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Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

Server Ban for "illegal" items?  

178 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think it's ok to ban a player (server level) for having "illegal" items?

    • Yes - Ban those cheatin' suckers (even though they're not technically cheating)
    • No - It's against the rules!
    • Undecided - Ban, don't ban, people will still find a way to cheat.

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Another retard thinking AS50 TWS is a hacked weapon. Before you go ranting about a weapon that's according to nubs illegal do some research. The AS 50 TWS was in the game earlier but removed in patch 1.5... something.

You can still find one on a veteran player that you killed or someone who i.e. hasen't played since 1.5... and now decides to play again. I have 2 friends who played back then but stopped since and they both have an AS50 TWS in there backpack. So you would ban these guys because now they would play again.... seriously.

They may be more frequent now because of the trading/duping but people dupe anything and can't even hide there camps properly so when I find a AS 50 TWS I will grab one.

Don't believe me if you don't want to but even dayzwiki says what I'm saying if you go to weapons and then AS 50.

Thank god I am my own server admin and don't have to play on your retarded servers.

you are wrong, it was the m107 tws http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/78686-as50-tws-save-to-hive/page__st__60#entry752275

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Honestly I dont give a shit how you feel as long as you follow the rules.

The rules as given by DayZ staff (This overrules whatever an admin THINKS is right...) say you CANNOT remove a player for possession. Deal with it, or GTFO

Eh, I am not removing a player, I am simply saying that you cannot play with guns that are not part of the game (cheating) on our server. You are welcome to play on many of the other servers that allow this.

The rules are there to help the game be played the way it should be.... not so you can pick up restricted weapons and tell the admins they can do nothing because some member of the team has not carefully worded how restricted weapons should be dealt with until there is a proper answer (or stand-alone without the guns in it).

There must be a saying somewhere about following rules too strictly and its negative impacts.

Also I was under the impression this is a debate, not some guy telling me I have to blindly follow a set of rules for no better reason than because they are the rules. Give me one good reason why I should let people with hacked weapons play on the server we pay £600 a year for supporting a community and players other than: "because there isn't anything in the rules about restricted weapons".

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Eh, I am not removing a player, I am simply saying that you cannot play with guns that are not part of the game (cheating) on our server. You are welcome to play on many of the other servers that allow this.

The rules are there to help the game be played the way it should be.... not so you can pick up restricted weapons and tell the admins they can do nothing because some member of the team has not carefully worded how restricted weapons should be dealt with until there is a proper answer (or stand-alone without the guns in it).

There must be a saying somewhere about following rules too strictly and its negative impacts.

Also I was under the impression this is a debate, not some guy telling me I have to blindly follow a set of rules for no better reason than because they are the rules. Give me one good reason why I should let people with hacked weapons play on the server we pay £600 a year for supporting a community and players other than: "because there isn't anything in the rules about restricted weapons".

What you are simply saying is that you remove any player because of possession, which you clearly arent allowed to do. You may warn a player that its a hacked in weapon, and that you would like him to get rid of it.

IF he says no, theres not a goddamn thing you can do. And no, its NOT cheating. It may be borderline exploiting, but still its not cheating.

DayZ admins has SPECIFICALLY said you cannot remove said player for possession. Deal with it.

"Also I was under the impression this is a debate, not some guy telling me I have to blindly follow a set of rules for no better reason than because they are the rules."

Its not. Follow the goddamn rules.

"Give me one good reason why I should let people with hacked weapons play on the server we pay £600 a year for supporting a community and players other than: "because there isn't anything in the rules about restricted weapons". "

While you may be the ones paying for your server, you have done so AFTER accepting the hosting rules. This also means you have to follow any other rules DayZ admins lay down for us. One of those rules is that you may not ban or kick for possession of hacked/scripted in weapons.

Untill there is a change in rules, its very simple. Stop the fucking admin abuse.

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God Andreas you're a boring cunt.

Don't you realise that without servers there would be no game to play. I want a £1 for every time you type "blacklisted" and we all know what position you're coming from.

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I love how you scewed the wording of the poll to what you believe and it's still voting against you.

My server's MOTD says we will ban you for cheating and we will ban you if we think you might be cheating. I decide what is destuptive to my server and having a AS50 with a thermal scope is very disruptive IMO. I've been doing it this way for a couple months now and guess what....the server is running great and isn't black listed. Just added over 1500 GUID's to my ban list provided by other servers last night and I'll keep doing so until the stand alone comes out. The only thing black listing the server would do is provide one less server for legit players to hang out on and give me an extra $40 / month to play around with.

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God Andreas you're a boring cunt.

Don't you realise that without servers there would be no game to play. I want a £1 for every time you type "blacklisted" and we all know what position you're coming from.

I'm coming from the position that I want a hackfree server, while following the DayZ rules.

And your second statement is true, but thats not the case. There are so many that they are having problems not having a backlog.

Your first statement just shows that youre a fucktard that doesnt give a shit about following rules. Since I'm obviously a "cunt" for following them.

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I'm coming from the position that I want a hackfree server, while following the DayZ rules.

