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The State of the Game and Why a Once "Addict" Has Moved On

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I love Day Z, I really do. I love wandering for hours in the wilderness, hunting for loot in houses, deer stands, military tents, etc. I love the thrill of wondering if a player is stalking the same area as me, fearing a sniper is watching over the military spawn I'm looting, or finding a vehicle in some nonsensical part of the map. I love looting some poor sap's tents of his rare guns, killing pigs for meat, and looting stores and the thrill of finding that uber rare piece of gear. I found my own pair of NVGs, my own M107, my own Coyote Backpack, my own silenced M4, Silenced M9, etc.

So with all this to love, why have I stopped playing Day Z? Well, you might say the latest patch,, a "hot-fix" intended to fix some graphical issues, was the last straw for me. The way this patch fundamentally broke tents and vehicles has crippled any enjoyment I can find in the game. I say broke as opposed to buggy because they simply don't work. So what if I looted some sap's tent? His stuff will just re-spawn tomorrow. Hell, I can just keep going back there day after day and gear up my friends too. It cheapens the game, and I cannot handle this cheapness.

Sure, you're sitting there, saying "well, then don't use the uber loot duping tents, duh!" and you'd be right. But the way tents are broken also makes it incredibly risky to store my gear before going off adventuring. This means I can't store my extra food, ammo, my day/night weapons and more, without fearing a re-set. What if the server crashes while I'm playing at night, or re-sets suddenly? My day/night guns will be gone. I'll have to find that ammo again. It means that if I wander across the map, I have to wander back before I log out or all my things will vanish, and this turns playing into a chore.

Then there's the helicopter my friends and I fixed up. Gone in less than five hours. Did the server reset and despawn it/return it to the island I found it on? Or was it stolen? I don't know, and because of that uncertainty (which should not be), I can't be bothered to play.

The real reason I've given up isn't any of the above reasons, really. I guess what was truly the last straw is how Rocket and co have basically thrown the community to the wolves in order to promote the standalone at various conventions. I don't blame them of course, I can't wait for the standalone, but I was also looking forward to enjoying Day Z the mod in the meantime. A simple tweet, a forum post, a reddit comment, anything that says, "we know tents and vehicles are broken, news soon" or something along those lines is all I need. I'm sure there are others who fell the same.

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Yeah I understand what you mean, when I found out about tents I was so excited, only to my dismay that the re-sets eats my equipment. That's probably the biggest thing I want fixed because i'm a massive hoarder, but I still don't think it's worth quitting over.

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One word: alpha

A bunch of words. People are tired of you people.

To the OP. I quit 4 weeks ago, .5 patch came out and i logged in didn't do anything but make things worked. Logged off and quit again. Came back today to see if anything changed. I feel ya dude.

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A bunch of words. People are tired of you people.

To the OP. I quit 4 weeks ago, .5 patch came out and i logged in didn't do anything but make things worked. Logged off and quit again. Came back today to see if anything changed. I feel ya dude.


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A simple tweet, a forum post, a reddit comment, anything that says, "we know tents and vehicles are broken, news soon" or something along those lines is all I need.

But it's obvious that they know, because EVERYONE knows. You know what happened last time they said "news soon"? The patch wasn't released for a couple of weeks.

As Gabe Newell said:

Edited by SuperCalleh
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So I got global banned the other day for hacking. I'm sad because I don't like wasting money and now my ArmaII is $30 out the door like a fine. I'm not sad because the server I was on before I got global banned I actually used some scripting powers to help fellow noobs out. I'm a veteran player up to 3 months and finally just gave up.

