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My most epic haul.

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Ok, this may not be such a big haul for some people, but it was for me. Here is my story:

So last night me and one other buddy went to the top right corner of the map searching for bandits or their camps. We ended up coming across what was about 7-8 tents and a v35(the big army truck, kinda old looking). The v35 was jammed pack to the brim with loot. It had almost every gun in the game plus all the other general gear. All the tents together had 3 ghillies, multiple as50s, multiple l85's, and many camping tents. Me and my buddy had decided luckily to drive up on our dirt bike so we had some extra vehicle repair supplies.

The v35 had one missing wheel, so we assumed they only used it for storage, and VERY little gas. All the other systems were yellow also. Anyways, we ended up fixing the wheel on the v35 and gassing it up, and then decided to raid the tents.

We took everything we could out of the tents, that would still fit in the v35, and then proceeded to fill every other free inventory slot.

I got in the truck, and my friend got on the dirt bike, and we triumphantly drive away loud as fuck and kicking up quite the dirt cloud behind us. We drove far away and set up a brand new camp with our truck hidden in the trees and dirtbike.

All in all, we had rounded up more than one of every single weapon and item in the game. This was SUCH a great night, seeing as the night before we had only just found our first vehicle EVER. the dirtbike.

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very nice haul i would also recommend going back because they were probably duping supplies so there will be more their

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Yep. Shame that you can't keep any of it. I've found so much gear since 7.5 came out that I can't keep. At this point I just kind of pass over tents, because I won't be able to hang onto any of the loot.

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I've started to mark down the tents that I find for possible gearing up later if I need it. If it's legit gear, I'll just take what I want/need and not trash it.

A while back, I found a cleverly hidden tent and took an M14 that was in there (I love that rifle). I left my M4A3 CCO in it's place. I noticed he had an M4A1 CCO SD as well, but no SD ammo. So, I left him a couple of SD Stanag mags I'd been keeping for no particular reason and also left a couple of morphine since I had 5 at the time.

Leave a penny, take a penny.

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Nice find, but I submit my haul from over the weekend...



That was just two tents. There were roughly 20 in the area (obvious duping) mostly loaded with insane amounts of gear. I think the only things that were missing was a rocket launcher, Mountain Dew and a radio.

BTW, yes I know the AWS is a hacked gun, but I had to try it out just to see what it's about (I can see why it's not allowed in the game...insanely OP'd). Ended up leaving with the L85, AS50 and a nice fill of ammo for both as well as a few satchel charges for entertainment. :)

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