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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

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All good, hope to see you on this evening for more laughs and randomness

Thank you for the extra day. I most certainly will be on mostly.

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Safe to say this weekends meetup has been brilliant!! on both Chernaus and Fallujah! thank you all for turning up and having a ball!!

You didn't invite me to the second one? :(

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A fine meet-up this time...

...except for navigation...

a fine meetup it was....

......except all of us never really MET up and we kept dieing

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It was advertised as a Saturday/Sunday event!! We shall get another one soon though

Hmm, I didn't get any information regarding the Chernarus one. Oh well, must have been my mistake.

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All he had to do was go the opposite direction to the moon... i made it lol..

you suck at navigating -.-


Giant Chicken.

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I'm really really late on these posts but eh, still worth a shot to help out the fellow brony community. If you need a medic feel free to drop me a line. I try to check daily and I'm more than happy to help out, even if I'm unable to join the group. I'm more of a freelance medic.

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I'm really really late on these posts but eh, still worth a shot to help out the fellow brony community. If you need a medic feel free to drop me a line. I try to check daily and I'm more than happy to help out, even if I'm unable to join the group. I'm more of a freelance medic.

I shall remember to get in touch with you when we next arrange meetup 5.0!!! The more the merrier!

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I shall remember to get in touch with you when we next arrange meetup 5.0!!! The more the merrier!

Any ETA on 5.0?

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Any ETA on 5.0?

Nothing is a solid conformation at the moment... i don't think this weekend would be any good, just such a short time to organize everything... but details of 5.0 will be released soon!!!

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What about in a few weeks since i got a holiday then and can actually be there :P

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