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Any tips for new p;ayer getting into PvP

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I feel as though I am confident enough to explore Dayz's PvP side. So before I just run into Elektro looking for trouble, you got any tips?

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Go fight up North, it's gotten really boring up here since everyone left to fight the coastal bean wars.

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Be a nice, considerate type and head north to the Stary Sobor, NW Airifled region. That's PVP country - basically anyone that far north is mostly likely competent, well armed, and ready and willing (possibly spoiling) for any kind of PVP action you might want to engage in.

People on the coast are often new to the game or humanitarian types attempting to help them, and are just trying to peacably gear and group up. Bandits and headhunters harass them in Cherno, Electro, Balota airfield and other coast regions, but I think those bandits/PVPers should be heading north for that kind of gameplay.

Remember that being into PVP shouldn't necessarily make you a bandit or a prick - you could spend your time hunting down the bandits and undesirables on the server, and hell, they probably have better equipment anyway.

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People on the coast are often new to the game or humanitarian types attempting to help them, and are just trying to peacably gear and group up. Bandits and headhunters harass them in Cherno, Electro, Balota airfield and other coast regions, but I think those bandits/PVPers should be heading north for that kind of gameplay.

Lately I have seen more PVP in the south, seems to be a bit dead up north. Just my experience though.

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like NW airfield?

Nah not just NWAF, just anywhere North. And like charliedontsurf said, mostly everyone up here will be well armed and a WAAY bigger challenge to take down. In my personal experience the North will have you on your toes, I probably have spent a couple of hours at most around the coast and I've played 350+ hours so far. The coast is boring as most people don't change from the few sniper spots around the cities.


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Nah not just NWAF, just anywhere North. And like charliedontsurf said, mostly everyone up here will be well armed and a WAAY bigger challenge to take down. In my personal experience the North will have you on your toes, I probably have spent a couple of hours at most around the coast and I've played 350+ hours so far. The coast is boring as most people don't change from the few sniper spots around the cities.


Besides Steam, is there a way to track how many hours you've played? I bought it through Steam but don't run it through Steam because I don't want background programs taking up memory.

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The apartment buildings in the southern part of Cherno (the big ones, the inn's) are very good spots to sit and camp. Sooner or later if you hide in the gardens out back you'll start to hear people eventually and, if you're still, will mean you get the drop on them.

Shot a bandit there just yesterday after he was running around like a madman.

Get a good rifle, though, an M4A3 if you're able to get to the NWAF. A regular M16 will do, though. I'd avoid the AKM or Lee due to the loud sound.

Hope this helps and really don't go north the first thing you do unless you want your first PvP experience to be getting gunned down by an organized team with overwatch snipers, NVG's and ghillie suits.

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Go stand in the middle of the tents in Stary and fire in to the air if you want a fight. xD

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Go up North and find a fair fight instead of killing folks with just an axe in Electro :P

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Nothing fair about going to NWAF if you haven't fired a gun at another player yet. Might as well try and kill some campers in cherno or elektro.

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damn i never realised how much effort you need to camp :D

trust PVP isnt all that i've had dayZ for a month or two and i've only been in one encounter with a guy he chased me with a axe :( nearly crapped myself if you do go looking for trouble Stock up on ammo beans meat morphine and shiz like that

but i'd recomend these gadgets and things

NVGs Ghille suit slienced pistol slienced Rifle with thermal or NV scope (Preferbly) compass map and gps and a rangefinder Then your set really (for long range anyhow)

wooo i've finely reached my 3 post milestone :D

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Yes, I have some tips: 1) Enjoying dying a lot 2) Get used to people hating you and assuming you are under 14.

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damn i never realised how much effort you need to camp :D

trust PVP isnt all that i've had dayZ for a month or two and i've only been in one encounter with a guy he chased me with a axe :( nearly crapped myself if you do go looking for trouble Stock up on ammo beans meat morphine and shiz like that

but i'd recomend these gadgets and things

NVGs Ghille suit slienced pistol slienced Rifle with thermal or NV scope (Preferbly) compass map and gps and a rangefinder Then your set really (for long range anyhow)

wooo i've finely reached my 3 post milestone :D

Gratz. :)

But NVG's and NV scopes are only good for night time operations. Even then you can use flares as this will lure people towards you while you can lie down and wait. As for rangefinders the mil dot system is just as good and will take less time switching between gadgets and thus risk losing track of your target if they're in a city or otherwise in obscured terrain.

I agree on the ghillie suit if you intend to fight in non-urban areas, however.

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I had an encounter in berizino aginst 4 guys in a V3S me and my 2 friends all were hiding in a warehouse. everyone from both sides died :o it was a race to get back there and get everything.

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Hide, preferably on higher ground and use 3rd person view so as your'e not exposing yourself. Wait until your target is looking elsewhere then shoot them.


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Most players you find on the coast are fresh spawns or just trying to gear up. I'd leave them alone and head north for more big game hunting. The guys sniping over elektro/cherno are just to chicken shit to face a real challange. Up north most if not all the players you come across are kitted out as good in not better then you so it takes much more skill staying alive.

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Besides Steam, is there a way to track how many hours you've played? I bought it through Steam but don't run it through Steam because I don't want background programs taking up memory.

Nah. I mean I'm sure there is but I have no idea. Stopwatch?

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