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So, I use hacks, this is WHY

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Dude, considering you can spawn your own stuff, you should not use god mode to kill anyone.

Plus, you say it's easy to not get caught, but the official cheat maker to bypass BE said that a very recent improvement has been made SERVER-SIDE. And if that guys tells it, I can swear your days are counted.

I know. 'been there, 'done that...

'am on a new CD KEY now, if you see what I mean.

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Wait..."nice" hacker? He admits to killing people using god mode and cheats to kill people or get revenge on people, just because they shot at him for no reason (With a pistol, no less), while also giving his friends the best gear in the game, which in turn, they'll most likely kill people who are aren't on the "level playing field" as them, further adding to the scripting menace in the game. He's not out there just handing out AS50's to people just getting in the game, which would be a terrible thing, but to his close friends.

Another thing people overlook: Not 90% of the human population in a REAL zombie apocalypse would NOT kill you as soon as they see you, let alone hack you into pieces with an axe like a fucking psycho. These "KoS"ers ruin the atmosphere of DayZ. Yes, hackers ruin it too, but THIS kind of hacker creates the atmosphere for others by killing these pricks. As for spawning stuff for their friends, I don't approve, but the killing of "KoS"ers I approve of.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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all you have to do is play the game, get better, learn the loot spots, learn to stay out of sight etc etc, dont go around hacking and telling yourself everytime you do it 'this is fair, i'm doing the right thing' because you arent, if you want good weapons go to NW airfield and find them OR go and kill that sniper? if you have buddies have you heard of flanking? and suddenly that sniper cant take all of you out before you get to him. grow up and L2P or GTFO

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I like how you are able to read your killers mind to find out if they did or didn't have a reason to kill you before you start hacking and saying it's justified.

You sir, are a cunt.

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If you used hacks because you were sick and tired of being teleported to and being killed un-fairly, maybe then I'd give a tiny bit of sympathy, but if sounds like you just suck fucking dick at the game.

So now you run around with god mode like a little script kiddie does and you ruin the game for everyone else. I hope Battleye wrecks you in the anus. Hard.

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Another thing people overlook: Not 90% of the human population in a REAL zombie apocalypse would NOT kill you as soon as they see you, let alone hack you into pieces with an axe like a fucking psycho. These "KoS"ers ruin the atmosphere of DayZ. Yes, hackers ruin it too, but THIS kind of hacker creates the atmosphere for others by killing these pricks. As for spawning stuff for their friends, I don't approve, but the killing of "KoS"ers I approve of.

It's fun making up nonsense percentages for fictional ideas, isn't it? The atmosphere of DayZ isn't meant to be a care bear "Lets survive together!" type of atmosphere, it's playing a game with the idea, that at any time, you could die. You can play the good guy and try to be friendly, or take the chance of being shot. If everyone had to have a reason to kill someone, people would probably never kill each other.

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Another thing people overlook: Not 90% of the human population in a REAL zombie apocalypse would NOT kill you as soon as they see you, let alone hack you into pieces with an axe like a fucking psycho. These "KoS"ers ruin the atmosphere of DayZ. Yes, hackers ruin it too, but THIS kind of hacker creates the atmosphere for others by killing these pricks. As for spawning stuff for their friends, I don't approve, but the killing of "KoS"ers I approve of.

Wait a minute, you SUPPORT a hacker using god mode and scripts/teleportation killing someone just because they committed the oh so terrible crime of killing him?

So this dipshit is right to just kill anyone who shoots him with his mega haxxx?

You Sir, can fuck right off.

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we'd try to shoot back with our shitty little makarovs and shotguns but they always had WAY WAYYYYY better weapons.

It just wasn't fair at all.

Did anybody else imagine a stamping of feet and throwing of toys whilst reading this?

I have to admire the OP's honesty.

Coming on here and admitting that he is so bad at the game, the only way he can win is by cheating.

Kudos. But no beans for you. ;)

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Another thing people overlook: Not 90% of the human population in a REAL zombie apocalypse would NOT kill you as soon as they see you, let alone hack you into pieces with an axe like a fucking psycho. These "KoS"ers ruin the atmosphere of DayZ. Yes, hackers ruin it too, but THIS kind of hacker creates the atmosphere for others by killing these pricks. As for spawning stuff for their friends, I don't approve, but the killing of "KoS"ers I approve of.

This guy gets it.

I got the RIGHT to kill someone if they shoot me for no reason, without provocation.

Sure, if I shoot at them they can shoot back.

Back just randomly killing me?

Nah no thanks that shit is gay.

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Another thing people overlook: Not 90% of the human population in a REAL zombie apocalypse would kill you as soon as they see you, let alone hack you into pieces with an axe like a fucking psycho. These "KoS"ers ruin the atmosphere of DayZ. Yes, hackers ruin it too, but THIS kind of hacker creates the atmosphere for others by killing these pricks. As for spawning stuff for their friends, I don't approve, but the killing of "KoS"ers I approve of.

First of all I would like to say I don't like the current KoS mentality, I do not however have a problem with a certain level of banditry, he even said one of the guys he killed only killed him for his amazing stuff. However this is no way to solve the issue. This guy doesn't have a clue as to there side of the story, and you also have to consider that the KoS mentality is a product of the game mechanics not holey the person in question. And I highly doubt this guy actually keeps to these rules, I know that if I had that much power I would start finding any excuse to go into God mode and kill someone who killed me and yet even if he did only kill the KoSers it doesn't solve anything, these people will have weapons again and be killing more people in no time at all, it's not even a mild deterent. If the KoS mentality is to be stopped, it should be stopped by the game not some pathetic 'moral' hacker.

