entertainment as it generally fits in with the narrative of a game and is justified.

Raping someone can never really be justified in a video game as entertainment.

There are certain boundarys that should never be crossed if you value the medium of entertainment that your creating.

Well I guess we can enjoy RapeLay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWONvCpge_I for now.

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ok so a whiner, a sadist, an ex-con and a humanitarian all walk into a bar -er forum...

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I would like to see someone raping a dead zombie! rofl

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Can someone could actually put forward an intelligent argument as to why rape would be a good mechanic in a game ? ..No ? Hmmmmm. I mean why stop there, why not have child molestation ? Or does that disgust the people who want rape in a game ? Is it too low ? Why not sink all the way.

Fucking idiot.

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Don't think I've seen a single topic about these features, and I'm on here pretty much every day.

I may have missed some, but I doubt they are that common.

Edited by Angel_

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I agree that it is a little silly to put graphic violence in a less mature light then sex... but rape? I don't know man. A game with rape would go over just as well as a game in which you crash airliners into the World Trade Center. Not to mention, who besides extreme sociopaths would even bother with it? Moral issues aside, it would be a wasted mechanic if nobody used it.

Go play Rapelay.

Edited by Zakatak

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the pregnancy topic was wrote by me and it was a reasonable suggestion not meant to be a troll joke bbeans_03.pngut you have my beans yours sincerely an irish kidbeans_03.pngthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifbeans_03.pngbeans_04.png

Oh...well the little bandit face you added made me lawl i thought it was a joke....so ya

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Don't think I've seen a single topic about these features, and I'm on here pretty much every day.

I may have missed some, but I doubt they are that common.

Rape and slavery was a topic talked about awhile ago around 1.7.3 (whever female skin came out was when it was talked about) thats when i remember there being 5 or so I then made this topic after seeing the pregnacy post like...oh there still talking about "controversial" topics are they....huh....then i read the comments and i facepalm....but the whole thing was just funny

Edited by Slyguy65

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A bunch of mentally handicapped kids got online when their nanny wasn't looking and made some absurd suggestions to get a rise out of people and you felt the need to start a thread outlining each? Okay.

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