And your second statement is true, but thats not the case. There are so many that they are having problems not having a backlog.

Your first statement just shows that youre a fucktard that doesnt give a shit about following rules. Since I'm obviously a "cunt" for following them.

I'm hugely suspicious of your vociferous stance on "following the rules" when clearly you've been a prolific hacker in the past. Worried you're going to end up on the community ban list at some point for having a hacked in weapon? Is this why your shouting at the SA's who are banning for scripted weapons?

Smoke. Fire. AndreasB.

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I'm hugely suspicious of your vociferous stance on "following the rules" when clearly you've been a prolific hacker in the past. Worried you're going to end up on the community ban list at some point for having a hacked in weapon? Is this why your shouting at the SA's who are banning for scripted weapons?

Smoke. Fire. AndreasB.

You are fully entitled to do so, and I dont blame you one bit. That being said, my current stance on other FPS games has nothing to do with ArmA2.

I believe the mod should be played as intended, even if I dont agree with some of the "features" in the mod. (Face it, bandits are the lowest of human scum)

I'm not worried ONE bit that I'l end up on any banlist, CBL or battleye. The reason why is simple: I dont hack, cheat, dupe or exploit in ArmA2.

You will never see me holding an illegal weapon, but if I ever did, given the current ruleset theres not a godamn thing you can do, except tell me you think I should get rid of it.

THAT being said, I believe the current ruleset is wrong. (Ive stated this in other posts earlier too, so its not something im making up on the fly here).

If you hack, or cheat you SHOULD be able to ban the person, without making a post about it anywhere. Sadly, thats not the case as of today.

I do not approve of ArmA2 hackers, but given the current ruleset I have no other choice than to accept it to some degree.

Edited by AndreasB

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you are wrong, it was the m107 tws http://dayzmod.com/f..._60#entry752275

I am not wrong nubcake, this thread is about the AS 50 TWS nobody said anything bout the M107 TWS cos they are deleted from database long ago.

Here is the official dayzwiki comment on the bottom of this page:


There exist some lingering TWS (Thermal Weapons Sight) versions of this rifle in DayZ. They were previously removed from spawns in the 1.5.x update but sometimes do re-appear, most likely from a veteran losing it or a hacker spawning it into the game.

I do know hackers choose this weapon because it previously existed in the game and SA's thus can't prove for sjit that these weapons are actually hacked in or not.

If one would carry a GDC36 SD whatever or M107 TWS THEN and ONLY THEN can you be sure it is a hacked weapon.

But like Rocket said in a previous post "a person CARRYING a hacked weapon CAN'T be banned for any reason and it is ok to carry and use it."

Edited by Neo1337
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But like Rocket said in a previous post "a person CARRYING a hacked weapon CAN'T be banned for any reason and it is ok to carry and use it."

And any SA that want's to keep his server a fun place to play the game will remove the player if they are using a scripted in weapon.

People can scream Admin abuse all day long, it isn't.

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And any SA that want's to keep his server a fun place to play the game will remove the player if they are using a scripted in weapon.

People can scream Admin abuse all day long, it isn't.

No, because using say a G36 gives NO advantage ..

It is admin abuse...

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No, because using say a G36 gives NO advantage ..

It is admin abuse...

The weapon is not in the game for a reason, what that reason is, I do not know. If it is not a legit weapon, not in the loot tables, you can't use it. Drop it or be removed from the server.

TBH I don't know why I am discussing this with a self admitted hacker. You hacked in plenty of games previously, and for all we know still are hacking in them. You cheated your ass off for who knows how long in other games, ruined peoples experiences in them and then come here and say you have "seen the light", BS!

We will continue to make our server a fun place to play on to the best of our ability. We will remove all scripters/hackers/cheaters. We have been doing it for months, and guess what, only one report on our server and it wasn't blacklisted. So that says either the "Staff" doesn't care, doesn't read all the posts, or they have a lick of commonsense and know that some of the bans, even though they go against the current rule set, are for the good of the game as a whole.

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And any SA that want's to keep his server a fun place to play the game will remove the player if they are using a scripted in weapon.

People can scream Admin abuse all day long, it isn't.

Thats exactly what we do.

I banned someone for having a silenced uzi today, umad andreas ?

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A) The weapon is not in the game for a reason, what that reason is, I do not know. If it is not a legit weapon, not in the loot tables, you can't use it. Drop it or be removed from the server.

B ) TBH I don't know why I am discussing this with a self admitted hacker. You hacked in plenty of games previously, and for all we know still are hacking in them. You cheated your ass off for who knows how long in other games, ruined peoples experiences in them and then come here and say you have "seen the light", BS!

C) We will continue to make our server a fun place to play on to the best of our ability. We will remove all scripters/hackers/cheaters. We have been doing it for months, and guess what, only one report on our server and it wasn't blacklisted. So that says either the "Staff" doesn't care, doesn't read all the posts, or they have a lick of commonsense and know that some of the bans, even though they go against the current rule set, are for the good of the game as a whole.

