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Calling all bandits and terrorists- Raiders group must be formed!

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Guys ... In a war there will always be dirty battles and btw being a d*ck is what makes a bandit.

Oooo a war? Sorry for double post idk how to delete

Edited by mendOk

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You are either a braindead 10 year old by your parents abused child.

HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA.... I think you got a bit excited there thinking you had something clever to say.

I obviously am a villian, terrorist, bad guy, hopefully you understand that now... which means medics neutral or not will die by my hands because they help the enemy and THEY DON'T SUPPORT THE CAUSE OF DESTRUCTION IN THIS DAY-Z ZOMBOCOLYPSE.

Did Joker care for any of that helping others crap NO, do terrorists or lets say convicts really care about "neutrals" NO, did the Brits care about the neutrality the U.S had when they were fighting with France, NO.

Do I care about neutrals, or any of the above is accurate NO!!!! Do I care what you have to say YES (although just a tiny bit as you are just some puny weakling worthless nobody) AS IT CAN BRING EVEN MORE CONFLICT AND ANOTHER WORTHLESS PRISONER INTO THIS AND ANOTHER PATHETIC DEATH... or actually what a GRAND way to die as it will be coming from my hands.


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I garant-damn-tee you this is Cruelty again, you remember him right? The guy who called a medic and then shot him after being healed?

The OP has 9 posts. I would bet beans that it's him again.

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I garant-damn-tee you this is Cruelty again, you remember him right? The guy who called a medic and then shot him after being healed?

The OP has 9 posts. I would bet beans that it's him again.

I don't know who this Cruelty guy is but I assure you I am not him but I give him my beans if I ever did see him as he sounds like a very naughty boy,,

I am the one who you should fear, and the one who will DESTROY YOUR COALITION AND MAKE SURE YOUR LIFE WILL NOT BE SAVED Mr.Muncywolverine.

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I don't know who this Cruelty guy is but I assure you I am not him but I give him my beans if I ever did see him as he sounds like a very naughty boy,,

I am the one who you should fear, and the one who will DESTROY YOUR COALITION AND MAKE SURE YOUR LIFE WILL NOT BE SAVED Mr.Muncywolverine.


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i'm looking for people who are ruthless and leaves everyone behind to get the job done. One who alt-F4's first rather than sacrificing himself for a teamate,

I hope you alt+F4ing douches get banned.

No seriously, global banned, permanently, and develop brittle bone disease in real life.

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I look forward to the challenge of staying alive, provided you're trying to kill me without hacking.

What I really want to say is, there has been a lot of flaming in this thread, and that's really not cool. If you've never heard me say this before, then hear it now: I have a ton of respect for bandits. I love hearing from the kind of bandit that truly scares me - the patient bandit. The kind of guy who will stalk you for hours, waiting for that perfect opportunity.

We might be against each other morally, but can we at least just talk to one another respectfully? This game would be nothing without bandits. It would be nothing without survivors. I would argue that medics have altered the game as well. Can't we just enjoy the camaraderie of respected enemies, rather than yelling pointless threats at each other?

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I look forward to the challenge of staying alive, provided you're trying to kill me without hacking.

What I really want to say is, there has been a lot of flaming in this thread, and that's really not cool. If you've never heard me say this before, then hear it now: I have a ton of respect for bandits. I love hearing from the kind of bandit that truly scares me - the patient bandit. The kind of guy who will stalk you for hours, waiting for that perfect opportunity.

We might be against each other morally, but can we at least just talk to one another respectfully? This game would be nothing without bandits. It would be nothing without survivors. I would argue that medics have altered the game as well. Can't we just enjoy the camaraderie of respected enemies, rather than yelling pointless threats at each other?

Not if he promotes alt+f4ing. Zero respect, end of story.

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I look forward to the challenge of staying alive, provided you're trying to kill me without hacking.

What I really want to say is, there has been a lot of flaming in this thread, and that's really not cool. If you've never heard me say this before, then hear it now: I have a ton of respect for bandits. I love hearing from the kind of bandit that truly scares me - the patient bandit. The kind of guy who will stalk you for hours, waiting for that perfect opportunity.

We might be against each other morally, but can we at least just talk to one another respectfully? This game would be nothing without bandits. It would be nothing without survivors. I would argue that medics have altered the game as well. Can't we just enjoy the camaraderie of respected enemies, rather than yelling pointless threats at each other?

Ahhh what a marvelous opponent. I guess it's best for me to reveal what my true vision is........ I am of course a Day-Z player a fairly new one, been playing for a week and a half, and I must say what Rocket had created was a game that I was waiting for, where you are free to do what you want, when you want, and how you want.. the variety of scenarios are seemingly endless. It reminds me of my favorite childhood games of Fallout 1 and 2, 3 and so on after Interplay stopped production were nothing compared to the originals.

But back to me... after a while I managed to fully gear up to the teeth and now the game is... much less interesting as most of my ideas need a group of people, and as for my gang they have gone and decided that guild wars2 would be the better game for now until the standalone releases.

Then one night I finally just checked on the forums to see if I can find a buddy to play along with, when I happened to stumble onto your thread... I have been lurking around thinking of even maybe trying to join your group, but once I saw "The Coalition" thread, I just felt as though there must be something to equate against this on the other side, one to cause mayhem and destruction and ruin the dayz of the survivors and all would be heroes instead of saving it. As stated where there is good there must be evil, especially in a game like this, otherwise you would just be against harmless zombies and scrambled bandits.... and what's the fun in that?

I see this is an opportunity to start something fun in this lets say World of Day-Z, once these bandits actually realize how much fun it would be to go up against and conquering an overwhelming foe.

This is like a game of chess, and seeing as you made your 1st move to brighten up peoples day by being the White, I will try and darken it with my moves as the Black...

... but first these hooligan bandits need to start cooperating then maybe something can get organized.

Not if he promotes alt+f4ing. Zero respect, end of story.

As stated on another post I do not promote alt+f4ing and if my 1st post sounded as though it did, then in this post I will fully state that AGAIN THAT I DO NOT PROMOTE ALT-F4ING, I posted what I did as it was one of the most annoying acts a player can create for another player, and again it was put to be seen as a dramatic effect.

And as for the hacking issue, no I do not hack nor will I ever as there is no sense of reward defeating an enemy in that sort of way. It's like you're playing starcraft and you use cheats and get through the whole campaign... it just makes it all so dull and boring.

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As for this character... I created Metzgyr to be a hated person and apparantly I succeeded B).

All this is inspired from Fallout 1 and 2, Metzger being the head of the Slavers Guild in F2 while the Raiders being bandits in those fallout series.

Just thought I would throw that out there.

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I honestly can't tell if this is trolling or not anymore.

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Ye i know my English is not Perfect, but than, it is not my first language, not even second. But still, i know enough to survive...and bdw m8 can u speak my native language? NO I don’t think so ...so m8 GTFO my back with your super trooper English.. with love from Croatia!!

You're using "8" instead of "ate" in the world "mate".

You're abbreviating "by the way" to "bdw".

You silly fuck can't use the excuse of "oh English isn't my first language", when you're using fucking stupid language like that.

It's just pathetic.

Also, you're using "u" instead of "you". I mean, what the fuck?

Edited by Inception.

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Then one night I finally just checked on the forums to see if I can find a buddy to play along with, when I happened to stumble onto your thread... I have been lurking around thinking of even maybe trying to join your group, but once I saw "The Coalition" thread, I just felt as though there must be something to equate against this on the other side, one to cause mayhem and destruction and ruin the dayz of the survivors and all would be heroes instead of saving it. As stated where there is good there must be evil, especially in a game like this, otherwise you would just be against harmless zombies and scrambled bandits.... and what's the fun in that?

I see this is an opportunity to start something fun in this lets say World of Day-Z, once these bandits actually realize how much fun it would be to go up against and conquering an overwhelming foe.

This is like a game of chess, and seeing as you made your 1st move to brighten up peoples day by being the White, I will try and darken it with my moves as the Black...