To the OP, don't try and rationalise yourself, atleast admit you are a fucking arsehole like the majority of hackers.

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If everyone had to have a reason to kill someone, people would probably never kill each other.

Hmmmmm, we have another Dalai Lama in the making, or is it Jeffrey Dahmer?


Edited by EMT - Jasz

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Eh, nah bro.

I wouldn't use god mode in a fight just cuz I could, I'd only use it if someone killed me for NO REASON whatsoever.

One time we were riding through elektro on our ATV and some guys just started shooting at us, no asking if we're friendly, we didnt provoke them, nothing.

They just wanted our shit cuz they didnt have it.

So after they killed my buddy i just put on god mode and delt with them.

Their fault for being pking assholes.

Ahh you are missing the point of the game dude. It's a sandbox game so anything goes. I know it sucks to get killed for no reason (or because someone just wants your stuff) but thats how the game is and was designed to be.

If a zombie apocalypse did break out it might be something like that in real life: People killing for supplies and food, and other good guys keeping their humanity and helping each other. Bandits and Survivors. ??? ^_^ cool concept.

Using cheats because you can't handle game is not the way to go. Just get better at the game and you will die less.

Edited by Big_T

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This is clearly an omgwtfbbq troll thread. His support of this guy is pretty telling.

That or OP saw the other "I hack because I suck monkey taint" thread from the other night and thought he'd get some decent laughs at the expense of the community.

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Wait a minute, you SUPPORT a hacker using god mode and scripts/teleportation killing someone just because they committed the oh so terrible crime of killing him?

So this dipshit is right to just kill anyone who shoots him with his mega haxxx?

You Sir, can fuck right off.

Settle down bitch tits. He didn't say he supported hacking, all he said is he isn't crazy about the general mentality of the game. One can argue both sides of the fence, but their is no need to get all vile and shit.

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My first post..

My observations from the first post: -

1 . You dont understand the game

2. You cannot locate anything decent to defend yourself

3. You resort to hacking because of the first 2 points. And your expectations in a "GAME" are based on real life

In all honesty you dont need to hack in the game to get good gear. Watch some twitch.tv videos and some how to guides.

And if you keep haxxing. Hope u get permabanned and move on.

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You are still a fucking douche, they killed you legit and since you suck at games you turned around and cheated. Not going to rage too much on you because this thread is you admitting you are too big of a pussy to actually play a game like this.

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Settle down bitch tits. He didn't say he supported hacking, all he said is he isn't crazy about the general mentality of the game. One can argue both sides of the fence, but their is no need to get all vile and shit.

Hacking is never justified.

Fuck off hackers.

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Lots of PMs asking for me to give them weapons. :)

List them. The pussies need to be exposed.

Let's see, who in the community want to resort to hacked weapons.

Should be interesting. I bet there are some sphincters puckering after you posted that statement.

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Hacking is never justified.

Fuck off hackers.

I am always amused at people that are so staunchly against hackers. I mean lets be real, anyone who has played online games for any length of time realizes that they are a fixture in the gaming community, whether we like it or not. However to feel the need to go out of ones way to profess your distaste for them, and thereby lifting your superficial reputation as a "non-hacker" leaves me slightly suspicious. In my experience, it is always the ones that so virulently oppose such behavior, as hacking, are in fact likely hackers themselves, and are just merely attempting to dissuade attention to themselves by acting over zealous.

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I am always amused at people that are so staunchly against hackers. I mean lets be real, anyone who has played online games for any length of time realizes that they are a fixture in the gaming community, whether we like it or not. However to feel the need to go out of ones way to profess your distaste for them, and thereby lifting your superficial reputation as a "non-hacker" leaves me slightly suspicious. In my experience, it is always the ones that so virulently oppose such behavior, as hacking, are in fact likely hackers themselves, and are just merely attempting to dissuade attention to themselves by acting over zealous.

I am sorry, but no matter how well worded that was, it was absolute shit. Not everything works through shitty psychology cliches.

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I am sorry, but no matter how well worded that was, it was absolute shit. Not everything works through shitty psychology cliches.

One could argue that point, and I will. I actually have in fact belonged to other gaming communities, one of which I had a very popular Clan, and much like every game, we had an anti-cheat application called TOST Protect. I was effective to some degree, and left much of the real work up to server admins alike. But I regress. TOST did not auto-ban like BE, instead it kicked players and logged the files. One would then have to scan the files and reference the I.P.'s , as changing your name was merely as easy as typing it into the HUD.

My clan forums had over 1,000 members. Many random players that merely played on one of our several servers, other registered members where from other clans etc etc etc. And like on these forums, people would come and protest there bans etc etc. And like these forums people would jump all over them playing high and mighty and giving them the third degree.

I took it upon myself one day to run all the IP's TOST had picked up and log them into the forums, IPB much like this forums, and ban everyone who was banned on the servers. A good many people that so gallantly protested hackers and spoke up against them had been logged several times for running Helios Hook or Elfbot, needless to say it is not mere psychological bullshit. In fact its one of the oldest tricks in the book, right next too " It was my little brother".

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

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God donut...

I don't like KoS, in a few month of playing I only killed a handful of guys and ever since I played a few days, I wanted the Killcount in the Debug removed.

Anyway, most hackers I came across (which are in fact only three guys on different occasions who somehow manage to get around the banlist of our server) just tried to fuck me and my mates up for no reason. So i can't believe, that there a more than a few hackers who only use their hacks when they've allready been shot at.

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I view Elektro snipers, freshspawn camping jackasses, and hackers all with about the same amount of respect. Which is none. Glad to hear they are killing each other off, keep up the good work OP. (til you get banned)

Also congrats on the best troll thread of the decade.

Edited by Angel_

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