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Calling all bandits and terrorists- Raiders group must be formed!

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Dear terrorist/terroristas as you may or may not know there is a threat to our banditing pleasures, a group of groups called The Coalition has formed to help all these noobs, non-trolls, do-gooders, etc.... basically anyone who doesn't want to make someones day-z day a bad day are in these groups.

So i'm calling out to all you naughty people to come and band together as an underground syndicate of destruction on this post zombalyptic world so we can then again be free to hunt our prey and make them do our bidding whether its rolling on the group dry humping the air or running around in circles without being then hitlisted or targeted by these so called day-z heroes.

My personal hitlist as I believe if you take down the head the rest will eventually fall as well, I would like to keep hunting down these people:

HunterBoy (leads a survivor colony up north)

{CQF}Johnny (leader of chernarus quarantine force)

Danneh (leader of the pirate of chernarus) <----- What a contradictory name o_O?!?

And of course the one who seems to of started this Dr Wasteland MD. leader of the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland.

I am looking for individuals who can espionage, and gather information to where these people can be found and taken out as well as if they're actually using those names.

What you will get out of it is the reputation of killing these hoodlums and MY satisfaction.

I don't want any weak minded people, i'm looking for people who are ruthless and leaves everyone behind to get the job done. One who alt-F4's first rather than sacrificing himself for a teamate, one who would rather leave his injured comrade behind to get eaten by zombies than wasting precious ammunition killing them or healing them, one who would shoot his own comrade in the back to take their gear rather than letting the enemy have it.

With this all said you are all bandits and none of you can be trusted, so apply at your own risk. There must always be a villian to try and stop the hero and that will be us.

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Oh poor you, have u took your therapy this morning? Those 3 green, 5 yellow and 3 red pills.... IRL u your mom hits u, dad rapes u...so u have to lose your frustration somewhere. Oh poor kido.. r u Bullied at school, poor baby, l feel so sry for u...but there are schools for children with special needs that u can attend, or??

:P i have a name for your group: LIB /Low Intelligence Bandits

:P :P :P

this. All of this

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Oh poor you, have u took your therapy this morning? Those 3 green, 5 yellow and 3 red pills.... IRL u your mom hits u, dad rapes u...so u have to lose your frustration somewhere. Oh poor kido.. r u Bullied at school, poor baby, l feel so sry for u...but there are schools for children with special needs that u can attend, or??

:P i have a name for your group: LIB /Low Intelligence Bandits

:P :P :P

Oh poor you, have u took your therapy this morning? Those 3 green, 5 yellow and 3 red pills.... IRL u your mom hits u, dad rapes u...so u have to lose your frustration somewhere. Oh poor kido.. r u Bullied at school, poor baby, l feel so sry for u...but there are schools for children with special needs that u can attend, or??

:P i have a name for your group: LIB /Low Intelligence Bandits

:P :P :P


Please, did you fail school? I can't help but wonder how you manage to type like that.

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Please, did you fail school? I can't help but wonder how you manage to type like that.

Ye i know my English is not Perfect, but than, it is not my first language, not even second. But still, i know enough to survive...and bdw m8 can u speak my native language? NO I don’t think so ...so m8 GTFO my back with your super trooper English.. with love from Croatia!!

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Oh and another thing, how fucking dare you even MENTION Dr Wasteland! He had done so much work for our dayz community, he has helped everyone, even your pussy ass alt f4ing bandit friends! you are one fucked up individual.

I hope rocket bans you from the game as im willing to bet all my money you alt f4 as well. Bitch!

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Hey just saying you guys are kinda abusing this guy, he's allowed to have his own opinion. Also you are stereotyping so badly not all bandits alt+F4. I personally am a bandit and I take the hit

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Another sad attempt at forming bandits together.

what makes a bandit a bandit is having no trust.

You can't put a male and a female in a cage and not expect a reaction.

You can't put two bandits together and not expect a reaction.

It won't work.

If you want to try, you will be on my hit list,

Sad, Sad piece of work.

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I only disagree with one fact in your post. Its about the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland.

You do not shoot medics in a war. You do not shoot their leader foremost. Bandit/Terrorist or not, everyone has a codex of honor. Bandits as Survivors, both call for medic help and they appreciate it much.

Keep the medics out of this mission. I am not a survivor. I kill people if I need their gear and I mostly KoS, but I know my stuff. I keep medics out of my scope. Only Trusted Medics of the Wasteland, that are listed on their list. The other wannabe medics I kill too, because I certainly don't know if its a trap if someone approaches me and says hey I'm a medic I can help you, but he ain't listed on their list.

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I only disagree with one fact in your post. Its about the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland.

You do not shoot medics in a war. You do not shoot their leader foremost. Bandit/Terrorist or not, everyone has a codex of honor. Bandits as Survivors, both call for medic help and they appreciate it much.

Keep the medics out of this mission. I am not a survivor. I kill people if I need their gear and I mostly KoS, but I know my stuff. I keep medics out of my scope. Only Trusted Medics of the Wasteland, that are listed on their list. The other wannabe medics I kill too, because I certainly don't know if its a trap if someone approaches me and says hey I'm a medic I can help you, but he ain't listed on their list.

