+Ben+ 70 Posted August 24, 2012 (edited) I've never came across a hacker so far in game, although i did have quite a sketchy experience when i went afk sat in the passenger seat of the truck and when i came back my friend who had been driving was dead on the floor next to the truck. He thinks he was killed by a hacker as he swears the guy just appeared in front of him and shot him through the windscreen. I've never been teleported or nuked though. I admit i tend to play on low pop servers as i use them for medic assists in the hope of making things a bit safer for everyone involved.I'm a big fan of your's and Sacriels and Squirellsnuts' videos, started with watching BF3 videos(love your Attack chopper vids with Hemuli :thumbsup: ) and i think i've watched pretty much every one of your DayZ vids and its great to see the same contact from different perspectives. I think it would be great to see squad youtube playing some Lingor Island, private hives for each Lingor server too in most cases and i've yet to come across a scripter/hacker in many an hour of Lingor exploration. Edited August 24, 2012 by +Ben+ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Draxx (DayZ) 61 Posted August 24, 2012 Hello Oshi,I loved to watch your channel as well as Sacriel's. It is dissapointing that you do not like to play further. I for myself enjoy the game. But I have to say I had a lot of luck, because I ran only one time into a hacker. And due to the ALT-F4 cowards I only use .50 cal for sniping.I hope they get the duping, scripting and hacking fixed very soon. I play without any cheats and it is really hard to obtain a Ghillie, NVGs or a .50 cal rifle. So the thrill is there for me. But I normally also join low pop servers, because they aren't so attractive for script kiddies. But I can fully understand your frustration. If I had a team like yours I also would like to join only high pop servers to have some good hard fights.I hope that you and your squad members find the fun again in this game, because it is really great and watching your vids also. It is sad that hackers are ruining this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoRegrets 495 Posted August 24, 2012 Your words are wiser than you probably intended them to be.No ... I'm a wise guy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jblackrupert 308 Posted August 24, 2012 Go youtube ARMA2 hacks 2010 or 2011 or 2009. Youtube is full of arma 2 hacks that came out well before DayZ and they are the exact same ones. Im actually surprised at how many there are.Yes, but until DayZ showed up other then a couple months of problems on a FEW Domination servers nobody was putting them to actual useand the few that did were server or global banned. Many server admins in Arma 2 share their ban lists with each other.Hacking was not a big issue before DayZ,With DayZ the admins themselves are involved in it.Fact of the matter is DayZ is attracting a younger, very immature crowd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thadeum 103 Posted August 25, 2012 The game itself also is plagued by insistent hackers, though I have never come across one so far.That does not make any sense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sagemred 85 Posted August 25, 2012 (edited) Love the streams, Oshi, and It's a shame the mod has reached this point.I agree with you. Shutdown the mod, focus on the standalone development. There's no point trying to fight the 'hackers' (the name itself gives them too much credit entirely) in a game that was developed with the function to allow users to openly run scripts. That being said, BattleEye does a lot more than people give it credit for, the problem lies with kids having access to their parent's credit cards / assholes willing to spend £25 every time they get banned just to go nuke another fucking server.Good job kids, good job.- sagemred Edited August 25, 2012 by nfsmwbefast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The True Nova 22 Posted August 25, 2012 After reading this thread, there really isn't anything more to discuss. It is clearly obvious that all our requests and complaints will either come too late for the mod or are going to be put into the standalone.In light of this, either play the game as it is right now, or don't play till the standalone comes out. Not much more we can do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tobio 2 Posted August 25, 2012 it disappoints me to see so many people saying"oh the game WAS so good now its too buggy to play and too many hackers. devs should stop ignoring the community and fix their game" they are, theyve said so many times they have no control over hacking while its as a mod and under BE, the only way to fix it is to develop it to standalone so they can address things properlyyes the game is at a point where its more frustrating than enjoyable now cuz of all the problems but theres no point fixing them on an arma 2 engine mod when itll need to be re-implemented on the arma 3 engine when it goes stand-alone just be pateint and let them do their jobs instead of bitching at how unhappy u are with what u play for free on a unfinished unpolished mod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted August 26, 2012 I'll miss your videos. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TagMor 7 Posted August 26, 2012 I havent played for a week or so due to the vehicle/tent bug, hackers, and artifact glitch.Pretty obvious that Dayzmod has turned into a dumping ground for the standalone, with devs focusing on testing new features instead of actually making the mod playable for the community.Pretty sad too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetzer_ing 22 Posted August 26, 2012 Played again for the first time in weeks.Semi low pop server, 20 ish ~ people online.timespan of 30 minutes 3 guys was kicked and banned for script restriction.Joined another lowpop server and 1min later a hacker teleported behind me and killed me point blank then running along.Standalone just can't come fast enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Giomanach 0 Posted August 26, 2012 i have seen one hacker, which teleported everyone into the air and killed us all, and one city nuke.however the admin on the server had bannend the hacker within 1 min and rolled back the server 20 min, so everyone had his/her gear again and nothing happend.it is still a alpha mod so thinks like this are bound to happen.the grafic glitches are annoying, but setting your video memory to default took care of it for me. (have not seen it since)tip: try playing on a private server, the admin is usually online and you won't encounter as much hackers as the hive servers.im now playing on a private server which i think about 90 people play on (30 slots) so it is a tiny community, side chat is on, so you can laugh and talk with eachother and i had a good time. (like killing someone who walks through a door while your hugging the wall, and he can laugh about it. easy said)i am playing on the server Need4Beans. try it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charliedontsurf 10 Posted August 26, 2012 (edited) Private servers, which are all I play on these days, are beginning to be just as ravaged by hackers. It can be hard to narrow down just who is scripting so the admins even if present can't just start banning away.But yeah, private servers are great fun. The Memphis server starts you with a crossbow and 3 bolts which is a nice change and makes for hilarious PVP on the odd occasion. Having side chat open makes the Dayz community come alive for better or for worse and it makes it easier for people to help or prey upon each other. I've found a lower ratio of bandits and PVPers in general on private servers however which is a nice change. Edited August 26, 2012 by charliedontsurf Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bournesto33 21 Posted August 26, 2012 i am sick and fking tried of these threads already, i play, no problems Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VSnares 17 Posted August 26, 2012 ...everyone else who enjoys this game getting slaughtered by hacking female genitalia.