The server was hacked to death anyway and I figured I'd see what all the fuss was about. I was tired of running up to cherno and electro for 10-15mins a time to get loot. All I wanted was a crossbow because I've had everything in the game from 10 man squads in helicopters and urals to sniper and ground teams raping cherno and electro. I figured out the crossbow sights with a piece of tape on my screen with dots and wanted to test it on players and get good with it. I spawned a crossbow with all tools and m9sd. I used esp and teleported to a player. I tried shooting at him and missed, he said friendly and had no guns. I then talked to him and it turned out he was a noob then I decided to show him the ropes of dayz. He had a buddy, we found tents and heli crashes and just had a good time. I taught them how to find camps and vehicles and what guns do what damage and how to avoid zombies. I actually played it normal after I met those guys because I just wanted to have a good time again. My crew never plays anymore as they're tired of the hackers.

Now I'm global banned and I can't even play normal Arma II which I actually had fun with. I used to stay up to about 6 am and didn't sleep most days because of arma II. It's for the better.

At least I know I was helping people and not hurting them in the end.

Edited by rockstarG

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That's unfortunate, but I think you misunderstand the gravity of his responsibilities now.

--And Gabe was talking about the masterpiece that is Half-Life 3, we're talking about a zombie mod with no plot, come on get your shit together. DayZ going standalone doesn't mean they reach alpha v. 2.2 and get 7+ years to go to v.3

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So I got global banned the other day for hacking. I'm sad because I don't like wasting money and now my ArmaII is $30 out the door like a fine. I'm not sad because the server I was on before I got global banned I actually used some scripting powers to help fellow noobs out. I'm a veteran player up to 3 months and finally just gave up.

The server was hacked to death anyway and I figured I'd see what all the fuss was about. I was tired of running up to cherno and electro for 10-15mins a time to get loot. All I wanted was a crossbow because I've had everything in the game from 10 man squads in helicopters and urals to sniper and ground teams raping cherno and electro. I figured out the crossbow sights with a piece of tape on my screen with dots and wanted to test it on players and get good with it. I spawned a crossbow with all tools and m9sd. I used esp and teleported to a player. I tried shooting at him and missed, he said friendly and had no guns. I then talked to him and it turned out he was a noob then I decided to show him the ropes of dayz. He had a buddy, we found tents and heli crashes and just had a good time. I taught them how to find camps and vehicles and what guns do what damage and how to avoid zombies. I actually played it normal after I met those guys because I just wanted to have a good time again. My crew never plays anymore as they're tired of the hackers.

Now I'm global banned and I can't even play normal Arma II which I actually had fun with. It's for the better. I stayed up to about 6 am and didn't sleep most days because of arma II. It's for the better.

At least I know I was helping people and not hurting them.

Cool story, bro. Needs more tape.

Edited by calthehunter

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I was expecting a QQ post but the OP was well written and concise, and it summed up the current issues without sounding whiny or like a little kid who can't have his way.. some of the replies are a bit childish, but that's to be expected.

Just relax.. you don't have to play the "alpha" every day. This part was a test, now let's just relax until the stand-alone comes out.

It's sort of nice to see the forums dying down and as a result of the (minor) player decline, there are less hackers.

Yes it sucks about tents, but it's not that big a deal.. as Rocket himself has said in a recent interview, some of these issues are very difficult, if not impossible to fix in the mod, but easy once we are talking about the source code for the engine.

DayZ stand-alone will be exactly what we make it.. the mod *will* be released as open source when the stand-alone version is ready.

Just have a bit of patience.. the only thing I'm not looking forward to is the return of all the cry-babies when the stand-alone is released. :P

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I personally think it was a mistake for them to ever add storage to begin with. Being able to store a bunch of extra stuff completely negates the perma-death aspect of the game. Means that if you have storage, there's no risk in running around and being the biggest possible douchebag you can be.

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Its cool your going, I am going to stick with DayZ for now. We will see ya when you come back.

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--And Gabe was talking about the masterpiece that is Half-Life 3, we're talking about a zombie mod with no plot, come on get your shit together. DayZ going standalone doesn't mean they reach alpha v. 2.2 and get 7+ years to go to v.3

Way to miss my point entirely.

