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Today I have been legitimally global banned for cheating

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Hello guys,

I bought the game one week ago, and today I have been global banned for cheating on DayZ (I bought Arma II just for this)

I remember my first two days, when I was in fear of zombies, and made my way through cities always proned and crouching/walking.

Then I understood that running and losing zombies through houses was much more easy and fast, but less fun. Still, the most efficient solution to both get the loots and run away from snipers.

Then I got killed by doors, bushes, falling 2 meters high, losing my backpack stuff when trying to move items, being completely glitched-stuck on invisible vehicles when disconnecting on real ones, or just losing stuff in tents or on the ground...

Then I got killed by hackers and lame players just shooting players on sight, even when I said on mic that I was friendly (and really was).

Then zombies started to attack me by going through walls, barricades, teleporting left and right, and so on.

I also had graphical artifacts bugs which really trashed my game experience (and yes I did the no multithread config in nVidia settings). By reading the official forums here I understood that the game devs were not interacting with the community whatsoever, and found it really shameful considering some indie devs regularly post and replies on their own forums.

After 4 days of DayZ, the thrilling gameplay experience I had vanished into thin air, considering the amount of issues that just break it, players behaviors included.

I was bored of dying for no reason whatsoever, bored of having poor feedback about next coming patches, and regretted that the game role play experience was so poor. If only zombies were able to catch you and you needed help from another survivor (Left4Dead gameplay mechanic is really good on that topic), this would have drastically change the gameplay and players behavior.

Cheating felt to me like the normal thing to get the things in balance with the alpha mod (I know it's alpha, so why would anyone care of cheats? I don't know, this is not clear... You yell "it's alpha, it's a test" and scream like babies when someone cheats to push the game to its corners)

As some people stated, the game just ended in another PvP Online Shooter. End game, nothing to do. I would have taken great pleasure to repair vehicles, but I quite never found vehicles, except on some unpopulated servers, making the use of vehicles really poor (they ended hidden in woods, used as storage facilities when switching servers).

This is when I started cheating. It was really fun to transform some servers into a sandbox where I could spawn choppers and whatever guns I liked. Note that I never used the scripts to kill players, thunderdome or other bullshits like this (never used godlike except once to try to save me from bleeding after an heli crash) and used unpopulated servers. Ruining others experience is not my kind. I silently geared myself up, and moved on other servers without killing anyone.

I also geared all my friends and we just had fun shooting each other without looking to break the gameplay of others.

After that, my goal was to try some roleplay, like taking players in hostages, but no matter what it always ended in dumb gunfights. The side channel removed made this even worst, as interactions with other players was made very poor.

On my way to cheat, I made a few manipulation mistakes that probably got me banned (or I executed the wrong scripts, I don't know, but it is obviously due to records in the hive database and not on immediate software detection).

The 25$ Arma II Combined OPS costed me was worth it. I had a great experience for the first three days of DayZ, and I already bought games that price that never delivered me the experience I had.

Even banned, I did not see my money as wasted money.

I will wait for the standalone to get out, if it's better than the doubtful-promised "The War Z" I will get it.

I know what you guys will write : "bye bye, won't regret you", or "you got what you deserve punk", but I felt that sharing my cheater experience with you could be cool for people who are interested in knowing more about the "why do they do that".

Still I regret nothing and will move on to other games, waiting the standalone to find you there :-)

Edited by Thadeum
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Didn't bother to read trash written by selfish scum who's brains are so small they cannot comprehend that their actions ruin things for the developers, players and the intent of the game itself. I do appreciate the post only for the fact that I know scum like yourself are no longer playing/hacking this mod.

Up yours.

What happened to real men and integrity.

These men still exist, however it is good to know that someone who has no integrity and is not a man can no longer play this game.

Edited by erocker
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Didn't bother to read trash written by selfish scum who's brains are so small they cannot comprehend that their actions ruin things for the developers, players and the intent of the game itself. I do appreciate the post only for the fact that I know scum like yourself are no longer playing/hacking this mod.

