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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

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Ok so i am wanting to host something for this weekend.

Going to do a Roll Call on who might and might not be attending!! Just lemmie know!

Also have a drawing i did :)


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Ok so i am wanting to host something for this weekend.

Going to do a Roll Call on who might and might not be attending!! Just lemmie know!

Also have a drawing i did :)


Yay, Derpy pic! And of course I will be. Hopefully earlier than the last time.

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I will, unfortunately, not be attending this weekend's gala, as I am heading to upstate new york to visit my uncle (and hopefully stay there if a zombie outbreak happens to go down. In the middle of woods, supporting from livestock and veggies).

It saddens me deepen especially since we are losing a grand host soon!

I did enjoy the picture by the way, but my artist skill follows only music and literature...

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I will, unfortunately, not be attending this weekend's gala, as I am heading to upstate new york to visit my uncle (and hopefully stay there if a zombie outbreak happens to go down. In the middle of woods, supporting from livestock and veggies).

It saddens me deepen especially since we are losing a grand host soon!

I did enjoy the picture by the way, but my artist skill follows only music and literature...

Tis ok, we shall have a good few Gala's yet before my departure!!

Thanks, took me hours to finally finish!

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I'll be there with a chopper and two keen gunners on m240s, we're going to spill some horse blood.


Have fun finding me while i pound your chopper with AS50 rounds

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Have fun finding me while i pound your chopper with AS50 rounds

Or a m136 if your lucky to find one AND make it operate...

...but .50 cals work too.

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Ok so i kinda got a little bored and started to mash a Logo for the meetup together, here is a very first rough design...


Disturbance ahoy!

It looks pretty good, though. A nice little title card.

Kinda makes me feel we should just have some group photo of us in the middle of Cherno... (hint hint, nudge nudge)

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Disturbance ahoy!

It looks pretty good, though. A nice little title card.

Kinda makes me feel we should just have some group photo of us in the middle of Cherno... (hint hint, nudge nudge)

Yes it can like be our "calling card" so to speak!!

Ahhh no hints or nudges needed. Hopefully i can get Cherno Journo with us this weekend or another "Journalist" friend of mine for a lovely group photo!

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First page is now edited with the new logo...

Anyone want to make a Logo for the Meetup please feel free, i shall pick the best one of the entrants to become the new Meetup Logo!!

EDIT: We need more players also, so get as many Bronies involved as possible!

Edited by Derpy_Hooves

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And yes I will most likely be attending if possible. Hopefully the server suits my Australian location.

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And yes I will most likely be attending if possible. Hopefully the server suits my Australian location.

Yeah we are going to get a US server this time so everyone can play!

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It was fun when I was on, even tough it was kind of a chaos :P

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Oh, theres something this weekend? I'll be there :3

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