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Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

Server Ban for "illegal" items?  

178 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think it's ok to ban a player (server level) for having "illegal" items?

    • Yes - Ban those cheatin' suckers (even though they're not technically cheating)
    • No - It's against the rules!
    • Undecided - Ban, don't ban, people will still find a way to cheat.

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Thankfully, I', not old as fuck. Im still 26 :)

Fascination with children? None whatsoever, youre just acting like one.

No, I dont see the problem with that.

Maybe you should follow that last bit yourself, and shut the fuck up?

Not being able to play, not administer, the game without giving yourself an unfair advantage over the rest of the players is childish.

Removing players, like you, from the server because they can't play the game fairly, is not childish. Someday when you grow up you will realize that.

Not seeing the problem with hacking, again lends to your credibility, that is why no one here listens to what you say.

I wasn't the one that was told that, you where.

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Not being able to play, not administer, the game without giving yourself an unfair advantage over the rest of the players is childish.

Removing players, like you, from the server because they can't play the game fairly, is not childish. Someday when you grow up you will realize that.

Not seeing the problem with hacking, again lends to your credibility, that is why no one here listens to what you say.

I wasn't the one that was told that, you where.

Why are you accusing me of cheating and admin abusing in ArmA2?

I do play, and I do administer without giving myself ANY unfair advantages - FUCK YOU.

There is NO need to remove "players like me" because "Players like me" are the mainstream of players. That dont hack, dont exploit,

I do see the problem with hacking? What the fuck are you on about?

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1. Why are you accusing me of cheating and admin abusing in ArmA2?

2. I do play, and I do administer without giving myself ANY unfair advantages - FUCK YOU.

3. There is NO need to remove "players like me" because "Players like me" are the mainstream of players. That dont hack, dont exploit,

4. I do see the problem with hacking? What the fuck are you on about?

Again, try to simplify this so you can understand.

1. It is CHILDISH to hack a game for the only reason to give yourself an unfair advantage over the other players. This is what you do in every other game. It is NOT CHILDISH to try and ensure that ALL the players on the server have a fun and fair place to play the game.

2. You have said you hack games, thus you give yourself an unfair advantage over the other players. Yes, yes I know you don't hack in DayZ, we don't care, you do it everywhere else. TBH chances are you do it here also.

3. So hackers are the "mainstream" of players, really, lol. YOU HAVE SAID NUMEROUS TIMES YOU HACK MANY OTHER GAMES, you are a hacker.

4. You see the problem with hacking, but yet you do it anyways, WTF!!!

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I would ban. It gives the bearer a CLEAR advantage over everyone else, or everyone who does the right thing. That is classed as a cheat in my opinion.

Not possible i know but if you looted a dead scipt kiddie and you found a god mode packet :P or something then would that be ok since you never "created" it?

Its a hacked/scripted weapon and thus people should not have it! Also since server logs are sh!t useless spotting people with hacked items is a good indicatory factor in determining someone who has the ability to do a whole lot more. If i were a hacker i would probably not be running around with a makarov and a AKS....... if you get my point.

We have a server message that all players see when entering the server with a clear statement that people with AS50 TWS should leave and drop it prior to entering our "AS50 TWS Free Zone"

Firefights should be balanced to the default settings of the weapons determined by dev team and in a firefight an AS50 Thermal Wins 99 times out of 100. So thats balls.

Do the right thing guys and dont touch them, if everyone done that and server admins took action in banning them (from that particular server) if found then the only people who would have them would be the scripters and then its easy pickings on the logs to catch the tards who are, HAVE ruined this masterpiece of a game.

Just my opinion!

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if you know it is not in game originally then don't have it.

when you are unaware of its legality in game then search, and do the right thing when the answer is found.

if you find a gun on the street and you take it home, is that a good thing to do ?

and don't tell me about it is just a game, because if it was just a game, hell then i guess god mode is just fine ?

spawners get a ban, see server logs first !

users who pick it up and use it while knowing (you can reasonably know and search) get kicked ?

This post I quoted is an example of an ignorant biased view on the game and people who obtain the rifle, in question, in a legit way.

Really? You find a gun on the street you take it home? Did you happen to remember that it's a Zombie Survival game so if I were to run into ANY gun on the street in a zombie survival world - yes, yes I would take ANY gun I find on the street 'home'. So please refrain from trying to make it sound like some moral judgement call to pick up a rifle that you didn't spawn but found.

I killed a scripting kiddie last night and guess what rifle I found off his dead body? AS50 with 7 magazines and other crap I needed. If he had such a powerful rifle that could one-shot everyone and give them an upper-hand. How did he not see me following him for 40 minutes before I killed him with a hatchet?

Don't blame the rifle for being bad at surviving. It takes patience and time to move from place to place. Most of you guys are impatient and just run and gun into buildings making it easier for the person using the AS50 to spot you and kill you. I will dispute any global bans because I'm using the AS50 that I earned off of a legitimate kill.

