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(RECRUITING) Elektro's Most Wanted (KoS Dayz Clan/16+/Teamspeak/OUR OWN SERVER)

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Age: 17.

Country of Residence: United Kingdom

Favorite Weapon/Role: AS50, Sniping at the back watching people's back.

Skype: lwizards

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Hell yeah I would, would be a fantastic thing to take part on and have alot of fun in the mean time.

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Age: 21

Country of Residence: United States

Favorite Weapon/Role: any long range weapon/sniper,stalker

Skype: shimshack13

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: yes/yes

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Age: 16

Country of Residence: United States

Favorite Weapon/Role: AS50

Skype: ihavok96

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Yes I will right now I have a AS50 rangefinder NV's

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Age: 23

Country of Residence: USA

Favorite Weapon/Role: My favorite weapon is the as-50 for sniping, or the Silenced assault rifle for close-combat.

Skype: jake.carter50

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Yes ofcourse, pretty much the reason i am joining is to do this.

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Age: 17

Country of Residence: Canada/Quebec

Favorite Weapon/Role: M107/M24 Lee Enfield/M4A1 M9SD/M1911 - Recon

Skype: light-wave.j-s.

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Yes

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Don't listen to him, he's mad I banned him from the teamspeak

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Banned me because we killed them once we found out they hacked. They had hacked weapons and gear and still died to regular people lol

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Banned me because we killed them once we found out they hacked. They had hacked weapons and gear and still died to regular people lol

he's a three post troll don't trust him

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Wait until you guys see there hacker base with about 5 ammo crates and tell me there not hackers, or when the pick you up in a car and teleport around the map. Its lame and ruins the game or people who play legit. Get some skill and learn to play the game

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Wait until you guys see there hacker base with about 5 ammo crates and tell me there not hackers, or when the pick you up in a car and teleport around the map. Its lame and ruins the game or people who play legit. Get some skill and learn to play the game

we do not have any ammo crates at our camp

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Country of Residence: US Of A

Favorite Weapon/Role: AS50/Long-Range or M4 Mid-Range

Skype: Mastap141

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Yes, Ive been looking for a group to play with for awhile now.

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Yes you have ammo crates and they tele around!!

No I don't, any recruit i will show you we have no ammo crates

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Age: 16 (17 in a month)

Country of Residence: United Kingdom

Favorite Weapon/Role: AS50, and preferably sniping from afar. I sometimes enjoy going up-close too though.

Skype: imstephenhunt

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Yeah I'll be able to do both, I enjoy doing both so it's all good for me.

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Guy's they don't fucking hack, stop posting random shit because your mad you never got into the clan. They are legit I saw the base. Stop randomly accusing either get proof or get the fuck out simple as.

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Age: 16. 17 in october.

Country of Residence: US

Favorite Weapon/Role: I like the AKM a lot, and My favorite sniper would be the M107

Skype: daowner12345

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: I would be willing to snipe and also take part in raids, I would love too.

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Age: 18.

Country of Residence: California. USA

Favorite Weapon/Role: As50.

Skype: d-day4me (already added you)

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Yes I will. I am mostly into sniping. But I've died recently so I'll be needing to find a As50 for me to take part of sniping.

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Age: 18

Country of Residence: UK

Favorite Weapon/Role: AS50 M24 M4A3 CCO SD / Sniper Spotter Medic and Assault

Skype: andybutler18

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Yup i'm up for that everyday. As long as theres no little kids screaming or people who talk to much. Ye i'm in ( communication is the key ). Thats why i asked that.

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Age: 18

Country of Residence: US

Favorite Weapon/Role: AS50/L85 Combination. I prefer to be a sniper as well as do overwatch with the L85. This combination makes it a heck of a lot easier to scope out tangos.

Skype: GamerKnoob

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: I would love to snipe and take part in raids. I am in love with the sniping in this game and raiding just adds to my fun.

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Age: 16

Country of Residence: Norway

Favorite Weapon/Role: Sniper

Skype: tech_hp

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: I love sniping, so it wouldn't be a problem, i snipe all the time i can. Taking part in raids would be a dream, Let's get some!

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Country of Residence: USA

Favorite Weapon/Role: I'm a sniper. A DMR at night and a as-50 during the day

Skype: tzaddik01

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Yes i would

Edited by Aaron Atchison

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