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So, I use hacks, this is WHY

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Theres been a lot of complaining and QQing on the forums about hackin' n shit for a while now so i thought i'd just make this post to give you it from the perspective of a hacker and da reasons for why we do this.

I started playing dayz like i dunno 3 weeks ago?

i really liked it and me and my friends all got into it really fast and started playing everyday and we had a blast.

Problem was tho, people are such douche bags.

We just wanted to play and not be harassed by assholes who'd shoot us n' shit just to ruin our fun.

I never shot ANYONE and id always ask people 'hey friendly?' and they'd just FUCKING SHOOT YOU.


we'd try to shoot back with our shitty little makarovs and shotguns but they always had WAY WAYYYYY better weapons.

It just wasn't fair at all.

Like, what right do you have to just be an asshole and shoot me? What have I done to you?

So if people wanna be assholes I thought shit, why not level the playing field?

I'd only, ONLY use scripts to spawn in weapons for myself and my bros, cuz it was obvious we were never gonna get good shit when everyone just kills us all the time.

And the ONLY TIME i'd use god mode is if someone shot me for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON and I'd spawn back at them and kill them for being assholes.

Like if I shot at someone and they killed me, that's cool cuz I sort of deserved it.

But just people fucking pking me when I've done jack shit to them?

No thanks.

I don't kill whole servers or teleport people to me for the lulz, I just do it so shit is FAIR for once.

I know a lot of people will hate, but I just wanted to get that out there, so you see we aren't all douche bag assholes doing it for no reason.


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Thanks for your honesty. Get ready to be lynched. Hopefully a mod will lock or delete the topic, otherwise I see 9 pages of "fuck you" in your future.

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I hacked once.

But i got banned. Accepted it. Bought a whole new game.

Learned my lesson.

But lets be honest.

People hack from boredom or plain rage. I never once killed servers.

I went around and gave people shit.


Im sorry if that gets heat.

That was a long time ago.

And Legit play only gets more fun.

Edited by Jtyler1995

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Stopped reading at 'da reasons'...

There are so many hackers/bugs right now, that I have a hard time condemning someone for using hacks. It only bothers me when they use the hacks to make themselves unkillable, or nuke the entire server.

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2 wrongs never make a right.

Bandit numbers keeping going down and average life keeps going up. Random shooting is down. Being in a big group prompts players to shoot on sight. Especially if they themselves are in their own group.

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Actually players like you NEED hacks because you're so bad at this game that you cannot survive without them. I understand exactly what you're talking about. I've killed several hackers and they're just so fucking bad it's shameful. It's like trying to watch a handicapped person compete in the Olympics... They don't stand a chance in hell. And that's why they have Paralympics. :)

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It quite easy to gear up by yourself without getting into trouble. It is youre own fault for bad tactical choices if you get to a posision where somebody see you when you dont wanna/ cant fight back.

Leveling the playing field? That is bulloxs. Youre way of telling youreself ure not a noob. Like complaining about an injury in the army as an excuse for being fat.

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If trolling, disregard...Op, kill yourself, Jtyler you too. You sound so utterly pathetic, all those "reasons" you gave ARE the mod itself you obviously cannot handle and should not be playing.

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You use scripts against people who kill you? You teleport to the guy that shot you and use god mode to kill him? How the fuck are you any different than the hackers we all hate?

Go fuck yourself, you're ruining dayz!

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"why not level the playing field?"

Uh...using god mode, spawning in guns, hacking etc is a level playing field? You really are sad. This game has PVP, kindly f*ck off and take your lame ass reasons for cheating with you.

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Oh its this post again.

Ok look, you're fucking cancer and you deserve the swift ban that will come down on you.

So if people wanna be assholes I thought shit, why not level the playing field?

Ok flipping over the billiards table because you're bad at it is NOT leveling the playing field.


Please read that article so you can see that using your hacks to give yourself a "fair" advantage is bullshit.

We don't want you here get out.

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"Game was too hard.

So I started hacking. Spawning weapons. Killing players who killed me by teleporting and shooting them in the back."

Yeah sure I totally understand, now GTFO

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More proof that people who hack are losers in life and just suck at games so they have to create an artificial environment for their pathetic imagination to think that they aren't.

Edited by jblackrupert
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oh God, another hacker thread. Here comes the assholes!!! I hope you brought lube OP, because it doesn't stop :P..Have fun man! Just don't let that power get to you!!!

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Probably a troll thread but sounds like you couldn't handle the mechanics of the game and wanted to cheat to circumvent that. No sympathy

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You didn't hack shit skiddy. Thanks for ruining the game for everyone else including the developers by inflating the weapon supply and availability of very high tier weapons though. You make me puke.

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"why not level the playing field?"

Uh...using god mode, spawning in guns, hacking etc is a level playing field? You really are sad. This game has PVP, kindly f*ck off and take your lame ass reasons for cheating with you.

Eh, nah bro.

I wouldn't use god mode in a fight just cuz I could, I'd only use it if someone killed me for NO REASON whatsoever.

One time we were riding through elektro on our ATV and some guys just started shooting at us, no asking if we're friendly, we didnt provoke them, nothing.

They just wanted our shit cuz they didnt have it.

So after they killed my buddy i just put on god mode and delt with them.

Their fault for being pking assholes.

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Cool story bro.

Btw, all the faggots trying to kill me or at least 90% was hackers with God mode and explosions, so there is no way to allow hackers.

All of em are bitches and hoes.

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How old are you you spoiled piece of shit hacker? I know you must be real young or very immature.

That is so lame excuse to be a shitass, most hackers seem to know how big a shit they are; yet you come on her to get sympathy because you and your pals played and got pwned with better gear....or you serious or just a troll turd.

This is a survival horror game with particular stress on survival..... getting shot by a KOS player is part of the game...you want fair fights, play BF3, but this game is not built around ballance and fairness because survival has nothing to do with either.

Go back to the console cesspool from which thee spawned.

I can not say shit enough in response to such a post...I only hope you never have children so your hacker DNA does not get passed on.

I pray for your shitty assed soul dude, I hope you a redeemed from your shit eating ways. May you be cleansed of your scat playing ways and your balls drop so you can play and act like a man and not some piece of shit with an internet connection.

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