Up yours.

replying without reading. faggot mode 1

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Didn't bother to read trash written by selfish scum who's brains are so small they cannot comprehend that their actions ruin things for the developers, players and the intent of the game itself. I do appreciate the post only for the fact that I know scum like yourself are no longer playing/hacking this mod.

Up yours.

"ruin things for the developers, players, and the..."


If only you read the post. Typical.

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You cheated, plain and simple. Doesn't matter why, you get no sympathy from me.

Edited by Powell
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tldr: Bought game for alpha mod, played for a week, became bored and disappointed with bugs and current game state, began scripting, got banned

So when/if you get to play the stand alone how long do you think it will take you to get banned again?

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Glad to see you go.

You saw this coming, didn't you?

Edited by SonicRainbrony
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"ruin things for the developers, players, and the..."


If only you read the post. Typical.

Is school back in session yet? Either way, I'm somewhat glad my post upset you.

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Soem devs encourage cheating in alpha's so that once the game hits retail those hacks/cheats can be removed BUT this is a mod not a game so that does not work here.

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Glad to see you go.

You saw this coming, didn't you?


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Is school back in session yet? Either way, I'm somewhat glad my post upset you.

Your assumption is incorrect and for doing so you are a stupid human being of the aspect.

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Hah it's funny my first few days were very similar to yours. In games like this I had always understood teammates > gear. They would make the experience of any game a lot more charming and just generally more fun. So naturally I tried to find teammates. NO matter what I did...from helping completely new players get above average gear and showing them the ropes to just running in Elektro trying to find a friendly person, I would get shot.

I came to terms with the rather barbaric behavior displayed by seemingly innocent survivors and decided to go alone and just look for weapons. Over the next 3ish days I can't tell you the amount of times I was killed by other hackers. I was teleported in the air to my death, instant death when I logged in, instant killed when in game, and the infamous Thunderdome. Almost all of those bugs you had experienced, I had experienced and I feel your pain I really do. At times I even looked up hacking because my mind set was "what's the point of trying to progress through this game if I am just going to be teleported in 1000M in the air and fall to my death?"

However, I moved on and decided that I won't let a few a lot of bad eggs ruin my time on DayZ. I completely understand if you tried to hack, even though I know I am going to get flamed for this. When you and I purchased this game I'm sure we had a completely different perspective of what it was really going to be and it turned out it was far from it. Thankfully this game is still in Alpha and it has A LOT of potential to be a great game. Anyways, I don't blame you for hacking. Here's to hopefully a new start in standalone :)

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What most posters here seem to fail to realize is that ONE of the reasons people download and try a cheat is because they are simply frustrated or bored with a game. That in itself SHOULD be a lesson the dev team should take to heart.

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When you and I purchased this game I'm sure we had a completely different perspective of what it was really going to be and it turned out it was far from it. Thankfully this game is still in Alpha and it has A LOT of potential to be a great game. Anyways, I don't blame you for hacking. Here's to hopefully a new start in standalone :)

What most posters here seem to fail to realize is that ONE of the reasons people download and try a cheat is because they are simply frustrated or bored with a game. That in itself SHOULD be a lesson the dev team should take to heart.

You have my beans.

Edited by Thadeum
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TL;DR = I bought DayZ, I wasn't very good at it and other players killed me.

Feeling the need to get the better of other players I decided I'd start 'hacking', since after all, what right does someone else have to kill me?

I told myself that wasn't the only reason and it was because of bugs and other hackers.

PS. My penis is small.

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Lol at all the butt hurt people. I just got killed by a hacker and honestly, while I'm a little upset, I'm not pissed. No point getting mad anymore. I knew why people hack but not sure why some take it to the extreme. Only hacks I could ever use would be to give me gear IF I died from a hacker. No fun going around killing people who don't stand a chance. But oh we'll. As u said just wait for the stand alone. :)

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I can't believe anyone has sympathy for someone who got owned on DayZ then decided to become part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

This 'If you can't beat em, join em' attitude gave rise to the worst atrocities in human history, you're all weaklings.

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