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(RECRUITING) Elektro's Most Wanted (KoS Dayz Clan/16+/Teamspeak/OUR OWN SERVER)

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Country of Residence: Canada

Favorite Weapon/Role: I am starting to take a fancy on the m24, but I can use any weapon and can go any role.

Skype: Tgprojects

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Yea I would take part as a sniper or in raids.

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Age: 19

Country of Residence: US

Favorite Weapon/Role: Good coordinator, spotter, assault. Can also snipe pretty well

Skype: hunter.zoppoth

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: The point of Dayz is to raid and kill others with a group.

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Age: 21

Country of Residence: US

Favorite Weapon/Role: Im a radier. my favorite weapon is m4sd


Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: My specaility!

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Age: 19

Country of Residence: USA

Favorite Weapon/Role: AS50 / SVD CAMO / M107 - Sniping, and scouting out. Lonewolf is my style when it comes to combat from afar with my scope.

Skype: sunshine86kai

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: I'm willing to do everything. But yes. 110.1% Sniper. Taking part in raids is a big yes ^_~

Extra info: I'm usually on everyday, and mostly all the time. I'm serious, and can joke around. Experienced to the game even though I began playing 2 weeks ago. I've been lonewolfing eversince from server to server with a few real life friends, and would like a home for myself now. Any other questions? PM me.

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Age: 16

Country of Residence: USA

Favorite Weapon/Role: AS50 Sniper

Skype: xmrflipx92

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Yes and yes.

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Country of Residence:Merica

Favorite Weapon/Role:M249,Support,Covering fire

Skype: SkypeNub21

Would u be willing to snipe/take part in raids:Show me the rifle and the target!!

PS:Been a lonewolf since i began, and snuck up on the best of em......watch out!

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Age: 21

Country of Residence: USA

Favorite Weapon/Role: MP5A5 or 870 - smoke bowl and play dayz

Skype: curlyfriesRgood

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: yea if need be

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Age: 16

Country of Residence: USA

Favorite Weapon/Role: M16 acog/ support


Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: of course and any other dirty work

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Age: 17 years old

Country of Residence: Canada , Province of Quebec

Favorite Weapon/Role: L85A2 AWS/AS50/M4 CCO - Sniper

Skype: qc_chuck_qc

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Ofcourse.

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Age:17 years old

Country of Residence: Canada

Favorite Weapon/Role: Weapons: AS50,L85A2 ASW,M107 Role: Sniper long/mid/close range


Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Ofcourse

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Age: 17

Country of Residence: Canada

Favorite Weapon/Role: AS50 - Sniping

Skype: tony5538

Would you be willing to snipe/take part in raids?: Ofcourse

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These guys have a hacker in their group.

We attacked them today and the hacker killed half of our team by teleporting behind us. We had looted their base a few hours before and they had ammo crates, AS50 thermals, etc. We stole most of it.

Derekdakid ( topic creator ) was global banned by one of our "friends".

Edited by Xeno

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These guys have a hacker in their group.

We attacked them today and the hacker killed half of our team by teleporting behind us. We had looted their base a few hours before and they had ammo crates, AS50 thermals, etc. We stole most of it.

Derekdakid ( topic creator ) was global banned by one of our "friends".

you guys are fucking hackers. You teleported to our base and script killed us all

Edited by derekdakid

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Umm, incorrect. We recorded the whole thing, no hacking.

And heres a picture of our Pm's :)


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Umm, incorrect. We recorded the whole thing, no hacking.

And heres a picture of our Pm's :)


give me the recording too you fucker because your new spawn friend suddenly got an as 50 after being in0game for 3 secs

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Well its not really real evidence, the recorder is the only one that survives - he logs when we realize we are being hacked.

Edited by Xeno

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