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should there be regular resets on characters

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I think it wouldn't hurt much to bring every character on the same level for every new major release. This might make testing the alpha more consistent

Not "consistent" more like "repetitive."

The whole point to testing is to cover a wide range of possible scenarios so that you find bugs in all areas of the game with all weapons, vehicles, and mechanics.

Resetting every player to exactly the same point is completely and totally pointless from a testing standpoint - unless some major new addition is made to the character data that would necessitate such.

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you shouldn't be able to loot your own body after you respawn. Otherwise the term permadeath is simply false labelling.

So are you saying there shouldn't be persistent bodies?

For other people yes.

But reading about permadeath, and then getting all my stuff back in 10 minutes after I died for the first time felt a bit shallow tbh.

Its clear you have to allow people to play more than 1 life, but if you die, you should actually lose your shit instead of just getting a few minutes walking penalty along with restored health and new starting gear.

An acceptable solution might be to have your body disappear once you get into a certain range of it with your new character. To avoid logical paradoxons. Tents you placed stuff into or took stuff out could also disappear once you get in range.

Its not completely realistic, but certainly better than people looting their own bodies to continue as if nothing happened. Also there is so much stuff disappearing anyways without a logical explanation in this game, it probably wouldn't even be noticeable


Edit: An even better solution would be to introduce something REALLY CREEPY once you come near your body and identify it. Allowing you maybe to loot, but being EFFING DANGEROUS and really psycho. I mean common, you're taking stuff from your own dead body... lots of horror potential right there..

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perestain you are not looting your own body, you're looting another survivor's body. Don't think of the PC as "you" think of yourself as observing the lives (and deaths) of many different survivors. Each death is the end of one story, and so the next begins. You are not the same person, hence looting the previous corpse is not a "paradox."

And anyway, once you've played a day or 2, you're never dying to zombies anyway - and when players kill you, returning to your body to retrieve your stuff is by no means a guarantee (unless of course you have friends with you to help guard your body - one of the many benefits to cooperative play that people seem to insist don't exist).

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why is it a bad idea? i see many ad hom attacks on me' date=' no real arguments against my reasoning.


You're already complaining in other threads about deathmatching. What do you think will happen if you implement global resets?

This isn't about sharing ideas & discussion, this is about stupid people thinking they have good ideas. You, Virfortis, Sloi, Kachlok (sp?), Horr1d, etc, your ideas are just plain stupid. You are stupid people. Stop sharing.

Tents you placed stuff into or took stuff out could also disappear once you get in range.

I thought the whole point behind tents was persistence past death. Or will clans need to start shelling out $30 for "tent" accounts now?

Plus couldn't my buddy just empty out my tent or loot my body for me, so "I" am not the one going near the tent/corpse, thus it doesn't disappear?

I'm glad rocket is smart enough to just brush idiots aside or this game would be dead.

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perestain you are not looting your own body' date=' you're looting another survivor's body. Don't think of the PC as "you" think of yourself as observing the lives (and deaths) of many different survivors. Each death is the end of one story, and so the next begins. You are not the same person, hence looting the previous corpse is not a "paradox."


Thats the roleplaying theory, but practically I have all the memories and all the experience from my dead character, so the actions I perform with my new character will simply never be fully consistent and explainable with "playing a new survivor".

It would be pretty cool to embrace this surreal situation and use it for horror instead of trying to fight it by acting. It could potentially prolonge and intensify the effect of creating real emotions, excitement and experiences, which made DayZ so outstanding compared to standard roleplaying games. Well until bandit skins were removed at least, but thats a different topic ;D

And anyway, once you've played a day or 2, you're never dying to zombies anyway

Thats a myth IMO. If you're somwhat low on blood, and your friends are not nearby, they can just knock you unconscious or break your bone pretty easily and unexpected. I believe in total I died more from strange glitches involving breaking a leg and/or zombies then from players, but I admit I avoid contact whenever possible and usually outgun people, most had horrible aim even when they decided to shoot first.

- and when players kill you, returning to your body to retrieve your stuff is by no means a guarantee (unless of course you have friends with you to help guard your body - one of the many benefits to cooperative play that people seem to insist don't exist).


But, if you bring reallife friends or people you've met BEFORE bandit skins were removed this cooperation is artificial, and not a dynamic part of the game. I guarantee you that right now you will finde noone ingame you will convince to guard your stuff until you come back.

There is no actual dynamic co-op play at the moment, because any non deathmatch or team-deathmatch playstyle gets so heavily punished within the current game rules. You simply cannot cooperate with people whose only form of communication is shooting until either you or them are dead as soon as they see you.

Its a shame, really, because with cooperation, the option for betrayal is gone, too. All the excitement of trying to figure out other players and their behaviour, all the temptation to maybe backstab them.. These were the true decisions of the game that brought excitement IMO.

