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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

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Why didn't we get any information? :c

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OK guys.

Really bad things happened while we were setting up which sent Derpy into a rage quit. Something to do with him and an admin. He shot someone and [the admin] killed all of us and removed our stuff.

Tomorrow. We will have one more go. One last try at a successful meetup.

It will start at 5pm gmt. Server the same as the one derpy posted 2 pages ago.

The team speak will be, Just look for me and goto that room.

I will give you the server and password when you join.

LETS DO THIS! If you're ok with that.

(Im online right now btw if you want to join)

Edited by dance1211

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There's still plenty of hours left in the day! Where's derpy?

Derpy hasn't been on skype since he said that there were some brony's waiting for him. He's probably drunk now, he'll be back tomorrow.

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Well, I guess that we're going to find out tomorrow then. I'm lucky that I don't have any school so I can come :)

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Well, I guess that we're going to find out tomorrow then. I'm lucky that I don't have any school so I can come :)

What a coincidence.

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Even though we never got to officially meet up, I had a lot of fun with you guys today! Even though the server was in Germany, I had very little lag compared to much-closer US servers, and the lack of 3rd person kept it very interesting! Got my first-ever death in Day Z, and I've been playing since...June, I believe. And I blame it on the Green Mountain curse... picked up a ghillie suit in a barn in full view of that infernal tower, made it all the way to Kamyshovo, where I glitched on a rock, broke my legs, and passed out dead.

Hopefully I'll be able to make tomorrow's, and it goes much smoother. Might just have to get out of school a bit early to pop in and say hi, hehe!

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Glad you made it onto the servers. It's always good to see new faces.

BTW, just to clarify one of the admins is looking into what happened with kills earlier (I'm not an admin there BTW, I just know one of them well). I've played there a long time and can honestly say I trust the admins over there to act responsibly. If I'm proven wrong then I'll eat my hat and tell them to go and jump off a cliff. I'll keep you guy's posted.

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...God dammnit. *sniffle*

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Well then.

How is everyone on this fine afternoon?

Tired, so it's time for bed. NIGHT EVERYPONY!(Hopefully Derpy will come back and we can do something sometime....)

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No idea, though I haven't seen Derpy in awhile....

No nothing has died. Just i have been busy as hell lately and im finally getting some sit down time!! Im basically home for the next 3 hours then im away out again till late Sunday evening after i get tattoo'd tomorrow!!

Feel free to arrange something among ourselves whilst im not about, i mean i don't always have to be here for a meetup to be arranged!!

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Hmmm this maybe true but sometimes the Herd has to go alone!! though i do love how everyone will wait till i announce something!

Though it would be nice to see someone else maybe take a round for a week or maybe setup a random midweek meetup... i just keep getting embroiled in a million other things at once at the moment!

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