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Running Speed - Heroes faster then bandits

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Umm you note the bandits get some love too right?

Baby jesus don't give a dang!

No one should get anything. We're not playing WoW where we need arcade perks. How does blood bagging someone make you a faster runner?

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I am not defending it, just pointing out it is universal.

I am all for making camo and ghilisuits orange too.

Camo is a realistic thing. Putting on a plaid shirt does not make you a fast runner -- Or Usain Bolt would be looking like a lumberjack.

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Camo is a realistic thing. Putting on a plaid shirt does not make you a fast runner -- Or Usain Bolt would be looking like a lumberjack.

Maybe civilian clothes weigh a ton, or are still wet from spawning on the coast. Suddenly, plaid. Not wet and lightweight.

Yeah. It makes sense. Sort of.

I'm leaving now.

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Maybe civilian clothes weigh a ton, or are still wet from spawning on the coast. Suddenly, plaid. Not wet and lightweight.

Yeah. It makes sense. Sort of.

I'm leaving now.

DAYZ NEEDS LYCRA. Seriously, the hero outfit needs to be changed to this ASAP:


This right here is the beginning of the gimmicky arcade features which will be wedged into Dayz under the guise of "balance". Care bearing to the max.

Know what perk Heroes should really get? The ability to weep uncontrollably and write emo poetry.

Edited by itputsthelotion

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More risk in being a hero character because in order to get that status you need to actually help people or shoot many zombies.

Why should electro and cherno sniper campers get perks? For sitting in one spot and server hopping?

Piss off.

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Oh dear...

Come the stand alone I might have to collect some gems to get a +5 charisma and equip my AKM to cause a -5 mana burn on contact.

More risk in being a hero character because in order to get that status you need to actually help people or shoot many zombies.

Why should electro and cherno sniper campers get perks? For sitting in one spot and server hopping?

Piss off.

No one should get perks, everyone should get a level playing field. 2 months ago DayZ was all about how rough it was about how you made your own story with nothing but a bandage, flash light and torch... suddenly its evolved into this thing where doing good deeds gives you a sprint boost. I'm pretty sure we can class this as some form of "level'ing" or character development, not what I wanted to see in a MMOFPS/Survival game.

Bring on CoD style perks can't wait! Last stand would be awesome in this game... oh and increased knifing range! I mean if you're giving heroes the ability to sprint faster and further than why can't my bandit throw a grenade when he dies.

Edited by Mastiff

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Each skin has passive effects

Survivor: Nothing

Hero: Increased Run Speed and fatigued less often

Bandit: Slower. Steadier hands when zoomed, resist to cold/hunger

Ghillie: Increased disguise. Hard to see. Nothing else.

Soldier(only hacked in): Increased resistance to bullets, Resist to knockout

White Camo(out of game): Effects Unknown

Civilian(aka farm clothes): Not in game / effects unknown.

I'm glad they did something like this. I hope its true.

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If I kill 20 goats and collect their meat do I get a thermal scope for the AS50?

Because that's what this will be. This won't end here, there will be other perks and other things to do and soon people will be raiding Elektro hospital and shooting each other in the leg then blood bag grinding so they can get some new super perks.

Care bears and WoW whores will be lapping this up.

Edited by itputsthelotion

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Considering how difficult it can be to become a hero and how quickly you can become a bandit, I say they deserve a little reward.

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This right here is the beginning of the gimmicky arcade features which will be wedged into Dayz under the guise of "balance". Care bearing to the max.

Know what perk Heroes should really get? The ability to weep uncontrollably and write emo poetry.

Really? Cause there's only one person weeping right now, it's you. There's no sort of "care bearing" here.

Dayz in it's current state is just a all out shoot fest. Everyone just blasts everyone else unless the're a member of their tight-nit teamspeak clan.

Do you honestly think slightly faster run speed is going to change all this and make all those looting hoarding bandits turn into loving hippies who run around giving people free hugs in Cherno?

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Considering how difficult it can be to become a hero and how quickly you can become a bandit, I say they deserve a little reward.