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Most of the people polled on this forum would rather throw tents out completely than wait for the duping bug to get fixed. I doubt there's going to be much sympathy for someone who is afraid to play the game unless they have a tent full of stuff to go back to.

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A bunch of words. People are tired of you people.

To the OP. I quit 4 weeks ago, .5 patch came out and i logged in didn't do anything but make things worked. Logged off and quit again. Came back today to see if anything changed. I feel ya dude.

People are tired of me people ? I'm tired of all these forums posts whining about bugs and glitches in a ALPHA, get real people. You are testers on a UNFINISHED version of a mod for Arma II, get that through your thick skulls and stop wasting space on these forums.

You bought a full version of a working game: Arma II, DayZ is a mod that is still in construction, you are not "playing the game" mate, you are testing it for the developer to make it bug free and such. Most games don't even open alpha testing to the public and most bugs and security holes get fixed in Beta.

You play an Alpha version of a mod and whine about bugs ? phhh, i'm glad you are leaving, see ya

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People are tired of me people ? I'm tired of all these forums posts whining about bugs and glitches in a ALPHA, get real people. You are testers on a UNFINISHED version of a mod for Arma II, get that through your thick skulls and stop wasting space on these forums.

You bought a full version of a working game: Arma II, DayZ is a mod that is still in construction, you are not "playing the game" mate, you are testing it for the developer to make it bug free and such. Most games don't even open alpha testing to the public and most bugs and security holes get fixed in Beta.

You play an Alpha version of a mod and whine about bugs ? phhh, i'm glad you are leaving, see ya

You know I understand it's an alpha. I understand the limitations of the engine. But frankly I thought the addition of dogs was a bit weak... Feels more like something you'd add onto the wish list to complete.

What this game has been needing for a long time is a good end game. Something to do with your time after you've got app the vehicles, weapons, equipment.

Yes tents are broken - but I haven't died once legitimately in the last 5 deaths! All from hackers. That rare gear I spent hours and hours finding? Gone in seconds even though I'm careful. Tents we're the only thing equalizing the hackers.

I feel the lack of an end game kills this mod. It's fun for the first 20/40 or even 60 hours - but then what? The replay capabilities become stale because you know you'll die at some point, probably to hackers and just have to restart all over again. For me I like to play this game largely avoiding other players, challenging myself to stay alive as long as I can. But after 5 days? Nothing left to do...

Once this game gets some sort of end game I'll be back. I think that's what the main problem is now - more then hackers/dupers/bugs etc is the chronic lack of endgame.

Edited by ZenBC
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People are tired of me people ? I'm tired of all these forums posts whining about bugs and glitches in a ALPHA, get real people. You are testers on a UNFINISHED version of a mod for Arma II, get that through your thick skulls and stop wasting space on these forums.

You bought a full version of a working game: Arma II, DayZ is a mod that is still in construction, you are not "playing the game" mate, you are testing it for the developer to make it bug free and such. Most games don't even open alpha testing to the public and most bugs and security holes get fixed in Beta.

You play an Alpha version of a mod and whine about bugs ? phhh, i'm glad you are leaving, see ya

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People are tired of me people ? I'm tired of all these forums posts whining about bugs and glitches in a ALPHA, get real people. You are testers on a UNFINISHED version of a mod for Arma II, get that through your thick skulls and stop wasting space on these forums.

You bought a full version of a working game: Arma II, DayZ is a mod that is still in construction, you are not "playing the game" mate, you are testing it for the developer to make it bug free and such. Most games don't even open alpha testing to the public and most bugs and security holes get fixed in Beta.

You play an Alpha version of a mod and whine about bugs ? phhh, i'm glad you are leaving, see ya

You know I understand the 'Its Alpha' arguement and its been said many times before. What gets me though is as the mod grew more and more servers were setup and approved by the devs. The game grew more popular and 100's of thousands of people started to join and probably the same number bought Arma 2 just to play DayZ. Why did the Devs approve more and more servers? Why didn't they lock down the playerbase to 1 Million players or even less? No instead the hype built up for the game and more people were sucked into a super buggy Alpha which for some people is unplayable. For me I haven't had half the problems some people have had and I am surprised until last night my character survived to long!

