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A Hero's Tale

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As a warning, this story will be pretty long, so I'll leave a TL;DR and put the actual story in a spoiler. But I would appreciate it if some of you reddit. Haha, get it? Yeah.. anyway..

So first, I'd like to establish a backstory, before the actual story starts. I bought Arma to play Day Z about 4 months ago. And at that time, I loved Day Z. It was new, it was fun, and it was exciting...for a week.

Once I finally learned how to play, I learned that there was no end-game. There was nothing to strive for, nothing to work towards. Me and my friends literally ran around, killed people, helped people, got killed by people, got killed helping people, and died as soon as we finally found an AS-50 at a downed heli. So, I quit. I was sick of constant banditry, and bugs. But mostly, the banditry. To establish something, bandits suck. As in, I hate them. Killing bandits is something totally different, and I'm glad it's now recognized. But I digress. I'd lost faith in Day Z's population. It got so bad that people started killing newb characters, and by that I mean, fresh spawns. There were no longer PUG allies, it was all pre-made friend groups and everyone was an enemy.


So, my friend and I finally started playing Day Z again just for the shiggles. My friend gets on for the first time in months, and the second his character spawns, (fresh spawn by the way), he is greeted by a player in a ghillie suit. Now, with our experience, he almost quit right there. He was expecting to be PKed, and given the circumstance, he would've just shut the game off. But the guy in the ghillie suit was different. He killed all the zombies chasing my friend. He then said, "Wait on the dock, and I'll be back." Then he left. Just like that.

I was in Balota at the time, coming from Chern. My friend was in Komarovo. I had said I would come kill the guy, (go easy, it's the playstyle I had to adapt to), when my friend told me that he left. Almost 15 minutes went by and finally my friend got tired of waiting, so he ran to meet me in Balota. We turned to run to Chern together, when all of a sudden we heard the roar of an engine. We immediately jumped into a nearby bush, off the road and out of sight. When the car pulled up, it stopped right in front of us and beeped. My friend rose to the ground and said, "Is that RickRoll? Holy crap, it is!" RickRoll, as his name was, quickly offered us anything we'd wanted from the trunk of his car and told us he'd give us rides to anywhere we wanted.

Skipping ahead in the story, we'd made it to Elektro. Two of our friends were waiting for us at Solnichny, pardon my spelling, and RickRoll was more than willing to drive us there. When we finally arrived, we stopped at a gas station where our two extra friends came running up. Now, our vehicle was an old hatchback, which seats 4, and there were now 5 of us. But we'd found a busted down van, 0% repaired, fresh spawn. Rickroll said, "Wait here. I'll be back". And he made all four of us sit and wait at the gas station with nothing but guns, some food, and a busted van.

Just to catch you all up, none of my friends were with this guy. He left us, alone, and was now gone.

My friends and I were messing around the gas station, shooting eachother and making campfires, when we heard lots of shooting. One gun, but a lot of shooting. We looked into the distance but saw nothing. Then the shooting stopped.

Twenty minutes pass, and my friends are getting anxious, as am I. The only person still confident was my friend Smasher, the original guy from Komarovo. Finally, we heard the engines blaring again.

Rickroll had spent the last half hour collecting everything we needed to fix the van into a perfect working condition. And then he fixed it for us, telling us he'd rather we just waited for him to finish. He gave us guns, ammo, food, med supplies, and spare parts incase we needed them. At one point, however, we had to part ways because it was 4am and my friends and I were tired.

The moral of the story is, I was blown away today. A PUG (random player), whom we'd never met, just decided it would be fun to help out strangers. Strangers who, by the way, had planned on killing him. Granted, his name was patheticly troll-like, but that didn't stop him. Today, each and every one of us had changed our opinions about Day Z's general population.

TL;DR: There are still heroes in Day Z. Or... at least non-bandits.

Edited by TheQuiet
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Awesome story.

I'm glad that still exists that kind of people playing the game. And kudos for you and your buddies for not backstabbing him.

I was expecting the "oh no, satchel charges on the pick up" but glad everything went better as expected.

PS: I have seen longer and more boring stories... so it's not that long if u ask me.

Edited by McLovinCR
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Well, to be honest, I shortened it to hopefully encourage people to read it. The whole thing was about a four hour event.

But thank you. We were literally discussing killing him the entire time. He had inadvertantly killed two of our group and they were a little eager to get revenge. At one point, my friend had said that if we killed him, he'd kill us.

It's just a real burst of hope to see that there actually still are people willing to just be cool in the game.

Edited by TheQuiet
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I find the concept that hunting bandits is completely fine ridiculous, as you are not only killing for a reason other than survival, you are killing based on their appearance. Discrimination.

The people that sit and snipe newbies on the coast are not bandits. They're douchebags with too much time on their hands.

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meh, as honorable this behaviour is... what did you do afterwards? you had all the guns and equipment you wish, but nothing to do anymore.

i think it would have been a lot more fun if he just had joined your group, gave you cover or what not.

Edited by Sturmgeist

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I never said we hunted bandits. I said we killed them. As in, we used to sit there and ask, "Friendly", before biting a bullet. The line between douchebags and bandits slowly disappeared a long time ago.

Sturm, I said this lasted four hours before we finally went to bed. He was a part of our group the whole time.

And JMP, I'm sure he did haha :P

Edited by TheQuiet

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i had the game for about a week now and the same thing happen to me not the same guy but some zombies were running after me so i ran in to a town i don't know what town i did not stop to see lol. so i was running and out of no were i hear a loud shot coming from my right i looked over and see a zombie die i was like oh fuck, after that there was 4 more shots fired from the hill at this point i was in a house with a 1911 out waiting for the zombies to come in or the one shooting the sniper, about 10 mins pass and i hear a guy over the mic saying he is friendly and is coming in so i let the guy come in and we talked for about 5 mins or so because he know i was new to the game. so he took out a m4 SD and game me 6 SD mags for the gun and gave me some food as well and we teamed up for like 2 hours moving from town to town looking for other new players to help out.

not everyone in DAYZ is a bad guy there is a lot of good people in the game that will help other players just if u see someone trying to help a other new player don't shoot at them they want to lean how to play the game and have fun.

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Hey you know what could ruin this story?

Accusing RickRoll of hacking.

No but in all seriousness, if he went through all that trouble he's a saint.

Can't imagine anybody doing it though.

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That's sick Hunter. It's not easy to find people like that, and today is no different. My friends are being shot by random kids again :/

To elasticz, he was. Except for the name, I was really impressed with someone like that. I doubt he was hacking ;D

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