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Untill there is a change in rules, its very simple. Stop the fucking admin abuse.

I think you are in the wrong thread - this is the TWS debate, not the; AndreasB will throw toys at everyone who disagrees with him thread. The only reason you have for not kicking and banning is that is in the rules, which we all know about and are trying to debate.

Chill out and explain why people should not be kicking and banning players with weapons that are not part of Day Z from the developers stand point.

NB: we are in Alpha, full release is coming where I doubt guns that are not part of the game will be included - so this is arguably not worth spending time on. I picked up the discussion after checking logs to see a lot of hacked weapons where being used on our server and thought something should be done about it as the rules arguably do not fit.

Edited by Loque

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Chill out and explain why people should not be kicking and banning players with weapons that are not part of Day Z from the developers stand point.

Its fucking simple. DayZ staff said you cant.

It doesnt need any more explanation than that.

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Its fucking simple. DayZ staff said you cant.

It doesnt need any more explanation than that.

I am pretty sure all those other games, CoD/BF3 etc.. also have rules, you don't follow them. So why should we even entertain your opinion here?

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I am pretty sure all those other games, CoD/BF3 etc.. also have rules, you don't follow them. So why should we even entertain your opinion here?

Hmm, nooo, they dont have any rules similar to the ones we are discussing here.

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We, as server admins, ARE aloud to ban people for "disruptive behavior". The dev's are very vague on what disruptive behavior is. So for MY server i've decided that having a hacked in weapon is an unfair advantage and hence disruptive. And don't give me YOUR BS interpretation of what disruptive is as it is your opinion and you don't matter (this is the royal you by the way not someone specific). As I'm shelling out the $40/month to run the server, MY opinion does count (on my server). Soooo....people on my server that have been banned with a hacked in weapon were not banned because of the weapon itself, but because that weapon is a disruptive influance.

Have a nice day y'all!!

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We, as server admins, ARE aloud to ban people for "disruptive behavior". The dev's are very vague on what disruptive behavior is. So for MY server i've decided that having a hacked in weapon is an unfair advantage and hence disruptive. And don't give me YOUR BS interpretation of what disruptive is as it is your opinion and you don't matter (this is the royal you by the way not someone specific). As I'm shelling out the $40/month to run the server, MY opinion does count (on my server). Soooo....people on my server that have been banned with a hacked in weapon were not banned because of the weapon itself, but because that weapon is a disruptive influance.

Have a nice day y'all!!

They have specifically said that you cant ban for possession.

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And I'm not...I'm banning for the behavior that possessing it brings to my server. The ability to see someone's thermal signature at over 1500 meters and one shot them is disruptive. Even if the cheater shoots only one person, that's one person's game that was influanced in a disruptive and unfair manner.

Here's an example. Last night, some players on my server were flying around in a newly repaired helocopter. I see someone logging in so I check the logs and see that he has a stinger surface to air missile. This is obviously a hacked in weapon. Do I know he hacked it in...no. But I do know if he stays on my server, it will give him an unfair advantage over others and be very disruptive to the people flying around in that chopper. So I instantly ban him with my trusty RCon tool. (this happened twice last night by the way hehe).

My job as a server admin is to make sure the people who choose to spend thier time on my server have an enjoyable experience so they continue to support this excellent game. Not to sit there with my thumb up my ass while someone disrupts everyone's fun.

I also ban people I see running scripts in the logs even if I don't have video proof. Why? Because I know they are cheating and disrupting my server. And that's all that counts. If you want to let people cheat on your server that's totally your choice. I have no problem with that. Hell, it gives the over 8000 people on my ban list somewhere to play. hahaha

Edited by PappaFae

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And I'm not...I'm banning for the behavior that possessing it brings to my server. The ability to see someone's thermal signature at over 1500 meters and one shot them is disruptive. Even if the cheater shoots only one person, that's one person's game that was influanced in a disruptive and unfair manner.

Here's an example. Last night, some players on my server were flying around in a newly repaired helocopter. I see someone logging in so I check the logs and see that he has a stinger surface to air missile. This is obviously a hacked in weapon. Do I know he hacked it in...no. But I do know if he stays on my server, it will give him an unfair advantage over others and be very disruptive to the people flying around in that chopper. So I instantly ban him with my trusty RCon tool. (this happened twice last night by the way hehe).

My job as a server admin is to make sure the people who choose to spend thier time on my server have an enjoyable experience so they continue to support this excellent game. Not to sit there with my thumb up my ass while someone disrupts everyone's fun.

I also ban people I see running scripts in the logs even if I don't have video proof. Why? Because I know they are cheating and disrupting my server. And that's all that counts. If you want to let people cheat on your server that's totally your choice. I have no problem with that. Hell, it gives the over 8000 people on my ban list somewhere to play. hahaha

I only read to where you admit to admin abuse.