Not everyone knows the meaning of Alpha... Luckily I do and haven't been to bothered as bugs are expected.

You have to expect people to moan, plain and simple. You open a very early stage Alpha, you expect a crap storm to be coming your way from the players. At first Rocket and the devs were always updating their userbase now since the Standalone was announced we haven't heard a word.

I'm still gonna play as I have other things to do (IRL) and I still enjoy the game. I'm part of an active clan who play everyday so it keeps me busy!

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Guys - Join a Private Hive Server they are working like in pretty much. We have one and tents and vehicles are saving fine as are the dogs - these things are awesome!

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Most of the people polled on this forum would rather throw tents out completely than wait for the duping bug to get fixed. I doubt there's going to be much sympathy for someone who is afraid to play the game unless they have a tent full of stuff to go back to.

Duping is one of the worst things n the game, along with hacking, i just hope the standalone will fix those

for me, playing dayZ has no motivation anymore, i never duped or hacked, and constantly getting killed by people running around with AS50s and L85s and ghillie just makes no fun anymore

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You know I understand it's an alpha..

No you don't.

What this game has been needing for a long time is a good end game..

Stopped reading.

Edited by opeth
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How can there be an end game in a Zombie apocalypse ? you except the US and A to come kill all zombies or something, and then all players go to cherno and buy appartments? :D

imo there shouldnt be any end game.. i think it will ruin the game tbh.

I like the game as it is.. all tho i also must admit the hackers and duppers is kinda annoying but doesnt really ruin my gaming experience. I just look forward to see what new features etc there will be in the future.. and ofc i look forward to the standalone game.

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i Got to admit been playing it none stop till last week and i decided to go to a festival and see a lot of bands. and not been on it since.

i kinda started to get bored as i had been ever were had all the loot and so on. i was even bothered what happen to my guy as its to easy to find "rare" items plus theres plenty of snipers that give there positions away to easily by missing a shot. so kill him and you have the items you need again.

and i do play with friends and also on me own. there is limited stuff to do.

even when you think of your own stuff to do, me and a friend once went round as batman and the joker.

i think i might just wait until i get my dog and give him a dog name like "scruffy" or "rex" before i play again

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No you don't.

Stopped reading.

Lol. Yes I do know what an alpha is. And yes, you can sandbox the shit out of this game.

On a totally different note, it's people like you that give me a lot of work to do - thank you! People who don't read people properly and make assumptions based out of their own personal expectations instead of reality mean that people who do read things properly and understand things in their actual context get paid lots to fix your messes :-)

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You know I understand the 'Its Alpha' arguement and its been said many times before. What gets me though is as the mod grew more and more servers were setup and approved by the devs. The game grew more popular and 100's of thousands of people started to join and probably the same number bought Arma 2 just to play DayZ. Why did the Devs approve more and more servers? Why didn't they lock down the playerbase to 1 Million players or even less? No instead the hype built up for the game and more people were sucked into a super buggy Alpha which for some people is unplayable. For me I haven't had half the problems some people have had and I am surprised until last night my character survived to long!

Not everyone knows the meaning of Alpha... Luckily I do and haven't been to bothered as bugs are expected.

You have to expect people to moan, plain and simple. You open a very early stage Alpha, you expect a crap storm to be coming your way from the players. At first Rocket and the devs were always updating their userbase now since the Standalone was announced we haven't heard a word.

I'm still gonna play as I have other things to do (IRL) and I still enjoy the game. I'm part of an active clan who play everyday so it keeps me busy!

again not a GAME man...get it through your head and understand it. it doesn't matter that the mod grew or more servers lit up, its still an APLHA MOD in testing. Stop treating it like a polished finished game and you will cut out about 80% of that whining deadweight attitude.

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