I just gave an example which disputes this claim. Not that your line of reasoning needs a retort like this. That playing the game "like a hero" is harder or not in your eyes is completely inconsequential -- No one should have "perks".

I don't give a crap if you run around acting like Gandhi and think you're hot shit for it, you should not get some arcade reward. Bandits shouldn't get arcade perks either.

Do you honestly think slightly faster run speed is going to change all this and make all those looting hoarding bandits turn into loving hippies who run around giving people free hugs in Cherno?


Lets just add orcs and elfs into dayz, it's clearly what some of you want. I can honestly see it now, "heros are better at giving first aid so a hero will give 12,000 blood in a transfusion and a bandit will give only 2,000. Heroes can use Epi-pens and bandits can't." etc etc.

And just not to rag on heroes, the perk for bandits is ridiculous too. So if I kill a lot of people I become more immune to the cold? What? I did not know Jeffrey Dahmer was able to withstand Arctic condition's wearing only his Y-fronts.

Edited by itputsthelotion
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I would prefer to avoid perks like this in the end. Skins too. Clothing needs to be for the environment only.

I know Rocket has mentioned doing social skills in effect. Using the example of how if you can navigate by the stars you should be able to in Dayz.

As far as the Social aspect little has been said on it, but it should be handled with care.

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How realistic/hardcore do you want it to be? They want to keep it hardcore but if they want to earn money there will be some features to accommodate players. By your logic there should be no respawning of loot or Zeds who magically appear out of thin air once you get near a building. And once you die you should receive a global ban because dead means game over forever.

At the end of the day it is just a game and not real life. There will be some features which are not realistic but still fun.

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Lets just add orcs and elfs into dayz, it's clearly what some of you want. I can honestly see it now, "heros are better at giving first aid so a hero will give 12,000 blood in a transfusion and a bandit will give only 2,000. Heroes can use Epi-pens and bandits can't." etc etc.

What slippery slope?

Skills & professions will be in, Rocket said so many times.

Totally fucking gay RPG perks that I've already noticed:

1) Some players can indeed run faster.

2) They can activate invulnerability, teleport and turn invisible. Wtf is this carebear shit?

3) I swear to god, I saw one guy summon a helicopter right in front of him. I kid you not.

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By your logic...

By my logic you should not magically become a super sprinter because you blood bagged a few peons and gained a plaid shirt. That is my logic -- Don't put words in my mouth.

@ the guy above, hacking has loads to do with game design HEHEHE

Edited by itputsthelotion

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What words am I putting in your mouth?! I am just following up your "logic". If you want one thing then you should also go for the rest.

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What words am I putting in your mouth?! I am just following up your "logic". If you want one thing then you should also go for the rest.

You're not following my logic at all, don't pretend you're doing reductio ad absurdum on my ass -- You're not, you're just being a moron.

If you believe that "we shouldn't get unrealistic perks via blood bagging people and gaining a plaid shirt" = "Game should be uninstalled if you die" then you're about as smart as this:


Edited by itputsthelotion

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Really? You couldn't think of anything else as a response? At least we both are in good company, aren't we?

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Really? You couldn't think of anything else as a response? At least we both are in good company, aren't we?

Is that your retort to me?

"oh really, hoho you pointed out how i'm wrong as easily as that hohooh you're an idiot like me"


BTW guys, I've decided to go to Cherno. I've been informed that blood bagging someone gives you 250 humanity. So both of Cherno's hospitals have about 8 medical boxes each with 15 blood bags in them.

That's 60,000 humanity -- Do I get a chip on my shoulder for being a "I play the game hard style" Hero then? Can I demand unrealistic perks and shit? I'd like the ability to growl and cause others to eject their bowls within a 50m proximity.

Edited by itputsthelotion
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Well, the quote fits more your style than mine but whatever makes you feel like an internet gangsta, you can have it, bro.

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Only bad part is you have to touch others to be a Hero, gross.

Not true. I have a hero skin and until yesterday had never given anyone a blood transfusion or bandage since I almost always play solo. All you have to do is play DayZ like it's a zombie apocalypse and you are trying to survive. I know, crazy right? Do that for a couple weeks (I have a family and a demanding job so takes a while) and you are a hero.

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