stupror 25 Posted August 27, 2012 I would like to say that I'm a Hero or at least a Survivor.But due to the fact that I'm for the most part traveling thru hot zones were i rater be safe then sorry my humanity of ~-144000 speaks of a different story...Keep in mind that i am a white listed medic, but i am not one of those who just run around and heal everything i can spot.I go with my clan to mend players in high risk areas and more often then not we have to end a few lives before we can safe our client... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aznnoodle727 1 Posted August 27, 2012 Survivor. I get pretty worried if I know someone I don't know is nearby, and I try to avoid contact. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VidKo 53 Posted August 27, 2012 I'm a survivor, wearing a hero skin (when not in ghillie). I don't shoot fellow players at first sight and because of that I've been shot a few times. I did help more players than being shot at and every single player I helped makes it a worthwhile.I even teamed up with a random scandinavian guy I met in barracks at NW airfield which was lots of fun (hope to see you again).So all an all, I haven't lost my faith in humanity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meshin 15 Posted August 27, 2012 (edited) Don't know if I'm just lucky but I have maybe even more good experience from people than bad.I have 22 000 humanity and not because I'm a medic, only been for a week and healed as a medic only 3 or 4 people so far.In the last 2 days alone I've been to Cherno 5 times and nobody shot at me, I've seen 6 unknown people; 3 of them were really friendly even with 2 I've teamed up for 4-5 hours, 1 one them didn't see me and I was spying on him for half hour, 1 I almost ran over with a truck as he was in the middle of the road with flashlight trying to stop me.. I didn't, and 1 on them killed me with a hatchet (lulz) but that I could avoid as I was fresh spawn running pointlessly around and didn't bother if anybody was there.With a chopa it's a different story.. saw at least 10 people in different groups or alone and 9 of them tried to shoot me down, I supose they see me they hatin, for me that was awesome.. :DDon't lose your ideals whatever they are, stick with them It's all you've got in this Wasteland no matter how hard it gets at times.Also with Hero skin people tend to shot at you a lot less and more of them are friendly.. thats what I've noticed so it's worth it for me. Edited August 27, 2012 by meshin 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nepenthe 3 Posted August 27, 2012 survivor atm, going to be bandit for sure. i try to play safe, so i usually shoot on sight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toft 61 Posted August 27, 2012 LOL i never expected the poll to be so balanced regarding votes.I Actually assumed it would be more like:Bandits: 98%Heroes: 1%Survivors 1%or something like that, maybe more survivors and less bandits. but around there. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarshie 6 Posted August 27, 2012 Hero? I always laugh hearing that expression. Are there players running around doing good deeds for everyone? I've personally never met a player in dayz who's ambition was to only provide care to other players.every friendly i come across i ask if they need anything (ammo, food, drinks, blood, etc). some hero/friendly survivors exist, its just finding them through all the bandits :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 5 Posted August 27, 2012 Bandit for me. I look at it this way for the current state of DayZ... the only gear I need to kill zombies is a pistol or hachet. All other gear, literally, exists to kill other players. Being a survivor is way too easy with the wealth of gear and item spawns, and zombies aren't a threat. I don't need NVG, AS50, L85, guillie suit, etc etc just to kill zombies.Hero doesn't make sense to me. By simply playing the game and gearing up, with some exception, you are doing things to earn hero status. Once geared up, the only thing left to do is kill other players, even if one's mindset is to hunt and kill those who camp spawn points, Cherno and Electro. If surviving was a real challenge, I would say differently.Killing other players is the end game for me. Zombies are not the threat; other players are. Kill or be killed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rogue246 28 Posted August 27, 2012 You have a pretty good point stunod. Once your geared up to the max what's left to do? I think most simply get bored of killing zombies and need more competition so they end up being bandits. After all you don't need a sniper rifle with nato rounds to kill zeds That's the real end game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Soliloquy 13 Posted August 27, 2012 Survivor, day 14 now :D 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fosty99 160 Posted August 27, 2012 LOL i never expected the poll to be so balanced regarding votes.I Actually assumed it would be more like:Bandits: 98%Heroes: 1%Survivors 1%or something like that, maybe more survivors and less bandits. but around there.I think people aren't voting based on what skin they are using, but on what they are trying to play as. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meshin 15 Posted August 27, 2012 (edited) Bandit for me. I look at it this way for the current state of DayZ... the only gear I need to kill zombies is a pistol or hachet. All other gear, literally, exists to kill other players. Being a survivor is way too easy with the wealth of gear and item spawns, and zombies aren't a threat. I don't need NVG, AS50, L85, guillie suit, etc etc just to kill zombies.Hero doesn't make sense to me. By simply playing the game and gearing up, with some exception, you are doing things to earn hero status. Once geared up, the only thing left to do is kill other players, even if one's mindset is to hunt and kill those who camp spawn points, Cherno and Electro. If surviving was a real challenge, I would say differently.Killing other players is the end game for me. Zombies are not the threat; other players are. Kill or be killed.For me that's huge lack of imagination..You have the gear, power to do anything in this Wasteland and you stick yourself into some bush and kill everybody you see. Just boring...I've tried to be a bandit when I got top tier gear, shot 2 people in matter of hours for no good reason.. and just felt there is no point to this and went doing something else; finding and repairng vehicle, moving gear and seting up camps so I'm supplied for good, checking out Green montuain and Devil's castle. Attended (more like voayer to don't get killed) Sundey church mass masacre in Cherno, become a medic and got into some medic operations. Last week set out to get myself a choper so that made me busy and I got one now... in the future maybe get some public medivac or transport operationg going on, and so on.But on another hand it would be also boring and too easy without you bandits.. so you're good to be in this game to :D Edited August 27, 2012 by meshin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 191 Posted August 27, 2012 Not quite... for a hero it takes persistance, lot of persistance. Never ever kill people with out very good reason in youre entire playtime.From 0 to get -10 000 humanity it takes hours, to get to +5000 it takes days and days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Erik (DayZ) 61 Posted August 27, 2012 I've been a bandit for months... Can't even get rid of it even if I wanted to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rogue246 28 Posted August 27, 2012 (edited) I once spent several hours following a noob around providing overwatch for him unseen clearing zeds out so he could collect gear. He knew someone was there but never saw me and didn't seem to mind once he realized I wasn't trying to kill him.. That was a triple challenge for me since I had to stay hidden from him, clear out the zeds that got too close and make sure other players weren't hanging around. It was a good time, I wasted a crap load of ammo but oh well.I suppose that was a "hero" thing to do but I wouldn't consider myself as such. I didn't really care of that particular person lived or died, I was simply entertaining myself which last time I checked "GAMES" are meant for. Edited August 27, 2012 by Rogue1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Verticalslum 6 Posted August 27, 2012 Hero15k humanity Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recaldy (DayZ) 17 Posted August 27, 2012 Hero, 24/7. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bankst3r 45 Posted August 27, 2012 That guy is my hero!That guy is indeed a hero. Very skilled player. I was really surprised at how confident he was. "I will go up to those 10.000 guys, ask them if they are friendly if not then I am going to kill them all." And then he went and did just that.But he is actually a hero for trying to be friendly, helping and avenging "bambis". ;D My goal is to become a hero but somehow I end up panicshooting other survivors who appear out of nowhere whenever I turn around. I need to buy a decent headset. =/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kebman 213 Posted August 27, 2012 I want to be a bambi too! :wub: 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
woots 82 Posted August 28, 2012 Since my last death I got13 zombie kills13 murders2 bandit killsHumanity: -309095 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidcactus 719 Posted August 28, 2012 Yes hmm.. im not to sure about this hero business either..Whats the deal with the new survivor skin or is it the hero skin ? I have spawned in wearing gloves and a flannelette shirt now ?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fuji (DayZ) 8 Posted August 28, 2012 I'm a murderer.. always shoot on sight never underestimate the advantage you have when you get the drop on someoneits just how the game is..I've been nice to new spawns before and they have stolen gear from my backpackand have had people who shouted friendly shoot me in the backIf someone looks new (i.e. hatchet/lee enfield/double b shotgun) I will avoid them unless they are heading straight for meif you play legit shooting someone is much easier than finding gear againits kind of sad that only hackers can afford to be nice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pilot of Pripyat 9 Posted August 28, 2012 I'm a murderer.. always shoot on sight never underestimate the advantage you have when you get the drop on someoneits just how the game is..I've been nice to new spawns before and they have stolen gear from my backpackand have had people who shouted friendly shoot me in the backIf someone looks new (i.e. hatchet/lee enfield/double b shotgun) I will avoid them unless they are heading straight for meif you play legit shooting someone is much easier than finding gear againits kind of sad that only hackers can afford to be niceI have always been a hero. I rarely die to bandits, but I occasionally do. When just surviving got boring for me, I created the thread in my sig, and began using my team to train new players and guarantee safe passage to those who use our services."You'll make it through unscratched or you'll get your gear back plus!" 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trizzo 632 Posted August 28, 2012 Just got my hero skin woot sweet and so fast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites