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Please push back the standalone release date and refine the damn thing

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Every time I think about the dayz standalone, part of me thinks, "Wow! I can't wait until this comes out, a DayZ with far fewer bugs and no more hackers! And a new map! Snazzy!"

The rational part of me replies, "You realize this is still gonna be a buggy Chernarus that's basically still in alpha, with some underground construction that will probably be glitchy as hell, right?"

The other part of me, deflated, replies, "Yeah, but one can hope..."

When I first heard the news of a dayz standalone, I expected a release around next July, judging by the amount of things that needed fixing. But no. Personally, IMO, the priorities should be as follows...

1. Fix the bugs and the hackers. If there is going to be a standalone, I want it to be clean(or relatively clean) of the game-breaking bugs the mod suffers from.

2. Improve the UI so it isn't so cumbersome. Its an ordeal every time I hit the gear button, and the time it takes to grab but a few cans of beans makes me sad. I believe they have already released a concept for a new UI, so yippee! ;)

3. Add new features.

Let's go back to one of the mod's updates. The game is suffering from major game-breaking bugs. The bugs were starting to become mechanics. Doors were lethal. A two foot fall caused bones to splinter. You couldn't put gear on the ground without fear Chernarus would consume the weapon and remove it from existence. So, obviously, the next logical step is to add bear traps.


PLEASE....just push back the release date and fix the game breaking bugs. Clean up the coding, optimize the engine a bit better, make the majority of the buildings enterable, and hell, add a new map. Chernarus is getting a bit stale.

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But... With the standalone he can easier fix the bugs and the hackers as he will have full control of the engine. I don't see the problem at all.

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He said he was going to prioritize hackers and bases. Im going to bet my bottom dollar he cant fix EVERYthing with what, three months? Unless he is actually is dedicating most of his working time to it, which I believe he isnt

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The difference is, with the standalone he can mess about with, and lock down, the code however he pleases. With the current engine there isn't much he can do without breaking Arma2 and/or other mods.

The standalone will give the dev team the necessary tools to deal with the hacking problem, therefore I think they should get it going sooner rather than later.

Edited by Max Planck
Yeah, can*. Thanks.
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The difference is, with the standalone he can't mess about with, and lock down, the code however he pleases.


Edited by Kyzahh

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I don't understand your point. Rocket can either release an early version of the standalone, follow the Minecraft model, and constantly add new features and fix bugs - something much much easier when he has full control over the engine and can customise it as needed - or he can ship the game next year, with no iterative development and feedback, and still fixing those same bugs.

You make it seem as if by delaying the game it'll mean all these problems get solved which they wouldn't otherwise. In reality, all it would mean is that the problems get fixed as they would have been, just that everyone is stuck playing the mod's alpha for the next 12 months instead. It's not like Rocket is going to release the standalone in a few months in an early state and then go sit on a beach somewhere.

If you don't want to deal with the problems in an earlier version, then you're free to wait as long as you want before paying for the standalone. But delaying the game won't have any impact on that at all.

Edited by Photolysis
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Dude, its not going to be a problem. These "hackers" are nothing but script kitties who saw something or downloaded a stupid program and are playing with something they don't understand. With the standalone there will be much fewer holes they can exploit due to the fact that Rocket will be in complete control of them. They are just exploiting the same codes that Rocket used to make the game so that means they are built into the mod.

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it's not like rocket is going to fix the bugs until next summer. (at least i hope not)

Edited by CaptainBingo

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The game is going to released in kind of a minecraft fashion, it will still e under development and bugs will be fixed when people report them stuff like that, with this method the game will also be cheaper if you get it this way.

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Minecraft style of Alpba/beta release, I like the idea, Even in this proof of concept alpha i love the game, Including its bugs, wont lie i wouldnt mind no bugs and no hacks, but its still an awesome game, i look forward to the standalone beta/alpha release.

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The difference is, with the standalone he can mess about with, and lock down, the code however he pleases. With the current engine there isn't much he can do without breaking Arma2 and/or other mods.

The standalone will give the dev team the necessary tools to deal with the hacking problem, therefore I think they should get it going sooner rather than later.


get rid of hackers and nerf alt+f4 and the game will be flawless

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Can never get rid of hackers, there will always be people who find a way to hack a game and profit from it.

As for the Alt+F4, its been suggested many times before, just add the 30second timer before your character vanishes making people actually make sure they are in a safe spot before they log off.

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Are they making a new engine for it? If BIS is running production, I would expect it to be some form of the ArmA3 engine, which should be modern and robust. They'll likely be able to use the same team of developers on both engines, making improvements quick and effective. At least that's what I'm hoping for. I love the ArmA3 videos I've seen, it looks absolutely bangin'.

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I don't understand your point. Rocket can either release an early version of the standalone, follow the Minecraft model, and constantly add new features and fix bugs - something much much easier when he has full control over the engine and can customise it as needed - or he can ship the game next year, with no iterative development and feedback, and still fixing those same bugs.

You make it seem as if by delaying the game it'll mean all these problems get solved which they wouldn't otherwise. In reality, all it would mean is that the problems get fixed as they would have been, just that everyone is stuck playing the mod's alpha for the next 12 months instead. It's not like Rocket is going to release the standalone in a few months in an early state and then go sit on a beach somewhere.

If you don't want to deal with the problems in an earlier version, then you're free to wait as long as you want before paying for the standalone. But delaying the game won't have any impact on that at all.


I don't buy a lot of games because I'm not sure if I will like them or not... If you don't want to play until the game is refined and "perfect" then don't. The rest of us will slog through the muck of testing and revising to deliver the final game that you so desire.

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Hacker killing entire server or teleporting behind you is the only game-breaking shit at the moment. I prefer buggy alpha standalone with doors braking bones than the experience I had last night with a hacker.

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