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Night-time playing without NVG

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Hi guys, i'm new to DayZ;

i just want to ask if there's a way to play night-time without Night Vision Goggles...

yea... i know there's the flashlight but when you run you can't see shit!

i know that probably this is a stupid question but you never know right?

also do day-time-only servers exist?

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There is a cheeky way of doing it you have to turn i think its your gamma up high and most humans/zombies will show up as white blurs or something my mate did this i havnt becoz i've been lucky anough to find a crash site :D

Hope this helps bro But i wouldnt reccomend playing on nighttime servers untill you find some NVGs

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use flares. pick them up. run around holding them. stay on roads & near the beach.

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WHen the moon cycle is right (full moon is out) playing at night without night vision is one of the best experiences of the game. When the moon cycle is wrong or it is just not up yet playing at night is not for everyone. But do try and play with a full moon out, for me at least, the grey color palette and general darkness really makes the game shine...I've never played any other game in black and white or shades of grey that worked so well.

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Jack up your brightness and gamma.

If the moon is practically in eclipse, you're better off finding another server unless you want to be a giant target with your flares/flashlight.

If the moon is full, you probably don't even need to touch your video settings.

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Also set your HDR quality to high, to make it even easier to see with gamma and brightness up.

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Chemlights are very handy for night time play, they will light up the immediate area around you without giving away your postion (and blinding you) like a flare will, because they aren't visible from far away. I recommend blue, they give the best effect at night.

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Never use any kind of light at night. Everything on the server that moves, will blow your head off. :thumbsup:

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50 Shades Of Grey

I'm colorblind so everything is a porno x)

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If you play on a night server where there are 20-30 people i think they all have NVG or most of them, i suggest you to play on day server till you find one or max the Gamma and you can see everything

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I've about given up on nitetime servers/most I get on seem about 4 feet up a well diggers butt. tried it anyways just for laughs..ran right into a bunny zombie.. game over man...

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If you feel up for a challenge, try to play without gamma/brightness exploits.

Map and compas are great for navigation at night, however it's hard to rely on landmarks, sometime you only have the surface sound as a reference. Look at your map find the next waypoint, usually crossing a road, travel in that direction, untill you hear your feet on asphalt.

Chemlights are great for ambient light and easy to miss for any bandits in the area. At 30-40 meters they are highly visible, beyond that they are only a small blinking dot. I avoid using red chemlights, they are next to useless. Green chemlights are brightest and cast the most ambient light. Blue ones are less bright and harder to detect. I prefere green, most prefere blue. You use them by pressing F, changing weapon more to chemlights, press/hold fire to throw and then use the mouse menu to pick it up. If you suspect bandits are nearby, use mouse menu to either drop/extinguish the chemlight. If someone shoots at you(and misses) just run as fast as you can, while you run, select drop chemlight and leave it behind. Continue to run untill you're either shot dead or you reach the woods, then run some more(5min). :)

Road flares are much brighter and is alot easier to notice for strangers, they brun with a bright light and cast red light on the surroundings, it's glare can be seen up to 500-800 meters. I never pick up lit flares, I only throw them in villages or near deer stands. Throwing a flare serves two purposes, you light up the area you want to search and you can distract zombies with them. Any zombie seeing the light from the flare, will slowly walk towards it, investigate it for a moment and then move on. So if you need to search a house, don't throw the flare too close at the house.

I also use flares in Cherno and Elektro, however you have to be aware that it's defenently going to attact negative attention. I'll usually throw three or four flares in different directions and then stay outside the ambient light. I only use the light to see the contrast of the buildings, because I know both bandits and zombies will be drawn to the light. I'll also make sure I only stop in shadows or loot every quickly and be ready to run at the first sign of trouble.

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on night servers with more than 10 ppl, most of players have NVG. If you dont have NVG stick to those under 10 players othervise you will be easy target for some bandit.

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You should try playing at night after you died and do not have anything to lose anyway, but I suggest to play without the gamma workaround for the best atmosphere. Road flares are useful to light up whole villages for looting. 3 - 4 are enough for a whole village and zeds won't aggro (unless they see you if you pick up a flare what you shouldn't do). However, I didn't try venturing further to the north, since navigation is pretty challenging at night.

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Erm. Nightime is meant to be dark. So surely not using the gamma "workaround" removes some of the atmosphere. It does in my opinion anyway.

But yeah, chemlights all the way. Once you've played for a bit and seen someone running around with their torch on, you'll know just how ridiculously visible you are from a very large distance away. Same goes for flares, use both at your discretion.

If you're a fresh spawn with no chemlights, I'd recommend using the torch once you hit the main coast road to read the first sign you find to get your bearings. (Have the torch off until that point; roads are easy to find in the dark due to the white lines being slightly visible, and the fact they sound like road to walk on)

Then once you've picked a direction to head in, torch back off, run in as straight a line you can in the direction you were facing. Use the torch every so often to reorientate/check any buildings you pass through, and then turn it back off again.

Ideally you'll want to find chemlights ASAP, and quit using that torch as soon as you can.

Alllsooo it's worthy to note that while chemlights have a range beyond which their "glow" can no longer be seen, the stick itself is still visible from any range (that I've tested). Anyone watching a town or the woods with a keen eye and a scope could probably see the little blue dot moving around. Just a heads up, or rather something to be aware of. (I've not been caught due to it yet anyway)

Edited by Warped_Jack

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I play with flairs and chem lights. I toss em around cherno, and do my looting.

I love how eerie it looks. NVGs are not worth the effort to me.

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I would rather NVGs just not be in the game. its way more fun without them at night. But yeah... you make too much light your sniper bait.

In WWI they use to say three to a match is bad luck.

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I would rather NVGs just not be in the game. its way more fun without them at night. But yeah... you make too much light your sniper bait.

In WWI they use to say three to a match is bad luck.

I agree. NVG's are nice, and give you one hell of an edge, but wouldn't it just be more fun if everyone was in the same boat?

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WHen the moon cycle is right (full moon is out) playing at night without night vision is one of the best experiences of the game. When the moon cycle is wrong or it is just not up yet playing at night is not for everyone. But do try and play with a full moon out, for me at least, the grey color palette and general darkness really makes the game shine...I've never played any other game in black and white or shades of grey that worked so well.

Love the dark, nvgs or not. I finally lost my set on the weekend due to being stuck in mt gear screen and getting Tyson'd with the long timer and surrounded by a horde. All the way up near Novy so back to the coast we go, straight up to Zeleno in the dark and rain. Lovely outing.

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