Now there is no decision making at all in player interactions, you shoot at everything that moves and isn't part of your group. Your group of course being organized outside of the game and thus not in a dynamic interaction with the game world whatsoever.

There will never be a reason for you to fear your teamspeak friends suddenly backstabbing you, and never be a reason to hope that anyone else will be suddenly cooperating with you. You can basically divide the world in goodies and baddies, and act according to this simplified world-view. Its too bad, since DayZ was the first multiplayer game I ever played which managed to truly overcome this, and with brilliance.

Bandits skins were somewhat unrealistic, sure.

But not nearly as unrealistic as player interactions have become after they were removed. While they were not a clear indicator for anything, they somehow made people approach player interactions with more diversity. Even if some bandits turned out friendly and some survivors reckless killers you at least had a starting point when trying to figure someone out.

I guess many people simply prefer the easy friend or foe thing, because reality is too complicated and scary. They shouldn't, however claim that its more realistic like that. Its just more onedimensional.

3rd party coop makes this worse actually, since it gives people this security, and removes

the necessity to interact with players within the game.

To be perfectly honest:

The game should disconnect once it detects a TS, Vent, Mumble or Skype application or similar 3rd party software running.

This might sound harsh, but the reward for gameplay would be unbelievably high imo. Just direct channel and maybe radios and no voice-cheating clan BS. You are fucking alone and without human contact, and this would be one hell of a survival experience with probably the most interesting multiplayer interaction out there right now.

Of course people would find a way to cheat this, but if only a few would do it it because it takes some effort, it would still be a great experience to play this.

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Obvious troll is fucking obvious. Plenty of people have posted valid and thorough criticism's of the op's suggestion with little constructive retort from vanilladragon other than repeating the same points.

Thread should be locked and burned.

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Thats a myth IMO. If you're somwhat low on blood' date=' and your friends are not nearby, they can just knock you unconscious or break your bone pretty easily and unexpected. I believe in total I died more from strange glitches involving breaking a leg and/or zombies then from players, but I admit I avoid contact whenever possible and usually outgun people, most had horrible aim even when they decided to shoot first. [/quote']

I have never been killed by zombies (except once when I just wanted to respawn and didn't know there was a respawn button). If you die to a zombie you're doing something horribly wrong. The danger of zombies is that you reveal your position to other players. Players hear your shots, they see the direction zombies are running in, and eventually you.

Honestly I think that's a very interesting role they play in the game. However, I think it'd be cool to have roaming hordes of zombies that are a danger in and of themselves. If the server can handle 1000 zombies, why ever have only 300. Maybe you go into a city and there are NO zombies (since the server is at max zombie capacity); but there would always be the ever present threat of a zombie HORDE in the area, keeping your actions in check.

I think one movie quote that is sorely missing is one from 28 Days. "They'll have heard that, we have to leave" :D Maybe you killed a player in town, or offed one or two straggler zombies that you accidentally aggro'ed. But THEY, the horde lurking somewhere you don't know, will have heard it. It will constantly be in the back of your mind; making too much noise may bring 100 zombies down on you.

I guess many people simply prefer the easy friend or foe thing' date=' because reality is too complicated and scary. They shouldn't, however claim that its more realistic like that. Its just more onedimensional.


It's not a preference, it's a reality given the game mechanics. The bandit skins didn't change that. You had your group that you trusted, and that was that, no reason not to kill anyone you came across. *Maybe* the bandit skins helped some minority of players find other friendlies, I'm not inclined to agree. There were many backstab convo's in sidechat before bandit skins were removed. There was no wondrous time when you could trust some one. The trend has ALWAYS been players starting to KOS more often, even before bandit skins were removed. Some PvE players just saw a CHKilroy video where he was playing with people he KNEW, and thought that was the game. We're just now approaching that threshold where almost everyone has the KOS mentality. So even diehard friendlies simply KOS.

Were the game like reality, players WOULD cooperate on occasion. But (a) those reasons (like operational buildings for example) dont' exist, and (b) the mentality of a player is NOT realistic -- it is the mentality of some one setting real life ASIDE for a moment during his leisure time. (It is *just* as unrealistic for a PvE player to yell out "ANY FRIENDLIES AROUND???")

I don't think you can do anything about B, but you can definitely alter the dynamic of group interaction if two groups hold two different buildings and require the other in order to achieve some reward. Or if a zombie horde is near and neither side wants to bring 200 zombies down on them. Or if you'd RATHER have the horde chasing the player it's currently chasing than shoot at him and risk pulling 50+ onto you.

