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Map markers that i did not place?

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I sometimes see these markers on the map that will say "Sniper" or "Rifleman". It made me nervous thinking there was a sniper near me but then I noticed the marker moved where I moved? I did not have a sniper rifle so either a sniper was following me or the game marked me on the map as a sniper.. Has anyone else seen this or know what I'm talking about? Do I just see this or anyone on the server? It freaks me out! :o looks like a mark with two circles around it.

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Yep. On a recruit server zombies show up as 'man', and there should be a blue dot with a line on it that represents a player as 'rifleman' if memory serves. I don't recall ever seeing 'sniper' but maybe it goes by what gear they have on them. It works on the basis of last spotting. If you see more than one blue dot, that's another player.

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If it's a blue mark, you're playing on a server where player markers are enabled.

This is standard for ARMA 2.

If it was a black X with a circle in it, it's a player placed static marker that can only be seen by the people who are in the same team as you. But in DayZ, everyone is in the same team, according to the game.

And you most likely have a Ghillie suit. Wearing it will automatically classify you as a Sniper.

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Hmp! Thanks for the info Dancing Russian Man. Never knew the ghillie did that. I've never gotten my hands on one. :)

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Hmm I do have a Ghillie suit which is what I thought was the reason it marked me as a sniper.. so you're saying others can see this on the map? It wasn't the black X mark that's for sure. I'll have to check on that player marker thing. Thanks! As I said before it was freaking me out! haha

Edited by marymart456

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This is not a glitch nor did another player spot you. You spotted yourself. It's a feature on certain servers. You can see your exact location on the map and if you get close enough to see another player, he will show up on your map as well as another blue circle like yours.

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Hello there

Maps are also shareable. If one marks the map whilst in the global chat mode, map symbols placed by you will be visible to others.

There's a vast amount of symbols that can be accessed.

It' just a leftover from arma, nothing to worry about.



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