>hacking female genitalia>hacking genitaliaSounds gross. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Veg Man 3 Posted August 26, 2012 Watching Oshi, Scariel, Squirrel and Fhropes' videos of dayz made me start playing dayz.But i agree, this hacking business is just getting ridiculous.Walking through Polana with my 5 man squad. Suddenly three helicopters appear from the north, not the huey choppers but the russian attack heli.They just shred us to pieces with the rocket pods - and this was on a 15 man server ffs.Think this cheating problem will only be solved when mod becomes stand alone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RECphantom 31 Posted August 26, 2012 the game(I'd say mod, but i bought arma for dayz) is still playable, but it's certainly not enjoyable. No sense in gearing up anymore, only thing semi-fun to do is pvp in elektro and cherno until the server gets nuked, which is usually about every 15 minutes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snaiperskaya 3 Posted August 26, 2012 havent read ur post fully (not even 20% lol) but i do still consider this game playable, even after playing it for a long long time (3 months now).all the tents disappearing bullshit, and glitches are there but i dont really mind thati like this game for what it isthere is nothing out there similar to dayz, and what is announced seems only to be a rip off with few credentials (referring to war z)ill wait for standalone and ill love that too :)edit: just found out who u really are,big fan :) respect sirstill think dayz is good :PI think he was talking about cheaters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdz (DayZ) 238 Posted August 26, 2012 i play, no problemsWell you wouldn't understand then, would you?That's like saying Cancer isn't bad because you haven't had to deal with anyone or yourself being affected by it 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sagemred 85 Posted August 26, 2012 (edited) Just encountered my worst hacking experience yet.I found a bus in Elecktro needing three wheels, engine parts and fuel. I immediately set of to find some of these things from the docks while my friend made his way down from above Kamyshovo. After about half an hour of runs to the dock due to lack of invent space, serious aggro and a close call with a (thankfully friendly) armed player in the church, my friend managed to find an old bike and made it to Elecktro. At this point, we only needed one more wheel before we had our first vehicle in-game (after many, many hours). Walking towards the dock for the last time, everyone in the server gets dropped from the sky.Okay, so that pissed us off, but we thought we'd spawn in to see if we could spawn close enough to grab a wheel and drive the bus away. I spawned in Cherno and my friend spawned in Elecktro. At this point, things didn't seem so bad. It got better when I found one last car wheel in the docks of Cherno, so I began to run towards Elecktro. As I was approaching Cap Golova, my friend says he hears shots very close to him (which is strange considering everybody was just dropped from the sky, but we figured maybe they found a weapon by this point). A couple of minutes later, my friend comes out of hiding and sees the player who got shot. Completely unarmed. So at this point, we knew we had to be careful because someone was shooting unarmed players. Soon enough, my friend sees some guy in a ghillie suit with a sniper get in the bus we were trying to fix up. The guy then gets out of the bus and shoots my friend who is also unarmed.At this point, I was just entering Elecktro. I could see the church, but did not have line of sight with it at all. All of a sudden, an AS50 shot hits me and I'm dead. (So he was probably teleporting to players who got near it too, because he couldn't have seen me from where the bus was.)So, as a tl;dr, I figured this guy in the ghillie suit saw the bus in Elecktro, dropped everyone in the server from the sky so he could get it, killed unarmed players who got near it when they respawned, and completely ruined one of my best DayZ moments so far.It's just fucking pathetic. It's not like he couldn't have spawned his own bus or something... Edited August 26, 2012 by nfsmwbefast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oshi7 365 Posted August 27, 2012 I really like playing DayZ, but knowing its only a matter of time before I get killed by a cheater and, even if I don't, knowing that no one goes North any more because of the surplus of weapons... its just saddening. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sakeoe (DayZ) 115 Posted August 27, 2012 I consider this mod an Alpha... not even a beta, do you guys understand what that means ? you are not playing a finished game, you are playing a mod that it's in construction and as such there are major bugs, glitches and security holes that gives hackers the possibility to exploit them. The hacking going rampart it's a fallout of the mod's success and until the mod is fully finished or the standalone version is released don't expect things to change, game development takes years and you people expect updates every week ? most of the replies I read on this topic follow the same pattern of treating the mod as a finished game.Stop treating the game as a finished product and start treating is as what it is, an Alpha that is still in development.lol at the Alpha stuff.I'm also in the Forge Alpha and i've never heard of hackers in it, also the amount of bugs and other problems are practically non existant there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 80 Posted August 27, 2012 I think you guys out to get a private server and invite some of your subs to play on it. That way you can control the skiddies, and have a decent environment to mess around in. I doubt getting donations for it would be difficult. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingRedemax 15 Posted August 27, 2012 Hacker's killing fresh spawns now...wow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chimaera 68 Posted August 27, 2012 We had an encounter with one recentlyOur team were camped round a fuel station waiting to relieve someone of the burden of having a vehicle :PAnyway this dude appears at the station and starts walking directly for one of our squads, firing commenced he got 5 aS50 to the head and quite a few DMR in the back and just kept on coming unharmed we had to abort in the end before he killed us all.And NO we dont make a habit of that we normally fight to the death, but whats the point of fighting a cheater, you arnt going to win Share this post Link to post Share on other sites