Punitive systems tend to be gamed. I get you to kill me so you turn into a bandit (maybe I shoot but don't kill you, keep taking stuff out of your pack, keep running in front of you while you're trying to shoot a zed, whatever the game lets me get away with). The game institutes 8+ hour respawn timers so new spawns are camped out of the game (yes this was a real suggestion). Any system you implement needs to be wary of this.

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rofl worst idea ever, you obviously suck at this game to even suggest it

exactly. the average life expectancy is 31 minutes. a reset once a month is going to be an inconvenience? to the 4 people who live that long?

That average isn't correct because of people who respawn whenever they get a shitty spawn and want to be in Prigordy or Kamenka.

Not disputing the rest of your lengthy post, but just thought you may be interested to know that people who respawn for a better spawn location are not included in the calculation of average life expectancy, according to Rocket.

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For folks like myself, who probably represent the average hardcore dayz player fairly well, this is a terrible idea. I tend to survive for a week or so on each attempt, with no hacking or glitching or alt+f4ing whatsoever. The odds then of your monthly reset rudely interrupting my progress would be around 1 in 4. That would piss me off more than any pvp death ever could. I just wouldn't play at all for the two weeks prior to the reset, and probably wouldn't bother starting a new character after, either. It might not be the death of the game, but a significant percentage of the competent players would call it quits, I bet.

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Please let this thread die. This idea shouldn't be on the front page of this forum

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I play the game to survive as long as possible, not to get reset every 4 weeks..

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perestain you are not looting your own body' date=' you're looting another survivor's body. Don't think of the PC as "you" think of yourself as observing the lives (and deaths) of many different survivors. Each death is the end of one story, and so the next begins. You are not the same person, hence looting the previous corpse is not a "paradox."


Thats the roleplaying theory, but practically I have all the memories and all the experience from my dead character, so the actions I perform with my new character will simply never be fully consistent and explainable with "playing a new survivor".

It would be pretty cool to embrace this surreal situation and use it for horror instead of trying to fight it by acting. It could potentially prolonge and intensify the effect of creating real emotions, excitement and experiences, which made DayZ so outstanding compared to standard roleplaying games. Well until bandit skins were removed at least, but thats a different topic ;D

And anyway, once you've played a day or 2, you're never dying to zombies anyway

Thats a myth IMO. If you're somwhat low on blood, and your friends are not nearby, they can just knock you unconscious or break your bone pretty easily and unexpected. I believe in total I died more from strange glitches involving breaking a leg and/or zombies then from players, but I admit I avoid contact whenever possible and usually outgun people, most had horrible aim even when they decided to shoot first.

- and when players kill you, returning to your body to retrieve your stuff is by no means a guarantee (unless of course you have friends with you to help guard your body - one of the many benefits to cooperative play that people seem to insist don't exist).


But, if you bring reallife friends or people you've met BEFORE bandit skins were removed this cooperation is artificial, and not a dynamic part of the game. I guarantee you that right now you will finde noone ingame you will convince to guard your stuff until you come back.

There is no actual dynamic co-op play at the moment, because any non deathmatch or team-deathmatch playstyle gets so heavily punished within the current game rules. You simply cannot cooperate with people whose only form of communication is shooting until either you or them are dead as soon as they see you.

Its a shame, really, because with cooperation, the option for betrayal is gone, too. All the excitement of trying to figure out other players and their behaviour, all the temptation to maybe backstab them.. These were the true decisions of the game that brought excitement IMO.

Now there is no decision making at all in player interactions, you shoot at everything that moves and isn't part of your group. Your group of course being organized outside of the game and thus not in a dynamic interaction with the game world whatsoever.

There will never be a reason for you to fear your teamspeak friends suddenly backstabbing you, and never be a reason to hope that anyone else will be suddenly cooperating with you. You can basically divide the world in goodies and baddies, and act according to this simplified world-view. Its too bad, since DayZ was the first multiplayer game I ever played which managed to truly overcome this, and with brilliance.

Bandits skins were somewhat unrealistic, sure.

But not nearly as unrealistic as player interactions have become after they were removed. While they were not a clear indicator for anything, they somehow made people approach player interactions with more diversity. Even if some bandits turned out friendly and some survivors reckless killers you at least had a starting point when trying to figure someone out.

I guess many people simply prefer the easy friend or foe thing, because reality is too complicated and scary. They shouldn't, however claim that its more realistic like that. Its just more onedimensional.

3rd party coop makes this worse actually, since it gives people this security, and removes

the necessity to interact with players within the game.

To be perfectly honest:

The game should disconnect once it detects a TS, Vent, Mumble or Skype application or similar 3rd party software running.

This might sound harsh, but the reward for gameplay would be unbelievably high imo. Just direct channel and maybe radios and no voice-cheating clan BS. You are fucking alone and without human contact, and this would be one hell of a survival experience with probably the most interesting multiplayer interaction out there right now.