Im actually gonna take the time to respond to this, mainly because it made me go "lol". I have assigned letters to your reply:

A) I'm pretty sure the only reason is that they havent gotten around to add it yet. I cant see any other possible reason. (Except for the AS50 thermal)

B ) My subscription ran out, so no, I am not hacking in those games at the moment, but yes, I most likely will be renewing my subscription.

And no, I havent ruined ANYONES experience doing so. Except that of other hackers. While I might play close to legit, if I notice a disruptive hacker I put my entire concentration into fucking him up.

Seen the light? Who the fuck says ive seen he light? I sure as hell havent said that. What I have said is that I dont want to cheat in ArmA2. ArmA2 is the game for me.

C) You are allowed to remove said people IF and only IF you do have proof. And as long as you follow the DayZ rules as laid out by the DayZ staff. If you ban someone for possession you should get blacklisted.. How can we trust DayZ staff if they say something, then dont follow through?

And how does someone playing with a G36 remove any fun for the others? IT DOESNT!!

And the only reason you only have ONE report, is because 90% of the players arent on these forums.

Now FUCK OFF you admin abuser. I'm headed downtown to break some rules, and drive way too fast on my kawasaki.

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Now FUCK OFF you admin abuser. I'm headed downtown to break some rules, and drive way too fast on my kawasaki.


Hacking is hacking, period. If it was ok to do it, there would be no need for AC software.

You lack Integrity, why should anyone listen to you when it comes to "These are the rules, you HAVE to follow them", when you do not follow the rules?

Like I said you cannot have it both ways, either follow the rules all the time, everywhere, or don't, if you choose the latter (which you have), don't come in here and preach "You have to follow the rules"

Edited by AADiC

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I am not wrong nubcake, this thread is about the AS 50 TWS nobody said anything bout the M107 TWS cos they are deleted from database long ago.

Here is the official dayzwiki comment on the bottom of this page:


There exist some lingering TWS (Thermal Weapons Sight) versions of this rifle in DayZ. They were previously removed from spawns in the 1.5.x update but sometimes do re-appear, most likely from a veteran losing it or a hacker spawning it into the game.

I do know hackers choose this weapon because it previously existed in the game and SA's thus can't prove for sjit that these weapons are actually hacked in or not.

If one would carry a GDC36 SD whatever or M107 TWS THEN and ONLY THEN can you be sure it is a hacked weapon.

But like Rocket said in a previous post "a person CARRYING a hacked weapon CAN'T be banned for any reason and it is ok to carry and use it."

Great post Sir That's why I will not ban or kick for the As50 TWS

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I hope all server admins just start banning people who use hacked in weapons. What are they going to do? Shut down all of the servers?

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I hope all server admins just start banning people who use hacked in weapons. What are they going to do? Shut down all of the servers?

Not Mine I follow the rules that are in place

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The fact of the matter is that many, many people are doing this already - by that I mean banning people for possessing hacked in weapons. I highly doubt that they're going to suddenly 'start' implementing the blacklistings that all these forum posters keep raving about, so I don't think this topic merits further discussion.

The 'rules' ( as the advocates of this behavior call it ) are very loose and don't explicitly say that possessing a hacked in weapon is legal, just that it isn't global ban worthy. As far as I'm concerned, until that's further clarified, it's mighty hard for these advocates to really get a server blacklisted for trying to keep their turf clean.

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I hope all server admins just start banning people who use hacked in weapons. What are they going to do? Shut down all of the servers?

Nope, I would put money down that not one SA has been blacklisted for banning someone how has a hacked in weapon.

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Not Mine I follow the rules that are in place

So if someone was flying a Blackhawk around and lighting everything up, you would not ban them?

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The 'rules' ( as the advocates of this behavior call it ) are very loose and don't explicitly say that possessing a hacked in weapon is legal, just that it isn't global ban worthy. As far as I'm concerned, until that's further clarified, it's mighty hard for these advocates to really get a server blacklisted for trying to keep their turf clean.

ERRR (wrong sound) WROOONG! They have specifically said that you CANNOT ban or kick for possession. Get your facts straight :)

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So if someone was flying a Blackhawk around and lighting everything up, you would not ban them?

How the fuck is that illegal? Blackhawk is LEGIT ?

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ERRR (wrong sound) WROOONG! They have specifically said that you CANNOT ban or kick for possession. Get your facts straight :)

Dude, US 1023, report us. When nothing happens, maybe you'll realize tht you're fighting a losing battle.

No one cares thtat people who are using illegal weapons are being banned. You know why, because every SA but you understands tht they are cheaters and dont deserve to be playing on their servers.

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Dude, US 1023, report us. When nothing happens, maybe you'll realize tht you're fighting a losing battle.

No one cares thtat people who are using illegal weapons are being banned. You know why, because every SA but you understands tht they are cheaters and dont deserve to be playing on their servers.

Well, atleast theres a few decent admins out there that follows the rules. If you break one rule, its just as easy to "overlook" another rule, and god knows what else you do..

Maybe you forge logs, or use them to your benefit? I wouldnt be surprised at all with that attitude.

Edited by AndreasB

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