Edited by AndreasB

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Just goes to show...there's no debating with supidity. You can't counter my argument so you resort to hate. It's like you have the self esteem of a 13 year old fat girl. Anyway...I've spoken my piece and I'm going to continue protecting my players how I see fit. You have fun kiddo.

PappaFae loves you!!

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Just goes to show...there's no debating with supidity. You can't counter my argument so you resort to hate. It's like you have the self esteem of a 13 year old fat girl. Anyway...I've spoken my piece and I'm going to continue protecting my players how I see fit. You have fun kiddo.

PappaFae loves you!!

hate? no..

I resort to FACTS. You clearly admit to admin abuse in your post.

"I'm banning for the behavior that possessing it brings to my server"'

you simply cant do that.. ITs against the rules laid down by DayZ.. Get the fuck off the official hive and go rent a private server if you want to do that.

I also ban people I see running scripts in the logs even if I don't have video proof.

That IS proof!

Edited by AndreasB

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Its kinda funny to look at who voted for what.

If you look at "yes, ban" you see a bunch of admin abusers.

If you look at "No, its aginst the rules" you see a DAYZ ADMIN.

Its very clear which one is correct ;)

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hate? no..

I resort to FACTS. You clearly admit to admin abuse in your post.

"I'm banning for the behavior that possessing it brings to my server"'

you simply cant do that.. ITs against the rules laid down by DayZ.. Get the fuck off the official hive and go rent a private server if you want to do that.

I also ban people I see running scripts in the logs even if I don't have video proof.

That IS proof!

Umad ?

Must of banned over 100 people now with weapons not in dayz, that must make you even madder.

Now go back to your special school and stop bothering the internet.

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Umad ?

Must of banned over 100 people now with weapons not in dayz, that must make you even madder.

Now go back to your special school and stop bothering the internet.

Mad? no... It just fronts you as a fucking admin abuser. :)

Clearly shows you shouldnt have any admin rights on a server whatsoever.


Why on EARTH would i be _ MAD_ because of fucktard admin abusers like you? If anything I feel sorry for you.. And your players..

I DO NOT admin abuse on my server. Players will NOT be banned for using these weapons, but I will recommend them not to.

Edited by AndreasB

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Andreas you are a muppet!

Firstly Dev team stated illegal weapons were "acceptable" to posses but in the same breath stated since there is no ammo available for them. This is not the case with the AS50.... Ammo IS readily available and imo this makes them an exception!

Admins will look after their community as they see fit, and the dev team (in all their ant-cheat failings) cant change that, thats not admin abuse, thats called caring! i wont reply to your posts from here, your previous ones make perfectly clear your an idiot.

If you run your server in that manner then i feel sorry for the others who play there FAIRLY!

I'd bet my last $ that you and your cronies have a nice little tent somewhere that spawns them.

Edited by B0x73r

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Andreas you are a muppet!

Firstly Dev team stated illegal weapons were "acceptable" to posses but in the same breath stated since there is no ammo available for them. This is not the case with the AS50.... Ammo IS readily available and imo this makes them an exception!

Admins will look after their community as they see fit, and the dev team (in all their ant-cheat failings) cant change that, thats not admin abuse, thats called caring! i wont reply to your posts from here, your previous ones make perfectly clear your an idiot.

If you run your server in that manner then i feel sorry for the others who play there FAIRLY!

I'd bet my last $ that you and your cronies have a nice little tent somewhere that spawns them.

You have to remember, he only cheats at other games, LOL. You know the ones that don't have rules, where hacking is allowed, oh wait, they do have rules, and hacking Isn't allowed.

You need to do what many others, and myself have done, realize that anything he says has no weight because of his self admitted behavior in other games.

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You have to remember, he only cheats at other games, LOL. You know the ones that don't have rules, where hacking is allowed, oh wait, they do have rules, and hacking Isn't allowed.

You need to do what many others, and myself have done, realize that anything he says has no weight because of his self admitted behavior in other games.

"In other games" is keyword here.

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Hmm, nooo, they dont have any rules similar to the ones we are discussing here.

Did you just say that CoD/BF3 do not have rules against hacking????

Everyday you just make yourself look worse and worse.

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What's the difference between hacking in an AS50 TWS or using tents to dupe them (which everyone does)? Both are illegitimate and give you an infinite supply of AS50 TWS'es. I say yes, ban them, because they are knowingly exploiting hacked loot for their own purposes. In any other game, if you exploit any sort of bug, you'd be banned.

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"In other games" is keyword here.

SO you are only a cheat and a hacker sometimes. You just do not get it, the only thing people see when you type is "I am a hacker, I can not play games fairly so I hack". So why should we even entertain your opinion here? I'll answer for you, we wont. I am the first person to say, "everyone is entitled to their opinion", and I will also be the first to say "I respect it", but that is not the case here. You can't just follow the rules when it fits your fancy, and then say "You have to follow the rules of server admining, because Rocket says so"

Edited by AADiC

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