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Are you a bandit, Hero or Survivor?

Bandit, Hero, survivor?  

237 members have voted

  1. 1. What are you?

    • hero
    • bandit
    • survivor

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Hero? I always laugh hearing that expression. Are there players running around doing good deeds for everyone? I've personally never met a player in dayz who's ambition was to only provide care to other players.

We all know what bandits do so by definition a survivor would be the opposite, (Someone who doesn't kill others and at times provides care for fellow players). Sooooo... A survivor is a hero.

If you wish to provide me with the criteria of a "hero" I will defer to you.

I'd say I'm a survivor/bandit. I mostly stay to myself and only shoot other players if they don't stay away from me. That means if you walk up to me or surprise me there's a good chance you will be shot. I don't go around looking for trouble but I also have a low tolerance for chit-chat. I simply want to play the game my own way. Everyone else can fight each other and label each other. Just stay out of my face and you'll be just fine.


Edited by Rogue1
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Dunno actually. In most cases if somebody is friendly me and doesn't have million times better gear than me I won't rob him I am being friendly. If I meet guy with superior gear and looking like hardcore shoot first guy I try to rob the guy or if not possible I will shoot him. And if noob just started game and found stuff but needs medical care I will be his hero and travell to help the guy.

Edited by Kalle^

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Hero in training.

The SECOND i find someone who won't shoot on sight, i will give them gear, food, medical assistance, all that.

That is the problem. Nobody lets anyone approach you.

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Survivor. Why would I want an outfit that makes me stick out so bad?

The speed is not a good enough trade off for me to get that bright ass, ugly shirt.

I'll stick to surviving, my ghillie and helping people if such need arises.

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More like survivors are neutral. Heroes I think would range from being medics to hunting bandits and protecting survivors as well as fellow heroes from them to the best of their ability.

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Hero? I always laugh hearing that expression. Are there players running around doing good deeds for everyone? I've personally never met a player in dayz who's ambition was to only provide care to other players.

We all know what bandits do so by definition a survivor would be the opposite, (Someone who doesn't kill others and at times provides care for fellow players). Sooooo... A survivor is a hero.

If you wish to provide me with the criteria of a "hero" I will defer to you.

I'd say I'm a survivor/bandit. I mostly stay to myself and only shoot other players if they don't stay away from me. That means if you walk up to me or surprise me there's a good chance you will be shot. I don't go around looking for trouble but I also have a low tolerance for chit-chat. I simply want to play the game my own way. Everyone else can fight each other and label each other. Just stay out of my face and you'll be just fine.


He's talking about your player class/skin, not your playing profile.

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Should be a hero/bandit/survivor option. In my lives I have decided to be a little bit of each. Sometimes, I KoS. Sometimes I help people. And sometimes, I just ignore them. I don't know why the dayz community says that youHAVE to be classified into one of those groups. I just do whatever the fuck I feel like doing and have fun with it.

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... Heroic bandit I think if I find a fresh spawn bleeding unconscious il help. If your a unconscious bandit or well equipped hero on the other hand...

Edit monster what anime is that from?(your screen pic)

Edited by Jeff the killer

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Used to be a bandit, but I got bored of always shooting people so I decided to try and help people instead. Kinda funny, because the most recent guy I shot was looking for someone to team up with (side chat) and I said I'd be keen despite me already shooting him once. Went quite well because we found a car and then started finding parts for it until he had to leave :(

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Are there players running around doing good deeds for everyone?


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Went to stary today with 4 friends. Turns out there was someone in one of the tents. He panicked and killed one of our members. I yelled "WAS THAT REALLY NECESSARY?" into direct comm. Then I hear a shaky voice over the comms answer "sorry I thought you were gonna kill me like everyone else."

I convinced him to come out of there, we loaded him up on food and morphine, and gave him a silenced M4 to replace his AK. Then we hopped back into our convoy and drove down to the coast to pick up our guy and hand his gear back to him. We dropped the guy we met off near the center of the map and told him not to be so trigger happy.

In other words, we don't even care if you kill us, we still try to be helpful. We still help out. I consider our group heroes, and yes, we do wander around looking for survivors in need of assistance.

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Was a hero just for running with a group of five with one accident prone idiot. It was funny the first couple of weeks but I have less of a tolerance after he needed blood and morphine on each gas station trip last night. Lost the skin as soon as I got it for shooting the same guy in the head because he decided to run between a firing gun and a zombie.

My playstyle is somewhat like a bandit, but I don't go looking for murders.

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I'm a bandit. I would kind of try to be better, but for some reason I started out at negative 25000 humanity when the patch rolled in. So fuck it, I'm shooting all of you. It's at -40,000 now.

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Bandit for days.

And people, if you murder people for no reason, you're not a bandit.

You need to update this poll.

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Hero? I always laugh hearing that expression. Are there players running around doing good deeds for everyone? I've personally never met a player in dayz who's ambition was to only provide care to other players.

We all know what bandits do so by definition a survivor would be the opposite, (Someone who doesn't kill others and at times provides care for fellow players). Sooooo... A survivor is a hero.

If you wish to provide me with the criteria of a "hero" I will defer to you.


Hero si a veteran Survivor who doesn't kill people.. not much more to it.

Edited by meshin

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wow i me surprised!!, its like 33% 33% 33% .... cool!!

heros= medics...

Who the fuck call thenselves as heros, bitches!!

By aoshitranslatesucks

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Breaking someones leg and spareing their lives is enough to be a hero in this game

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Not quite... for a hero it takes persistance, lot of persistance. Never ever kill people with out very good reason in youre entire playtime.

From 0 to get -10 000 humanity it takes hours, to get to +5000 it takes days and days.

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Survivor, but I still always carry a blood bag just in case I find someone who doesn't try to kill me and needs some help. Have to say I've never actually used that blood bag though, as I've yet to meet anyone in the last 4 weeks that didn't have an itchy trigger finger.

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