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Who here has killed Sacriel and his team here other than me?

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Hey guys, I wanted to see if anyone else has taken down Sacriel42's squad single handedly.... I did with my M4 SD and AS50!

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Screen shot or didn't happen. Lol I'm jkin, if you did good job man, I would like to see some type of video of it though, must have been an intense fight.

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No, I was watching his live stream while I was playing, I was ingame near starry, and he also was ingame near starry, but I didn't know we were on same server, until we both heard gunshots At the same exact time from same weapon, when that happened, I shut off live stream, and focused Rly hard with AS50, and MK48 and waited for em, and then I actually killed em all, I think there was 6 or 7 of em, it was REALLLLLLYYYY HARD!

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But FYI, I did not stream snipe... I was watching it, and we came across eachother

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OP: You seriously think they are having Godmode or what? Any player can get killed in this game.

But sure, it is very nice that you took down your heros (otherwise i bet you wouldnt have cared about making a thread like this) in bandit style.

And admitting you had his stream up at first.. Wow sucha douchbag ou are. No, you didnt close it like you said. You kept it up and stream sniped him. Bitch move.

If you now took your time to make a thread about this, obviously you are really proud of yourself, but still you are defending youself. I sense a double standard here; You're trying to look like a really cruel sniper, but in fact you were stream sniping him and then had to brag about it. You arent 110% confident, thats why you defend yourself.. And thats why i think you stream sniped them.

No matter what you say, you are a total fk up in my eyes.

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how did you find him? was it of dayz commander or live stream?

Its kinda lol how you tricked him into telling it was a stream snipe he did. Isnt too bright tthis one.

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Kleaklejok.. what server do you play on? I'd love to mess up your day by coming to your camp.

I do hate players who farm vehicles without using them. Or are you picking the car for what day it is? Tell me what server mate

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Great triple post, mate

Maybe next time you may consider using the edit button instead.....*facepalm*

So OP killed a group with one of them being a DayZ youtuber

Can I name my kids after him?

Edited by Hawk24
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I call bullshit. Sacriel's squad is too good to be taken out by a single guy, especially someone with a mental age as low as yours.

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I call BS. Live Streams have a delay so you cant actually shoot and hear shots at the same time.

Edited by GetYouBarbara
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My squad have killed Oshi and dasquirrelnuts on DE 46 before, I personally had only been involved in oshi's kill at stary warehouse but was a fresh spawn in electro when they killed dasquirrelnuts in nwaf tree line behind barracks, I am not bragging but killing such good people is such an achievement - respect to his squad for not alt f4 when knocked our as well

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Hey guys, I wanted to see if anyone else has taken down Sacriel42's squad single handedly.... I did with my M4 SD and AS50!

No, I was watching his live stream while I was playing, I was ingame near starry, and he also was ingame near starry, but I didn't know we were on same server, until we both heard gunshots At the same exact time from same weapon, when that happened, I shut off live stream, and focused Rly hard with AS50, and MK48 and waited for em, and then I actually killed em all, I think there was 6 or 7 of em, it was REALLLLLLYYYY HARD!


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Sacriel is an amazing player along with his squad but I believe that 1 man couldn't have taken them down without stream, even if you were only watching a bit you still knew there strategy and so on you know what they where thinking when they heard the gun shot and how they were going to move from there.

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Even with the stream, you have to be very QUICK with the AS50 to take down 6-7 team squad without any of them seeing you. and i've watch many Sacriel youtube video... its very rare they move all squad in a bunch.

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