Of course people would find a way to cheat this, but if only a few would do it it because it takes some effort, it would still be a great experience to play this.

China called...they want their wall back.

On a serioud note though. I seriously think your looking too deep into this. I mean horror implications when you loot your own body? Are you serious? This is a mid for a MIL SIM game. I really think your expecting too much. It's a mod.

Your whole post seems to focus on the need for total immersion in the game there was even the world 'Roleplaying' thrown in there. If that's what your after there's a lot of other titles out there that would better suit.

Must say if some one tried role playing with me...I'd feel it was my duty to put a 9mm between his eyes!

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There is a huge difference between "you will probably die" and "you have 0% survival chance past 30 days." People need that hope that they can continue to play the game.

think of the lottery, the odds are astronomical, but they are non-zero so people still play. If you had a 0% chance of winning, how many people do you think would still buy lotto tickets?

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Don't worry, there will be no reset. Well, I expect there will be ONE, when the mod is done (if it ever is), but not after that. Rocket has stated excplicitly that he doesn't want the mod to be 'fair' or 'balanced'.

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What's funniest is that the reset OP has wished for will eventually happen. Sooner or later the central database will have some sort of error/corrupted data and everyone will get reset.

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How does reseting everything once a month solve the hacking problem? It is not like hackers cannot bother to hack their stuff back once a month. Legit players probably won't bother to get their stuff back, though.

"Nobody lives for a month."

Your idea was to reset everybody's stuff on a predetermined date. Lets say I die and there are 5 days until the monthly reset. Why would I bother to start a new character because I am going to lose my stuff in 5 days anyways? Hell, I would rather just dupe and hack my stuff back than waste days collecting them because some magical monthly reset just made me lose all my stuff.

I seriously, seriously hope you are just trolling us. This idea has is pointless. I do not see how it could harm dupers or hackers, it would only harm legit players.

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What's funniest is that the reset OP has wished for will eventually happen. Sooner or later the central database will have some sort of error/corrupted data and everyone will get reset.

I expect a reset once the mod goes into beta. Not every month, thats just idiotic.

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For the love of god, let this forum die. No point in arguing as the OP will clearly dismiss all your feedback and he's well within his rights because it's his idea and opinion. You will never be able to change that, so just accept it. The DayZ Staff have already gave their opinion on it and it's very clear that this will never even be considered to be implemented into the mod so stop replying and move on. The OP isn't putting a gun to your head and forcing you to give your two cents that no one gives any fucks about because it ain't worth shit. There's no need to go to war over ideas just because you think his ideas are lesser than yours. So just let this pointless forum die and do not give it the attention that it wants and does not deserve.

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I guess many people simply prefer the easy friend or foe thing' date=' because reality is too complicated and scary. They shouldn't, however claim that its more realistic like that. Its just more onedimensional.


It's not a preference, it's a reality given the game mechanics.

thats exactly what I was saying. But people on the forums defending it obviously prefer it to how it was before.

The bandit skins didn't change that.

I couldn't disagree more.

Before bandit skins were removed, dayz had something innovative going, namely true diverse player interaction, which was the reason for the hype of this mod and which is completely gone now, as you even admit. Right now its still a pretty nice game, but not spectacularly different and only worth playing if you're into standard role-playing games with a bunch of clan buddies to waste your life away. Before that it was an exciting psychological experience from which you could actually learn something about yourself.

You had your group that you trusted, and that was that, no reason not to kill anyone you came across.

There were a whole lot of reasons.

Interacting with strangers did create much more thrilling scenarios than simply automatic shooting at everybody. Of course, if you rather just have as much stuff as possible sitting in some tent and grind your time away, thats your thing, but thats not what made dayz special. The whole psychology thing going on was the reason for me to pick this game up (and touch a rpg-of-some-sort for the first time in over 10 years.). You were free to play how you liked and didn't have any game rules pushing you in one direction. The removal of exactly that freedom by punishing anything but deathmatch is what made it shallow. And it clearly coincides with the removal of bandit skins, so you can theorize all you want, the evidence is pretty clear.

It just seems too many people like to be as safe as possible by all means, by using 3rd party software to communicate with out of game allies and the only goal of accumulating some form of in-game wealth. They dont seem to care about the brilliant player interaction and the experiences you get from them. You can see that from the responses in this thread.

Well whatever, go and try to have fun with your virtual things which are hidden in your virtual tents. To me this seems pretty neurotic though.

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OP is probably the most retarded person I have witnessed on these forums.

How are you even able to breathe, let alone operate a computer?

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What would be the point of playing the game if all the time you spent getting loot etc dissapears after a month. It would be the biggest waste of time ever.

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