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Running Speed - Heroes faster then bandits

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@ the guy above, hacking has loads to do with game design HEHEHE

Different running speeds are caused by the engine/netcode, just like it loves to desync players. I just had a quick look at the dayz code to make sure, and i found no trace of skins/humanity having any effect. People are just trolling.

By my logic you should not magically become a super sprinter because you blood bagged a few peons and gained a plaid shirt. That is my logic -- Don't put words in my mouth.

Well, I agree on that one. However, everybody being magically able to do everything is just as unrealistic.

So, yes, I think there should be "professions" like soldier, medic, technician etc. Player should be able to increase their skills by learning from others or simply by "learning by doing" for lone wolves.

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Time and time and time and time again there is a simple solution so that everyone wins. Y'know how you can choose the various functions enabled on the servers like cross hairs and nameplates? This, too. Maybe even make a separate hive for these perk able servers, with skins and other fancy features and now we have a game that gets to have both communities. Simple huh?

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Well, the quote fits more your style than mine but whatever makes you feel like an internet gangsta, you can have it, bro.

My name is bankst3r and I can't admit I regret posting in this thread.

Different running speeds are caused by the engine/netcode, just like it loves to desync players. I just had a quick look at the dayz code to make sure, and i found no trace of skins/humanity having any effect. People are just trolling.

If that's the case great and all. However, clearly there's support for such a retarded thing to be in the game and thus this is still worth debating.

Well, I agree on that one. However, everybody being magically able to do everything is just as unrealistic.

So, yes, I think there should be "professions" like soldier, medic, technician etc. Player should be able to increase their skills by learning from others or simply by "learning by doing" for lone wolves.

Maybe you're right. That people can hop into helicopters and away they go is odd. However, that being said not everyone who hops into a chopper can fly it properly. Not everyone who picks up a gun in game can shoot it well etc.

I'd rather have a more realistic "flight simulator" style chopper interior than some arbitrary "you're a pilot now lol" perk gained from grinding some activity in game.

I'd rather the skill be in the ability of the person playing than some ingame arcade "you're good at this / you're not good at this" because the game says so function.

Since these characters are meant to be an extension of ourselves according to rocket. It's a bit immersion breaking if the game starts telling you that you cannot do x activity "because you haven't gained that perk via grinding yet!".

But I guess this tangent deserves its own thread.

Edited by itputsthelotion

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Some players run faster due to lower Ping. I have seen this time and time again with my buddies (I usually play on a US server despite being from Scotland and they all are able to run faster than my character).

Someone already said the game files don't have any evidence of these perks.

Stay classy darlings.

Edited by harken

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Bandits are better at aiming because most bandits are people sitting in wait, at least in my experience. Also more often than not snipers >.> Now for Heroes, they are usually much more passive, and tend to run away from confrontation often while being shot at by said ahole bandit, leading to increased cardio and athleticism. There is your realism, now stfu.

Edited by Diddemz
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As a non-bandit, I run, run, run away constantly. I run all the way up north, west, back across to the northeast. I run from distant town to distant town. I run away from the cities and any non-zombie confrontation. Hell, I run from zombies too, as I'm an unpracticed, crappy shot. I like to run.

I have been shot, repeatedly by people who sit/lie atop hills, for long periods of time, doing nothing but waiting for me to come running along.

Makes sense we would get slightly better at our chosen lifestyle.

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From a balancing standpoint I find this unacceptable. No I'm not a raging bandit and don't care if it stays but it is enough of a disadvantage (or advantage) of having your gamestyle exposed to everyone who sees you.

I bet the logic behind this was all the bandits would rage and try to be super-nice to get the extra speed. Artificially changing players behavior will not be of any benefit in the long run. The skins, in my opinion, were the max that kind of logic could go without being unbalanced.

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And heroes constantly "tactical log" -- So maybe they should get an outfit looking like a giant vagina

I wouldnt mind running like a giant vagina tbh, i keep getting fucked by hackers anyways.

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That iputsthelotion dude is taking this waaaay too seriously lmao.

While whining like a 12 year old girl. I have no opinion on the subject but I find it interesting how he considers opposing opinions to be whining, but he is presumably arguing like a man or something in his view.

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I like how this thread is basically the game.

Bandits being douchebags.

Heros trying to defend innocent people caught in the crossfire.

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Haha internet rage is for douches. On CoD some people would flame me via private messages because I dared to kill them repeatedly. The last internet gangsta was quite colorful with his profanities. So in the next game I swear I wasn't even looking for him whenever I fired my gun he ended up running right into my bullets. Not my fault but he thought otherwise and made it clear in his series of private messages.

My standard reply is "lulz kk thx bye". Aaaand then he went nuts. ;D

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On CoD...

My standard reply is "lulz kk thx bye".

Sums up this thread, circle jerk it up care bears.

Edited by itputsthelotion

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Is that your retort to me?

Do I get a chip on my shoulder for being a "I play the game hard style" Hero then? Can I demand unrealistic perks and shit? I'd like the ability to growl and cause others to eject their bowls within a 50m proximity.

That shit made me laugh. Good games!

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Some players run faster due to lower Ping. I have seen this time and time again with my buddies (I usually play on a US server despite being from Scotland and they all are able to run faster than my character).

Someone already said the game files don't have any evidence of these perks.

Stay classy darlings.

That is just stupid and moronic. Netcode has zero to do with game physics. Ping is a measure of distance. It might -seem- like your moving slower since your ping is higher but in reality outside influences such as ping (proximity to the host) cannot alter the coding of the game. Even putting that out here tells me you have no idea what goes into game design and the basics of networking.

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I'm also pretty sure you run faster if ur hydrated than if ur not, or at least it used to - I was running with a mate and was going faster than him so we talked about it and he drank some water and voila, we're at the same speed again. This was several patches ago though so not sure now.

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