I kill medics on site. If you cannot take care of yourself you should not be playing. I always carry morphine,PK, antibiotics and steak. Also, a real bandit always has some wood stored in his Coyote Backpack.

And unlike most chickenshit bandits...I Don't carry no sniper rifle...I prefer close encounter firefights :) M16A1 HOLO SD is my preferred weapon of choice.

Flame away lol

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Ye i know my English is not Perfect, but than, it is not my first language, not even second. But still, i know enough to survive...and bdw m8 can u speak my native language? NO I don’t think so ...so m8 GTFO my back with your super trooper English.. with love from Croatia!!


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For all you weak minded fools... YOU ALL DESERVE A DIGITAL DEATH!!


We are the Day-Z Raiders and we take no prisoners(Unless we can trade them for stuff)! Man, Woman, Medic, Bodyguard, Survivor, Bandit, you all must perish if you don't share the cause!

As I figured you scumbag bandits are not to be trusted due to my BRILLIANCE you will NEVER be able to take me out.....


If your serious send me a private pm with your steam info.

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Oh and another thing, how fucking dare you even MENTION Dr Wasteland! He had done so much work for our dayz community, he has helped everyone, even your pussy ass alt f4ing bandit friends! you are one fucked up individual.

I hope rocket bans you from the game as im willing to bet all my money you alt f4 as well. Bitch!

And as for this comment YOU WILL DIE AND I DO ALT-F4 MOOOO HA-HA-HA-HA!

P.S- I actually don't alt-f4 and I suggest implementing a runescape type of prevention to this. In runescape if your in a fight and you alt-f4 your body will stay there helplessly until you kill the target or you are killed and you are not able to log on until one happens. As for logging out there is a 10 sec delay, where you can be attacked.

P.S.S- And I don't care if that has been said before... YOU ALL WILL STILL LOSE MOOOOOO HA-HA-HA-HA-HA

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I'd be interested in this if you weren't targeting the medics. There's no harm in a bit of mayhem, but killing medics? That's just too much. Not to mention that you advocate alt+f4...

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I'd be interested in this if you weren't targeting the medics. There's no harm in a bit of mayhem, but killing medics? That's just too much. Not to mention that you advocate alt+f4...

I don't advocate alt-F4 as you can read from my post, why would I? The more deaths THE MERRIER!!!!!


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I rate ideas on a point system

Advocates killing a large anti bandit group- +2 (its been a while since i fought a group)

Wants "ruthless" people who shoot their "teammates" in their backs and run at the first sing of trouble -10

No hint of coordination -5

Targets medics -.....I will kill you (and it is personal)

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Some of those things I posted on the bottom part of the post were added for a more dramatic effect you see....

But I didn't expect un-brilliant minded individuals other than myself to understand MOOOO HA-HA-HA-HA-HA


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Oh poor you, have u took your therapy this morning? Those 3 green, 5 yellow and 3 red pills.... IRL u your mom hits u, dad rapes u...so u have to lose your frustration somewhere. Oh poor kido.. r u Bullied at school, poor baby, l feel so sry for u...but there are schools for children with special needs that u can attend, or??

:P i have a name for your group: LIB /Low Intelligence Bandits

:P :P :P

I dont see any problem with the OP, just a guy in forum trying to rally a group of people to fight back The Coalition, its a RPG game and he's doing just that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with his topic // post, maybe not the best in my point of view but still viable.

Although if we carefully read the shit you reply it becomes clear that you're the one in need of attention and most likely special care.

Besides who even considers learning Croatian as you so arrogantly place it in your 2nd post, its a useless language, as useless as your comments.

Edited by Hexa88
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Oh poor you, have u took your therapy this morning? Those 3 green, 5 yellow and 3 red pills.... IRL u your mom hits u, dad rapes u...so u have to lose your frustration somewhere. Oh poor kido.. r u Bullied at school, poor baby, l feel so sry for u...but there are schools for children with special needs that u can attend, or??

:P i have a name for your group: LIB /Low Intelligence Bandits

:P :P :P

type like a 11 year old school girl, call someone low intelligence


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I kill medics on site. If you cannot take care of yourself you should not be playing. I always carry morphine,PK, antibiotics and steak. Also, a real bandit always has some wood stored in his Coyote Backpack.

And unlike most chickenshit bandits...I Don't carry no sniper rifle...I prefer close encounter firefights :) M16A1 HOLO SD is my preferred weapon of choice.

Flame away lol

Medics are neutral folks. I don't see why would someone shoot them because they help both sides.

Second, who said I carry only a sniper with me? Foremost, my sniper is only in my backpack and taken out only if needed for counter sniping. My main weapon is my M4 CCO.

Last but not least, you call bandits with snipers chickenshits while you are a pussy faggot silenced rifle user. Why not use a rifle without silencer then, if you are so badass ;)

Flame away lol

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And at the OP.

2 things.

You are either a braindead 10 year old by your parents abused child.

Or a wannabe super troll.

In both cases, a true case for the psychiatry.

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Guys ... In a war there will always be dirty battles and btw being a d*ck is what makes a bandit.

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