... but first these hooligan bandits need to start cooperating then maybe something can get organized.

This. You, sir, have my beans. Again.

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Ye i know my English is not Perfect, but than, it is not my first language, not even second. But still, i know enough to survive...and bdw m8 can u speak my native language? NO I don’t think so ...so m8 GTFO my back with your super trooper English.. with love from Croatia!!

Ja pricam tvoj jezik, i perfektan Engleski i dobor Njemacki, ustaso priljeva!

Anyway. On a less serious note. Don't target medics. Even us Bandits have need for Medics. Otherwise its not a bad plan. It won't work, but its a good try :)

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Targeting medics is pretty pointless anyway. Most of us don't carry super great gear and we can always re-supply.

I will voice what I said last time this post was created: Bandits are more cowardly than they think they are.

That being said, DayZ wouldn't be the same without them and Rocket made sure of that.

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Medics help my enemies, medics will be targeted if you don't like that I don't care.

I prefer my grunts capable of surviving on their own or with their partner(s) like I have, rather than relying on medics.

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its alright guys how is he going to be able to kill medics if he cant find them rofl..

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Medics help my enemies, medics will be targeted if you don't like that I don't care.

I prefer my grunts capable of surviving on their own or with their partner(s) like I have, rather than relying on medics.

The only reason I would target a medic is if I watched that medic help a person I shot. Other than that, it is unacceptable.

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I love how abusive people on here are. Telling him he's braindead, his dad must rape him, he needs a psychiatrist? Are you fucking kidding me? If you read the OP and then look at some of the other things he's been typing, he's clearly joking around as it's a game, and what are you supposed to do when you play games? HAVE FUN! This is fun for some people; running around and killing people. For others its helping people.

Telling people that they're braindead just makes you look like a fucktard that needs their face beaten in. This is how people get really low self esteem and feel like they're a sack of shit. The end result? Suicide or going on a mass killing spree like in Colorado, Columbine, and V. Tech. Stop being so fucking ignorant and watch what you say. This is the internet, i don't care if you're 10, 50, or 35, grow a pair of fucking balls and stop acting tough on the internet.

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I hope you alt+F4ing douches get banned.

No seriously, global banned, permanently, and develop brittle bone disease in real life.

harsh, but I wholeheartedly agree

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I love how abusive people on here are. Telling him he's braindead, his dad must rape him, he needs a psychiatrist? Are you fucking kidding me? If you read the OP and then look at some of the other things he's been typing, he's clearly joking around as it's a game, and what are you supposed to do when you play games? HAVE FUN! This is fun for some people; running around and killing people. For others its helping people.

Telling people that they're braindead just makes you look like a fucktard that needs their face beaten in. This is how people get really low self esteem and feel like they're a sack of shit. The end result? Suicide or going on a mass killing spree like in Colorado, Columbine, and V. Tech. Stop being so fucking ignorant and watch what you say. This is the internet, i don't care if you're 10, 50, or 35, grow a pair of fucking balls and stop acting tough on the internet.

Problem is, the people who say stuff like that about the coalition/medics are people like him. Doesn't make it right, but it's not as one-sided as it seems.

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Problem is, the people who say stuff like that about the coalition/medics are people like him. Doesn't make it right, but it's not as one-sided as it seems.

There is no problem. He wants to create a war between good vs evil in a game, there is no reason what so ever that you need to go and verbaly abuse/harrass/insult somebody over what he wants to do inside of a game. It's not like he's actively planning to suicide bomb an actual city and bragging about it, he's trying to make fun in a game where the end game is acting like an asshole.

Edited by Littleassassin2

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I feel like Littleassassin2 is derailing this thread, perhaps we should get back on topic.

It's been about 3 weeks since I've died to another player, you anti-coalition peeps up and running yet? I'm getting bored >_<

One of our medics was killed in transit so yesterday I decided to have a bit of a challenge and raid the offending bandit's base, while they were there and only wielding a cobra scoped AK. End result, 4 kills and I only used 2 clips. One got away, but you can't win em all I guess. Any bandits feel like providing some decent sport please?

To the OP, come at me bro!

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