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Dayz with VR Glasses!!!!

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GUYS! Check this out... http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1523379957/oculus-rift-step-into-the-game

and then tell me this wouldn't be absolutely perfect for Dayz! It would mean ultimate immersion. Head tracking would be crucial, and the 3d element in the different environments would be absolutely awesome.

Its already gotten critical acclaim including a Best of E3 nomination. Right now the res is 640x800 per eye, but given the fact that they've raised 8 times the money they had hoped to raise, they have stated that they will push it to 1080... PER EYE! The low res version can be picked up for $300 and the high res will be under 1k.

Anyways, just dreaming away here. I remember Nintendo's Virtual Boy and how awful it was. I thought we'd be playing in VE goggles a long time ago. Hopefully these pave the way.

ROCKET AND DEVS! Get the Dev Kit from Oculus for $300 and INTEGRATE IT INTO THE STANDALONE! pweez

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if VRMMOs like Sword Art Online ever become a reality, DayZ would be the perfect candidate for it imo.

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I might just order a dev kit even though I'm not a dev. I want a pair of these... right meow

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$300.00 for a dev kit? For that much I could just play DayZ cross eyed.

I mean seriously, if people on here are bitching about the $30 or so they spent on Arma II/OA and want compensation in the form of a free standalone version, something tells me they wouldn't be at all willing to drop $300 on a pair of VR glasses.

Just a hunch though.

Edited by Bukethead

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Well, I'm assuming a lot of people spent over $300 for their computer and of course the final product which is going to be intended to be released to the public would be cheaper.

I assume :3

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So people are kickstarting on something that does exactly what eMagin has been doing for years?

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Yep, that would be nice!

I love VR! Waiting now for over 10 Years that VR will come to PC.

Oculus Rift ist the First VR System that have realy a chance to change the way of Gaming!

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There are a lot of hurdles to overcome, obviously, but I like the idea, for sure. Dayz would be okay on it, but it's seems really well suited to flight sims. I'd love it for flying in ArmA, but I'm more excited about trying it for DCS games.

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What hurdles? The devs of the Oculus claim their SDK and integration is very simple on any engine. VR engine already supports head tracking... what obstacle? I don't think its worth putting on the mod, but the standalone... I've shelled out thousands on my comp (I use it for work as well), so I wouldn't mid spending 300 more for VR goggles. Good IR trackers cost that much.

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Dean has already stated in some interview that he would like to add support for Rift but I'm guessing it won't be the first thing he does.

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What hurdles?

I'm thinking primarily about interface issues. It'll take some time to iron out how things like head bob and auto-centering should work. I remember back in the day, playing Marathon and even Quake, it was absurd to think of using the mouse to aim, look and steer, and moving laterally was a special move, not all games even had it. Now we've got WASD and the mouse as the default control structure almost universally, but there were some awkward false starts on the way. Similarly, the VR will take some getting used to, for developers and players alike. Will I be using WASD and the mouse with it? When I drive a car, will my mouse steer while my head tracking looks, or will it be worthwhile to have a toggle or momentary way to bind where I'm looking to where I'm steering? When I look through my scope, will the scope view only appear over my dominant eye, giving me the choice to wink for clarity or keep both eyes open for situational awareness?

You can't just slap it on like it's a monitor upgrade and expect to wake up in The Matrix. It's a doodad, just like the Intellivision controller and the Dreamcast's analog shoulder buttons and the Virtual Boy. Sometimes it's awesome and works, other times it's a piece of crap and gets in the way. The dream remains beautiful, but the implementation is a job. I'm stoked for it, but with reservations.

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I might just order a dev kit even though I'm not a dev. I want a pair of these... right meow

Did he just say meow? I heard him say meow.

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The low res version can be picked up for $300 and the high res will be under 1k.

It's not just low res..it's stone age res. Let's wait for the full HD version to come out. The target price should not exceed 400$ (???) is what they say. Let's see what they do the the excess money. I read something about at least 1080 per eye, so it's possible it will be even more. The challenge is to create a display that is fine enough that you can't see the pixels from that distance. Even if it costs 500€ over here when it's released it's still a bargain compared to your typical 3D system with an expensive monitor, maybe even three, a pair of glasses or not depending on what system you use and of course a rig that if strong enough to deal with the load, provided they hold their promise. I expect a lot from this. For most games it's just another 3D experience, in ArmA which is one of the few games i know that support head movement ( let's keep GTR aside ) which gives you 1000% 3D experience since your own head will be on the avatars shoulders in the game and not just your head that follows the controller input or your head "only" to aim.

Edited by Enforcer

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Its okay. I have a 200px-Virtual-Boy-Set.png

Personally I like my games the way they are. I find gimmicks never work well. Also I don't think we are ready for VR. Those goggles are just a computer screen shoved into your face.

Edited by harley001

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They would be good hell they'd be more than good Depth Perception that really works hell it'd be cool to be running around looking around away from my weapons at times just to see some bandit trying to get me and with things like Scopes you could actually have the feel of Scope Tunnel vision

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Rocket is the kind of guy that has already been told about this, or has known about it for a while. In case he hasnt I agree with the OP.

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if VRMMOs like Sword Art Online ever become a reality, DayZ would be the perfect candidate for it imo.

but...if that happened think of the server nuking.5-30 people dead 1 hacker

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Is this the device rocket has mentioned he would love to support on many other different threads?

Doesn't this need a constant 60fps for stable use?

Emagin? Oculus, I fear they will go the way of 3d gaming, a fad, a once bright hope blighted by cost and effectiveness.

But I see the potential, hell, I'd buy one just for DayZ!

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