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So whats your loadout??

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At the moment i have an M4A1 CCO SD with around 12 mags, an AS50 With 6 NATO mags, Coyote Backpack, NVG's. Range Finder, GPS, M9 SD with around 5 mags. 3 Morphine, 4 antibiotics, 3 bloodbags and a Ghillie. Also the basic tools and an extra ghillie in my backpack.

So whats your loadout???

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Well I have on me an L85A2 AWS and an AS50. Also, NVGS, Rangefinder, GPS, etc.

I have access to the SD variant of the M4 and other various weapons including the rocket launcher, MK mod 48, DMR, etc.

+ a coyote backpack.

And a ghillie suit.

Edited by Inception.
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3 cooked steaks, 4 cans of pasta, 5 cokes, 1 pepsi, 2 painkillers, 2 morphine, 1911 + 4 clips, 6 bandages, Lee enfield + ammo. I might be about to lose it all, I just logged out stuck on a rock!

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Well I have on me an L85A2 AWS and an AS50. Also, NVGS, Rangefinder, GPS, etc.

I have access to the SD variant of the M4 and other various weapons including the rocket launcher, MK mod 48, DMR, etc.

+ a coyote backpack.

And a ghillie suit.

Nice, My character got killed by a rocket launcher the other week on a clan server. all of the city's were barbed wired off couldn't even enter them then a heli flew over and saw me and i tried to hide in a bush but they blew me up xD

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Nice, My character got killed by a rocket launcher the other week on a clan server. all of the city's were barbed wired off couldn't even enter them then a heli flew over and saw me and i tried to hide in a bush but they blew me up xD

Haha damn!

Oh, I forgot, I also have satchel charges too. xD

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3 cooked steaks, 4 cans of pasta, 5 cokes, 1 pepsi, 2 painkillers, 2 morphine, 1911 + 4 clips, 6 bandages, Lee enfield + ammo. I might be about to lose it all, I just logged out stuck on a rock!

OMG i got stuck in a rock yesterday too i logged in and was inside a rock luckily i managed to free myself after around 5 minutes of vaulting.

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AS50, 4 magazines for it, Coyote Backpack, PDW.

I have a very odd loadout I know.

Edited by Womb Raider

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FN FAL + 3 Mags, M4 CCO SD (no mags, found last night on dead player with no ammo), M9SD + 4 Mags, Coyote, NVG, Rangefinder, GPS, etc.

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AKM, PDW and an ALICE pack full of food, drink, med supplies and STANAG ammo. Not been running long, I've been looking for crash sites but no luck as yet.

I've found that the PDW is actually a pretty nice gun. It's utterly useless in full-auto spray the target mode but semi-automatic it's great for headshotting zombies and a real plus is that it can use PDW, G17, M9, M9 SD, MP5 and MP5 SD mags so it's easy to top up on ammo. Not as good as the M9 SD because people can still hear it some distance away but it's now my favourite alternative.

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L85A2 AWS + 6 mags

Full med kit (cant remember amounts off top my head)

G17 + 4 mags

Hand grenade

All tools/equipment except map (the dam thing just vanished from my invent)


4 Waterbottles

Some cooked meat

Few other randoms I forget (smoke grenades in backpack I think)

Riding a bicycle, I wont go near any urban areas now until I need ammo and thats only if I dont find a camp to loot.

In my 2 tents I also have

Few more waterbottles

M4 CCO SD + 1 mag

medical odds and ends

PDW + 2 mags

Some canned food and drink

Knife, matches and hatchet

The tents are for my next life or for any lucky survivor that bumbles across them. I did have a DMR + 2 mags in there but someone took it and left me the m4.

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for me atm main things include

a bizdon (for thoughs peskey zeds)

mk 48 LMG (first time ive found one of thse, an absolute moster of a weapon :D)


plus the usual...big bag, matchs canteens, food etc

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ksvk 12.7 + m9 sd + a lot of beartraps (450m distributed around me) + 1200m free shot field on the camp - where is KSVK in a tent.

very exciting :facepalm:

and wait and wait for the next patch/fix

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Haha damn!

Oh, I forgot, I also have satchel charges too. xD

probably duped

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I placed a tent the other night and some bug happened where it placed a bunch, none of which were usable. It was a sign I think, as not long after I found another campsite not 100 m away.

I carry a shotgun and pistol, as well as too much food and water. I am a stress eater I think.

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There it is ...


Main: AKM / Lee Enfield / AKS 74U

Secondary: Revolver / Colt 1911 / PDW - 2 or 3 Clips max.


Knife / Hatchet / Map / Clock / Matches / Binoculars


Czech or ALICE, filled with medical supplies, food, drinks and a waterbottle.

... that was it.

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every toolbelt item including the useless radio, nvg, rangefinder, coyote, as50 w/4 nato and 1 m107 rounds, mk 48 mod 0 w/2 belts

had a l85 and traded it for as50 on reddit, had a m4 sd as well but dropped it

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Game was getting boring...SO, i dumped my M4SD, Mk48, found a Makarov and equipped my axe.

Other things include...Coyote, NVG, Bino, GPS, Toolkit, Matches, Hunting Knife, 6 Morphine 2 Epipen, 6 Bloodbag, 4 Painkillers, 4 Smoke Nad, 3 Water bottle. I'm loving my role as the wasteland medic. Currently looking for ET, Wire and Tank Trap for 100% load out. And i got my Hero skin today.

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Gps, ak47-kobra thingie, m14 aim, g17, lots of food and mags

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AS50 w/ 3 mags, M4A1 CCO SD w/ 4 mags, M9 SD, NVG, RF, GPS, ghillie, meds, meat/soda. I have a few other characters on private hives with respectable gear

I had a tent with an L85, MK 48 Mod 0, M136, and an extra M9 SD, but it randomly deleted itself in front of my eyes on a server restart :(

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probably duped

What do you mean "probably duped"?

No, I am just a player who has satchel charges and you don't.

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Now post your preferred server and GPS coords so I can come get you ;)

Okay jk... them's fightin' words!

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