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korpisoturi (DayZ)

Are heli crashsites completely random

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I just wanted to know if crashsites spawn completely random on open areas, or do they spawn more on some areas?

Also are helicopter crashsite-maps accurate? (one in wiki example)

I have found sites on map locations but also in areas not marked in wiki's map.

What is your experience?

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I've found five on a single server/restart before, there are tonnes of locations, pretty much every open field on the map.

Edited by smasht_AU

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I think the number is more than 3 id say randomly between 5-10 crash sites per server.

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I have found more then 4 crashed helis on a server many times. I have a "circle" that I scout; basicly just a big "circular route" starting from green mountain, then going around vybor, south of NWA, then around stary and novy sobor. I usually find three to five helis on this "route". So I think there is more than three helicrashes... but seems random! maybe 4-8 total crash-sites per server?

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Unless you get on a freshly restarted server, they will have been looted more often than not.

I once found one, and only found someone else's leavings there. Civilian cloths and some crappy guns.

Though you can luck out and find a spot or two someone missed.

I hear Pilots can drop NVG's...though I am unsure if each respawn of them have a chance or not.

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The maps that show potential heli crash site locations just give you a general idea, they typically don't show every single possible location, because there's no need to. Draw a line from Zelenogorsk to Solnichniy, now generally the heli crash sites will be in open fields anywhere north of this line. However, there is a "hotspot" for crashed heli's I'd say. If you run from Stary to the NW Airfield and scan as many fields in that general direction, you're bound to find at least one due to the plethora of open terrain.

Happy hunting!

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I found a heli crash site half an hour ago, and there was a dead guy next to it, this is my first heli crash site so i don't know if this is normal or not, anyway he had an as50 (no ammo) so i took it and used it for binoculars, then i put it in my bag, big mistake! it dissapeared and now i don't have it!! was looking forward to using that and all...

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I've no idea if this is accurate but it gets recommended from time to time. I've certainly never found a crash site outside of what this map shows.


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They can show in any open area from the N dam to the S coast.


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I've no idea if this is accurate but it gets recommended from time to time. I've certainly never found a crash site outside of what this map shows.


this map seems not complete or inaccurate as I found a Heli 2 days ago around 150m from Prud lake north of Stary

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There's a post explaining about helo's, as of the spawns are completely random, do a search for helicopter crash site and u should find the post.

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Here is a map that I generated using the same algorithm the game uses for seeding heli crashes, except I used 50000 locations instead of just 5 (I didn't wait for it to finish generating completely, was taking a bit too long so there are actually less then 50000 dots, just in case anyone wants to count them). Many dots in one area mean that your chances to find a heli crash there is relatively high. Just a few dots in an area mean that you probably will never see a heli crash there, unless you visit it 50000 times.


EDIT: image hosting services keep resizing it so if you want larger map then here is the link:


Edited by metal

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Here is a map that I generated using the same algorithm the game uses for seeding heli crashes, except I used 50000 locations instead of just 5 (I didn't wait for it to finish generating completely, was taking a bit long so there are actually less then 50000 dots, just in case anyone wants to count them). Many dots in one area mean that your chances to find a heli crash there is relatively high. Just a few dots in an area mean that you probably will never see a heli crash there, unless you visit it 50000 times..

http://i.imgur.com/jwDhM.jpg (warning, 2mb jpeg)


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